Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Huge crowds of angels moved into this house church today, grouped around the tabernacle and above all around the Father Symbol, floating into the living room and beyond. They moved in and they moved out. They also moved outside in all four directions up to the roof with the cock above the house church. The flocks of angels could not be counted. The nine choirs of angels sang the 'Glória in exélsis Deo'. The altar of Mary, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph were also surrounded by angels.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will, who has made the total surrender and who has given Me her will. I speak through her in the full truth and nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, I, the Heavenly Father, want to tell and announce to you today something very special, namely My full truth.

You, My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and followers, already lie in the complete truth. You not only hear my truth, but obey it in its entirety - in its entirety I have said. You leave nothing out.

My beloved ones, is it right that so many are falling away, that apostasy continues to advance? Is this possible where I, your Heavenly Father, through My instrument and daughter Anne, scatter My truth into the whole world? Can anything about these words that My little one says not be in the truth? Can there be any evil in it? No - never! For I, the heavenly Father, say the words first, "I, the heavenly Father, speak," and no one else will be able to speak. Even if My Heavenly Mother speaks, there will never be anything of evil!

Yes, My beloved ones, already 49 persons have followed My truth. I have made it known to all people that I, the Heavenly Father, speak the truth again and again through My instrument and daughter Anne, and My little flock obeys these truths completely. The others are my followers. They too hear and obey everything. Yes, these 49 people follow the whole truth. They perceive with Me, the Heavenly Father, the Sacrament of Penance, as I have offered it to them and to all. And absolution is granted by My beloved priest son in Göttingen according to My wish and will. He gives it by telephone, because otherwise the confessional secret would be violated. 30 persons, My beloved ones, of the 49, make a covenant of love and loyalty every month. They also promise additionally that they will put this lawn cross desired by me in order again through prayer and sacrifice. Much is in disarray there. Why, My beloved ones? Because my brotherhood of Peter intervened there and many followed these words. Unfortunately they did not obey my wish and will, which can only lie in the truth.

I am still waiting for many others who will also convert completely and receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance from Me. In addition, My beloved ones, I had to separate you who followed My words from My Pius and Peter Brotherhood who slander, persecute and expel from their chapels My messengers appointed by Me. Is this right, my beloved ones, to expel My messengers in anger and not to allow My beloved priestly son, appointed and chosen by Me, in these chapels, as your district superior has ordered? He commands also you, my beloved brotherhood, not to believe in My messages which I am pouring out through My willing instrument, but to reject them in their entirety, to despise them and to slander them. This is what your authorities wish!

Is that right, My beloved Pius Brotherhood? Didn't your founder, Marcel Lefebvre, sacrifice everything - everything and even let himself be excommunicated? Why? Because he fought for My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Sacrificial Feast. He fought and did not give up until his death! What did he fight against? Against the authorities and against the Supreme Shepherd. He stood against him in truth and continued to proclaim the truth and to obey it.

And you, My Pius brothers, are you still walking in the footsteps of your founder? No! you follow the Supreme Shepherd, Pope John XXIII; did My beloved Supreme Shepherd, Marcel Lefebvre, also celebrate this sacrificial banquet after 1962, - did he really do it or are you subject to deception? It is a single lie, My beloved Pius Brotherhood, which you give out into the world. It does not correspond to my truth! He has only celebrated My only Holy Sacrificial Feast in the full truth according to Pius V. And that - only that - corresponds to the truth! You want to proclaim the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass after 1962 as the truth and the only sacrificial banquet, and do you still want to do and obey everything truthfully? No, My beloved ones! I will sweep you away! You will be no more, and those who have passed over to My side want to split now. So it is my wish. They want to split off and follow the Truth, those who are in accordance with My desire and will and My heavenly plan.

And what about My fraternity of Peter? They obey modernism completely. That is to say, they listen to the destroyed church that My Supreme Shepherd proclaims. Everything is a lie, everything is deception and Masonic! You know this, My beloved brotherhood of Peter. And in spite of everything you continue to persecute my messengers and push them out and continue to slander them.

You have also hindered My Lawn Cross. It is My Lawn Cross! I created it and not you. You cannot decide on the purchase, but I alone will be there to make known to you the truth. I will also sweep you away! You will see it. For whoever is disobedient to the Heavenly Father cannot lie in the truth. Turn back and again I tell you, turn back! You still have a little time until the event, but then it will come! In great omnipotence I will rule over this world and I will completely lay many countries in ruins! Do you also want to belong to it, My Peter and Pius Brotherhood? Consider where you stand and what you do and whether you proclaim the truth or not and whether you are already standing on the left side, on the opposite side, which has distanced itself from me, the heavenly Father. Do you want to lead people further astray and confusion?

All must be atoned for, My beloved followers. Repent, pray and sacrifice especially for these two brotherhoods, because they have done terrible things to Me. It is an abomination where they stand.

I had intended you, My beloved Pius Brotherhood, for the New Church, because the present Church was sold by the Supreme Shepherd to the Interreligion. Can it be possible, My beloved ones, that My Supreme Shepherd, the late Pope, was allowed to kiss the Koran? Is this in the truth? Is that love? Does that mean the Catholic Church? Those who lie in the Mohammedan faith kill My Christians! Their own people murder them, who want to accept the catholic faith! They are brutally slaughtered! Can one then, My beloved ones, still kiss the Koran as the chief shepherd? Did he make a confession to Me, the Heavenly Father, with it? With this he said that the Catholic Church is no longer Catholic, but that it belongs to all religious communities. In every religion the catholic faith can be found. That is how generally he proclaimed Catholicism.

And now, My beloved ones, this church of modernism is completely destroyed and it has even been sold. And you, where are you, my believers? Still in modernism? Do you too want to run through the streets like burning torches? For I will judge you one day and will ask you, "Whom have you served? To modernism or have you lived my truth? What have you done? Have you witnessed Me? Have you lived by the one and only Catholic faith? Have you not only heard My words, but have you also obeyed them in their entirety? Then you must confess: "No, Heavenly Father in the Trinity, we have not obeyed. And I will say: "Get away from me, for I do not know you! You are an abomination to me!"

This is hard, My beloved ones, how I must now proceed in My justice. It is bitter for Me, the Heavenly Father, to see where My beloved children stand. My creation, the whole universe is a chaos. You have destroyed everything. Only a very small part of the Catholics still follows My truth, hears My words and follows them immediately. And this small part will mean the New Church!

My Son Jesus Christ in My little daughter Anne is still suffering. My Son still suffers the New Church and also the New Priesthood in it! Why? Because this modernist church can no longer exist. It has no foundation. She has nothing, My beloved ones, where I can build up what is still in the truth! Up to the Supreme Shepherd, the Freemasons have used their power. And the Chief Shepherd? Does he obey Me or the Masonic powers? He has completely abandoned himself to Freemasonry by selling the Catholic Church to Interreligion.

What about My messengers and My messengers, My beloved believers? They too are pushed out despite me having appointed and chosen all to scatter my truth, my full truth, into the world so that still many can turn back and do not remain in confusion and in erroneous faith. The catholic church has been completely destroyed and is dissolving!

I love you, My beloved ones, I cannot say anything else but that I love you - immeasurably love that you remain in My truth and follow My words and My truths and My plan in its entirety! I bless you now in truth, love and faithfulness with all angels and saints, especially with My beloved Heavenly Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Beloved, praised and glorified be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.


