Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, innumerable hosts of angels from all four directions entered this house church. They first grouped themselves around the tabernacle and moved back and forth. Many angels were also to be seen around the altar of Mary, especially around the Blessed Mother. They sang the 'Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus'.

The heavenly Father will speak: I, the heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through my willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, whom I have chosen, who fulfills my will only and speaks the truth in its entirety according to my words and not according to her wishes. She lies in the full truth and nothing is out of her.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved little flock and My flock who obey My Son Jesus Christ in the following completely. They are my followers and they will continue to obey me.

My beloved Pius Brotherhood, I would like to address you today, because you stand at the abyss. My little one has had to make atonement for you today because these wicked deeds you commit are increasing and not decreasing. More and more malicious it resounds from your mouth. I, the Heavenly Father, want to put a stop to you. Why, My beloved Pius Brothers? Because you obey Evil, because you belong to Freemasonry, because Evil has entered into you. Do you not feel it, my beloved Pius brotherhood, that you announce untrue faith, namely untruth?

How many times have I admonished you through My beloved little one whom you do not want to acknowledge. Can she ever speak from herself? Can she ever be confused as you title her in your monthly magazine? Is that possible? She only repeats words. Nothing is out of her. Your worst abomination is that you do not believe in Me, the Heavenly Father.

You know very well that this My messenger, My seer and prophetess can have nothing out of herself. Over 6,000 pages for seven years she has proclaimed in truth. In the full truth and in its entirety it has followed everything. Never will a seer and prophetess be able to proclaim these words, which she is to put on the Internet according to my wish. She can neither be confused nor can she get this from her own memory. She would not only have to be intelligent, but also a genius. And then she would not be in the truth, because I, the Heavenly Father, wish that she remains in humility and does not become proud like you, my beloved Pius Brotherhood and Peter Brotherhood. You have succumbed to pride and arrogance. You believe that only you have the wisdom.

What about your excommunication? Have you had them picked up by this modernist Holy Father, the Vicar of My Son on earth, who lies in complete untruth and has sold the Catholic Church to Interreligion? He continues to cultivate modernism, namely the communion am Volksaltar. Can this be in truth when he proclaimed this Motu Proprio? No! Can this Motu Proprio be right without ex cathedra? No! Can this sacrificial banquet after 1962 lie in truth? No! Didn't your founder Marcel Lefebvre offer his life to celebrate, according to Pius V, this Holy Sacrificial Feast that he canonized? He himself wanted it that way and never stood at the people's altar and never celebrated a meal fellowship, nor did he perform this holy sacrificial meal after 1962. But you announce this untruth in your monthly booklet. You will be deceived. Why? Because you follow this Supreme Shepherd.

At first you had realized that he had entered the synagogue after your dialogue. So you started a night of atonement, and that was right and good. Can you now still believe this chief shepherd when he has sold the church? How much have you already recognized of the Supreme Shepherd that is not in the truth. And yet you obey this supreme shepherd. Can this still be the truth?

Why do you attack My messengers, My messenger Anne publicly and demand of this Chief Shepherd that he should forbid this? Would that be possible, My beloved Pius Brotherhood?

My beloved believers, wake up at last. This Pius brotherhood is not in the truth. These Holy Masses are no longer valid. Know ye not how many iniquities and wickedness come out of their mouth, and how they misinform the believers, lead them astray, even into confusion?

I must sweep you away, my beloved Pius Brotherhood, whom I had chosen to support this Supreme Shepherd in truth and never to believe in falsehood. Why did you not follow Me, the High Priest, the dearest heavenly Father in the Trinity? Why did you not recognize it although I have enlightened you in everything through My Messages? They are My messages and it is the messenger appointed by Me who could never proclaim falsehood.

To what extent must I still inform you that you recognize the Truth and that you do not continue to obey Freemasonry? It is blind obedience! Have you lost your minds? Have you completely lost your mind? How many times have I enlightened you. How often have I admonished you to finally take the last step, namely to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V. You know that it was canonized and could not be changed! No iota and no dash may be changed by it! And you did it. You have followed evil.

How I longed for your hearts, for your erring hearts and wanted to lead them into the truth, but you did not follow Me, but you still believe today that My messenger Anne can proclaim these words. Why are you so lost? The Heavenly Father speaks to you! A messenger can never do this. She suffers and is also a soul of atonement for you. How often has she atoned for you, for your iniquities and your wickedness.

My beloved little flock, now I turn to you and want to thank you for wanting to buy this house I have planned for you without hesitation. Until the purchase contract is signed, I do not want to give the place and the new address. You have covered these costs from inheritances. It was my wish that this money should first go into the lawn cross. But the brotherhood of Peter, which is not in the truth, has prevented this. And that is why I will also sweep them away because they do not lie in the truth and obey this chief shepherd completely. They deny the truth and are completely lost and blinded.

Yes, My beloved children, My beloved little flock, five years you have spent in this apartment and five years you have had to do without quite a lot. But you have gone this hard way. Now I will give you gifts, rich gifts with the house and also with the furniture for which you have the financial means. Your money is my money. You own nothing. I will arrange everything for you and will go with you to buy this furniture. It will not go according to your wishes, but according to my wishes. Always pay attention to these wishes, because you get scents.

How much I still want to save the fraternities that are not in the truth. But all say a constant no to me. All have been enlightened by me, the heavenly Father, and they do not recognize the truth. Full of bitterness, My Mother and I in the Trinity look upon these errant brotherhoods, these errant monasteries. Do you believe, My beloved Pius Brotherhood, that this sisterhood you have founded lies in truth? Will they also not know the truth like you? No! Some I will toast. They will then follow my wishes, and they will leave with you, the oblates, because they want to live the truth in its entirety. They not only want to hear My words, but also to obey them, as today's reading says.

And now, My beloved little flock, My followers, I want to bless, love, send you in full truth and in love and faithfulness, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to me, my beloved little flock and my following!

My beloved little flock will be back in Wigratzbad on June 14th. You will see them. They will go there according to my wish, because they alone lie in truth. I will lead and guide them. Especially My Heavenly Mother and your mother will protect them from all the evil that is still rampant there. I love you, I love you immeasurably! Amen.


