Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Feast of Ascension.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. A conspicuous group of angels was again present in the house church in Göttingen today. They were grouped around the tabernacle cross of Jesus Christ, around the tabernacle, around the Father symbol and especially around the altar of Mary. The child Jesus wore a crown even today. The crown of the Mother of God sparkled in radiant gold. Our Lady's dress was set with many glittering diamonds.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will, who transferred her will to Me as My priestly son. My little one, you will be able to repeat My words as I speak them. I will ease your pain, not take it away.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers from near and far, My beloved small flock and also small flock, you lie in the full truth. You will first be sent the Holy Spirit. Today, on this Feast of My Son Jesus Christ, on which He ascended into heaven to Me the Heavenly Father to be glorified by Me, the great suffering that He endured on earth was ended. The great work of redemption is over. Now rejoicing and joy has broken out in heaven. With the sound of the trumpet I have received My Son Jesus Christ into heaven. And you, my little one, were allowed to taste this in ecstasy.

But you will have to atone further, especially on this day, as I have foretold you, for My priestly son. Atonement, my little one, atonement! Help that he may once experience the glory in my heaven, because otherwise he will sink into the eternal abysses. Until today he has not converted, and that is immeasurably sad for me, the Heavenly Father. I overthrew him through the diocese of Augsburg. This has now become truth, what I have foretold. But does one recognize my truth at my place Wigratzbad? No! One adapts oneself to human conditions and does not move in the supernatural sphere. Of course you want to explain everything.

My son was taken up into heaven today. He was transfigured. And what about His and our mother, the mother and queen of victory? She was quite sad, but that is why My Son Jesus Christ transfigured her and made her equal to the angels, so that she alone can bear this suffering on earth, because My Son Jesus Christ was taken up into heaven by Me, the Heavenly Father. I, too, was not able to see this suffering of my mother. I had to transfigure her. And in this transfiguration she lived until she was taken up into heaven. Console them, My children, especially you, My children of Father and Mary! Comfort her and stand by her, your Heavenly Mother, who must witness so much suffering on this earth, because she looks at the earth and appears in so many places under various invocations. At this place Wigratzbad as Mother and Queen of Victory and as the Immaculate Received.

Will these words of the mother and queen of victory be followed up? No! Not even these priests in this place acknowledge that My Son Jesus Christ with His Heavenly Mother will appear quite soon. The second coming is foretold and it will not take place in millions of years, as this priest from K-TV publicly announces it and thus leads men astray, but it is the truth that is written in my words of Scripture. These will be fulfilled and very soon I will let my Son and my Heavenly Mother appear in the cloudy sky at the place Wigratzbad.

You, My beloved little flock, you threesome, will be there in Wigratzbad and pour out many graces through your presence and through your atonement, because as you know, the evil one is still raging there. You will be there every atonement day and atone at night - on June 25th for the village of Heroldsbach and on June 18th for the village of Wigratzbad. Do not be sad that you spend so many nights in prayer, but recognize this great happiness that you are allowed to atone. Your atonement weighs very much. It is important and unavoidable because so many priests are falling away.

How do I look at My beloved clergy, at the episcopate They all err, even the chief shepherd. Must I not be sad on this day as Heavenly Father? Although you are celebrating this great feast, I am sad. But you are my happiness and my comfort. I rejoice in you. And I thank you for the many sacrifices you keep making, including yesterday's exorcism. Many wicked you, or rather, My priestly son, have been allowed to cast out in My name.

Yes, My beloved ones, become more serene and calm so that you may fulfill all the desires and plans that are in My will. It is not easy for you to always keep this calm. I acknowledge that.

My beloved ones, through you the New Church will be born. Isn't that something overwhelming? You cannot understand it, you cannot fathom it, you cannot comprehend it, so great is what is happening through you. That is why I must correct you again and again.

Also all the messages to My director are completely true. But one does not believe them. That is why, my beloved little one, these messages are sent into the world so that one recognizes what my truths mean and that one must fulfill them.

What I have said in the Messages and proclaim to the whole world is completely in accordance with My full truth. You cannot mitigate this and you cannot take it away. No word is from you, My beloved little one, but everything is from the Heavenly Father. Pay no attention to other people who do not want to believe this, because the evil one is at work. All is truth and all is grace.

Have you not recognized, My beloved believers in Wigratzbad, what is happening there, what is happening in the diocese of Augsburg? Do you still believe in this director who had to leave? He did not throw in the towel by himself, - no - he had to go! He was asked by his diocese of Augsburg to leave because his many transgressions were rampant. Have I not warned him enough through My Messages that he may turn back? But full of pride he has left this place, and still he lies in the lie.

Suffer, My beloved little one for him! Suffer and console me, because I, the Heavenly Father, must bear the greatest suffering through him and many other priests, who also thwart my desire and my will! Often I have to devise a new plan because people do not want to obey me.

You, My beloved ones, remain brave and secure and remain in firmness and practice obedience completely, for I love you immeasurably! Through you the New Church will rise in full glory. Do not ask how this is to happen, but believe more deeply and firmly, for you cannot understand it. I, the Heavenly Father, have conceived My full plan and it will become truth through you if you want to continue to walk My difficult and stony path in its entirety, the difficult Way of the Cross of My Son. He will weigh on you, and he will demand many heavy sacrifices from you.

Remain in truth, for you are protected by many, many angels, whom My Heavenly Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory, the Immaculate, will call down on you! Amen. And so I bless you in the Trinity, especially on this high feast, with all angels and saints in full glory, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Become strong and brave, stay brave and stay in the footsteps of your way, your way of the cross! Amen.


