Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. We, the Children of Mary, have re-entered the Cenacle of the Blessed Mother today. She has put a lot of angels at our side because she knows that we need them a lot in this last stage. She is not only the queen of the angels, but she will always bring her down on us, because we need to be protected more in this tribulation, above all from the powers of evil. That is why I have seen many angels, especially today at the altar of Mary and also during the Cenacle at the altar of sacrifice.

Our Lady will speak today at Her Cenacle: I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, am speaking to you today on this day of My Cenacle through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will, who only repeats His words, today words from Me.

My beloved faithful, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock and herd, yes, today on this day of the Cenacle, I, your dearest Mother, will greet you in the Pentecost Hall and ask for streams of graces from the Trinitarian God I am the great intercessor of heaven and earth, and I am also the mother and queen of victory. The victory will be certain for you, My beloved children of Mary. But I still have much to tell you before the great event that the Heavenly Father will announce comes down on all of you.

Have I not promised you, My beloved little flock and followers, that you will always be under the protection of Heaven? Do not ask how it will happen that you will continue to stand in the protection of heaven. You would never be able to explain it to yourselves and you would certainly ask: "How is this going to happen? I, your dearest mother, too, have asked: "How is this to happen, that the great God, the Son of God, is to be born in Me? Also I could not explain to myself what the angel Gabriel announced to me. But what did I say? - Yes! I have spoken My Fiat: "May it be done to me according to Your word. And so you, too, my beloved children of Mary and also father children, are to say a full yes and not ask for it.

Go into your homes, there you will be protected, for the tribulation will come in great measure.

Only one Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the one celebrated after the Holy Father, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, Pius V, lies in the full truth. Only this sacrificial meal you shall follow. In addition, I demand of all priests who celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast, in the full truth in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, to also believe in My words. They are not the words of my daughter Anne, but words of heaven, which are announced through her and given to the Internet to believe in them, to read from them how firmness should look like.

Only if you are deeply trusted and surrendered in total surrender, will you be protected. But if you do not believe in the words of the Heavenly Father, you do not have full protection, not even if you celebrate the Holy Sacrifice in its entirety and in truth. For there is one thing you have then forgotten that My Son instituted the Holy Sacrificial Feast, and that is in the Tridentine Rite. It must lie entirely in the truth. The New Church that will be founded will be a Mystical Church. And if you reject the messages that contain the full mysticism, you reject the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

Therefore I warn you, beloved children of Mary and the Father, celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass only after Pius V and go to your homes, there you can lock yourselves up at 10:00 a.m. in the morning in the Holy Sacrifice Banquet, which My priestly son in full truth celebrates daily in Göttingen in his house church. You can receive communion spiritually. It has full validity. Separate yourselves immediately from the Fraternity of St. Pius and the Fraternity of St. Peter, because these Holy Masses, which the Heavenly Father has so far permitted to move these Fraternities to repent, are invalid. Separate yourselves from them. It is important!

You do not know where the way of your Heavenly Father leads, - you do not know, My beloved children of Mary. But as you know, the Heavenly Father will announce His hour Himself, because no one knows at this hour when the event will come - only He alone. Therefore trust in the Heavenly Father.

Yes, My beloved ones, you too will soon come to My place of grace Wigratzbad. Of course you are protected where the devil rages in full measure. I will protect you. Many people, especially pilgrims, will be moved to conversion through you. You will recognize: This is the truth of the heavenly Father and nothing else but the truth that you, my beloved little flock, live. You not only proclaim them, but you live them and no one will be able to dissuade you from them. Holiness lives in you and holiness goes with you through this pilgrimage place in Wigratzbad. You continue to walk the path of atonement, and you will continue to participate in the hour of mercy in the Chapel of Grace.

Yes, beloved children, I, your mother, will form and guide you in holiness, because you cannot know and recognize everything from the beginning. Again and again I have to lead you anew, because as you know, My beloved little one, the New Church is founded in you through My Son Jesus Christ, - suffered before all things. And you will never be able to understand that. You will continue to suffer, even today and tomorrow here in this place. Don't ask how this should happen and why it should be back and forth. I will not tell you because you do not understand, not because you are not allowed to know, but really because you do not understand. Your little mind will not be able to grasp it and neither will your heart.

Continue to love the Heavenly Father with all your heart and live, you My children, this faith and this deep trust that the Heavenly Father will give you especially at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will also come upon you, because I, as mother and bride of the Holy Spirit, will be allowed to pour Him out upon you in increased measure.

Yes, My beloved ones, this is how it will look like, and this is how it will be. May the love of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity always accompany you. And so I bless you today with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Continue to be protected! Feel loved and let the Holy Spirit flow over you. Amen.


