Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Whit Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today especially large flocks of archangels and angels moved into the house church in Göttingen. They hovered around the house and over the house at the same time.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne on this most holy Feast of Pentecost. She is entirely in My will and speaks only words from Me, that is, words from heaven.

Our dear Blessed Mother has received today the commission from Me to bring you, as Bride of the Holy Spirit, these tongues of fire. They were lit by the Holy Spirit during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. That is, My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and My beloved followers, that today you have been inflamed with this Holy Spirit. The fullness of the Holy Spirit has given you today the Bride of the Holy Spirit, the dear Mother of God. She has let them flow into your hearts. You have been imbued with this love of the Holy Spirit because you believe deeply and intimately. In the Bible it says: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. But whoever does not believe will be condemned." So it is, My beloved children.

Do you know the Bible, My beloved believers, My beloved brotherhoods, do you know the Bible or do you only look at it? Listening and following them, that is the full truth.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak again and again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. This is My distinctive mark. Never does this, My daughter, speak from herself. It remains a nothing and is in full humility. By this you can recognize the true messengers.

Above all I want to admonish you, beloved brotherhoods, look to the truth, to My full truth, and do not accuse these messengers. They are sent by Me. They are the complement of the Bible. Everything must be anchored in the Bible. You have to be able to reconcile everything with the Bible. When you hear these words of the messages and they do not agree with the Bible, they do not fully correspond to My truth. I am the love, the way, the truth and the life. Believe in it because the Holy Spirit will continue to teach you My words, the words of love, the words of hope and the words of all truth.

Look again and again at Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, at My Son on the Cross. Did He not give His life for you? Did He not ascend to Me in heaven? Has He not sent you today the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of love, the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of inner joy? Rejoice on this day of Pentecost and sing the Alleluia! These streams of truth are so strongly anchored in you today that nothing can upset you.

I ask you, My followers, above all, I ask you, My little flock, not only to hear this full truth, but to obey it in its entirety. There are some among you, My beloved elite of the Lawn Cross Group, who do not entirely conform to My will. If your relatives, your children and your friends want to turn you away from this my truth and at the same time lie in grave sin, separate yourselves from them immediately. This is my truth, which is in the Bible. Look into the Bible, it speaks the truth. The Holy Scripture cannot contain anything but the truth. Mt 19, 27-29.

And when I send My messengers, I send them in truth, in love and in humility. They will never be able to work from themselves if they belong to the mammon and receive large donations. You will recognize that quite fast because they do not correspond to my truth.

You have the discernment of spirits. The Holy Spirit will instruct you what you should speak and what you should answer at the holy place Wigratzbad. It remains My sacred place of grace and pilgrimage. But at the moment the evil one is working there. Therefore, My beloved children, My beloved little flock, I am sending you to this place to proclaim the truth there and not only to hear it, but you will pass on words of truth. They will be input to you. Above all, remain in serenity when you answer. I am giving you these words, for My place will be cleansed there. It lies in the full cleaning. You will recognize it.

Many I will still split off. Above all, my brotherhood of Peter, which no longer follows my words. On the contrary, they want to work themselves. They want to take power themselves and they want to obey their bishops. Is that right, My beloved ones? Is that still this one and only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? No, My beloved, she is not. You have already recognized it.

You go to this holy place in the company of the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow morning at 10.00 a.m. your journey begins. You are in the full protection of heaven. Develops no human fears. Everything is arranged, and everything will be arranged there as well, when you sign the sales contract. Do not be afraid of it. It is My desire and will and My plan.

You cannot recognize My plan and cannot fathom it. I cannot explain it to you, for you would not understand it. Your mind is not sufficient, because they are heavenly words and it is a heavenly plan.

Your dearest Heavenly Mother will continue to educate you and guide you in the truth. She is allowed to, because she is the mother of the church. She will cleanse with Me. With My Son Jesus Christ she will walk through the ranks in Wigratzbad. It all has to happen very quickly, because the warning and the big event will come very soon!

Only untruth, lie, power are offered to me. My chief shepherds and the chief shepherd have seized power. It is said of the chief shepherds: "They lie in the truth and they must listen to this church. Can this be the truth, my beloved believers, when all stray, when they announce the lie, pass on erroneous faith and are confused? Can you still believe then, when you act against each other: The chief shepherds against the chief shepherd and the chief shepherd against the chief shepherds? Back and forth it will go and no agreement will be reached. Why, My beloved ones? Because one does not correspond to my wish and will. This is My true message today on this most holy day of Pentecost.

Can my messenger Anne lie in falsehood? Can she be a false prophetess? Look into My messages! Do you not recognize that it is I, the heavenly Father, who wants to send you the Holy Spirit, and you contradict this Holy Spirit and do your will and still think that this is the truth. If you do not completely fulfill my will and the truth, you cannot get the spirit of truth. You are confused and lost. You cannot be believed unless you let the Spirit of Truth flow into you. If you proclaim and publicly spread the opposite, the lie, you sin against the Holy Spirit. And this is one of the most serious sins.

Make a penitent confession before My event comes, otherwise you will be condemned, as it is written in the Bible. Fire will fall from heaven and you will run through the streets like burning torches. This will contain the event. This event will begin with enormous lightning and thunder. By the sun, moon and stars you will know it, for they will change quite seriously.

I love you, My beloved children and I want to save you all, but everything is so hopeless for Me because you do not believe, because you do not love Me, and because you do not recognize Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, and do not obey My words. Longingly I look at you and yet I have lost you.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and followers, you lie in the true faith. Do not separate yourselves in any way where you cannot believe and do not want to believe. You can obey everything if you use your full will, because the purification has begun. Otherwise I must separate you from this grass cross group. She is dear and dear to me and she suffers, prays and sacrifices for this lawn cross, which you should acquire. This is my wish and will. Never can such a lawn cross, a cross in the lawn, arise without my will. You can recognize it, and you are to go there after the cleansing when I tell you. Only then can you accept your cross in all its fullness, - your cross, not the cross of another.

And so I bless you today on this feast day with the great trumpet sound of heaven, in special love, goodness, gentleness and faithfulness, with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. You will be loved from eternity. Thus I bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Look at My Heavenly Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, who is brightly illuminated today and who wants to give you her flames. The flames of love pour it out over you and it shines in full splendor. It could not look more beautiful than today.


