Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, June 13, 2011

Whit Monday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the Blessed Mother was very beautiful. Even more beautiful than yesterday. She once again communicated to us the tongues of the Holy Spirit. She was also allowed to bring them to this place Wigratzbad to pour out this Holy Spirit. The little baby Jesus moved during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The little king of love sent the rays to the baby Jesus. The Holy Archangel Michael was brightly illuminated and again struck his sword in all four directions. The dear Mother of God blessed us during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Father symbol shone in golden splendor and flooded the whole holy room.

The Heavenly Father will speak again today on this second day of Pentecost: My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, you who want to fulfill My will and My plan completely, you who want to fulfill My will and My plan completely, I want to bless you today at the farewell of My little flock. You are to remain My followers, therefore fulfil all My words which I want to continue to give you through My messenger Anne, so that you may be fully informed when the warning and the event comes.

My dearest Heavenly Mother will accompany you on this difficult path. That is why put aside all human fears and completely fulfill my will. You have the fear of God and not the fear of man. The fear of God is important, My beloved followers, My small flock and My small band.

Today, on this day, I have sent you once more the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and strength, of knowledge and piety and the gift of the Lord's fear.

You are blessed, protected and loved when you go this long way. The angels will accompany you today, they will show you the way and protect you. It is a strenuous trip. Your cars are filled with many suitcases and equipped with many things you need for your new home. Therefore drive carefully. You will be protected during the whole time of your existence in Wigratzbad. You will lack for nothing. Therefore, take the complaints in this present apartment once again on you.

I, the Heavenly Father, would like to thank you today, on this second day of Pentecost, for having stood so long - five years - in this dwelling. It was not easy for you, because you were rejected in this house where you have endured for so long. Hang in there and take these hardships, which come to meet you there, on you as sacrifice and atonement for the priests in Wigratzbad. As you know, they do not fulfill my will and my plan. That is why I must call something heavy down on these priests.

Comfort Me, for in My heart it is difficult to be so severe as the Father of heaven. I want to save them and not judge them. I am the Merciful Father, but I am also the just Father.

All must be atoned for, My beloved little one, which you have endured in your suffering here in Göttingen. You will also suffer and atone there in My place Wigratzbad, the place of My mother. You will often be bedridden and suffer many pains as atonement because My Son Jesus Christ will suffer the New Church and the New Priesthood in this place, which you will not understand. The suffering will be great and you will sometimes be very depressed. This is My Son Jesus Christ who causes sadness in you. He is very, very sad about everything that is happening in the world today. I always give people new chances and want to build them up, but they do not believe me.

Also there in Wigratzbad is not believed. Do you not think that this will be very difficult for Me, as Heavenly Father? How many gifts did I give out through you there? How many atonements have you gone daily. Now I have to let something heavy come over this place so that it will be cleansed and corresponds to my wish and will. The purification is carried out through severe suffering, through heavy crosses.

My Lawn Cross was also rejected by them. You should acquire it through My financial means, not through your means. Everything is a gift. Nothing belongs to you. You are My tools and nothing more. Remain in humility and remain secure in my love.

The Heavenly Father has put this house at your disposal. It does not belong to you, but to me. These inheritances, which you were allowed to receive, are My gifts. Believe in it and give thanks that I am giving you such a gift as thanks for your perseverance.

On Saturday, June 18th, you will begin the atonement night there in Wigratzbad in the Church of Atonement and atone for several hours. Only the atonement in this church of atonement is important and allowed for you. Nothing more!

I would like to announce to everyone that on Saturday, June 25th, there will be the big atonement night in your house chapel in Wigratzbad/Opfenbach. You will atone all night - especially for the priests who will not follow me.

For My Chapel of Grace in Wigratzbad I have chosen you to call down My mercy there, too, in the hour of mercy, so that I can exercise My mercy more, because My justice looks different. Repent and pray there in this place!

Also in your house chapel, atone in every hour of adoration daily at 7:00 p.m. Furthermore, the Holy Sacrificial Feast is also celebrated there for all believers at 10.00 a.m. in all reverence. Before at 9.30 am the rosary is prayed. Anyone can lock themselves in.

Today you will start your journey at 10.00 a.m. and you will say goodbye to this house church in Göttingen. My beloved little Dorothea will stay here at this place in Göttingen and will be able to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass daily by telephone, as well as the Adoration in the evening at 7 pm. You too, hold on, because it will not be easy for you. You will receive many things over the phone that will make your heart heavy. Go to My dearest Mother. She will comfort you and stand by you. Everything is My plan, everything is My providence. Think of it all!

The warning will come quite soon for everyone. You are protected, my beloved ones, - also my following and my small flock.

I will also clean the lawn cross group. Not everyone will endure in this heavy cross and suffering of My Son Jesus Christ. It is the cross of the grass cross group. And that is important! There once and very soon, the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ is to take place. Believe in it! I can make everything possible, even if the diocese of Augsburg will forbid it. Furthermore, many priests will be overthrown there.

You will know the truth of my messages because I take seriously, as I have announced it several times in my messages. It is the warning for all those who could not believe. That is why now My wishes and My messages, which were always of importance, are fulfilled, because My little one does not speak from Himself, but I, the great Heavenly Father in the Trinity, speak. Everything is truth! Everything is fate! Everything is providence!

I love you beyond all measure and will always be with you, especially on this second day of Pentecost. I bless you now in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, who is especially adorned as a bride today, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May all angels accompany you: Cherubim and seraphim may be around you and protect you from all evil, especially the Holy Archangel Michael. Amen.


