Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Feast of the Blessed Trinity.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göritz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, the symbol of the Blessed Trinity was particularly brightly lit and the gold sparkled in a bright glow. The rays around the trinity symbol became longer and longer. Three beams of light emanated from the Holy Spirit, from God the Father and from God the Son. In addition, during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, this Trinity symbol was once again illuminated especially brightly and a single broad ray of grace went into this house chapel and flooded us. The whole altar of Mary shone in bright splendor. Many angels had moved into the house chapel in Göritz, which was soon moved to another part of the village, and grouped around the tabernacle. The Queen of the Rosary of Göritz will move into our new house. The mantle of the Blessed Mother was littered with many shining diamonds. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus. Jesus pointed to His loving heart and connected it to the burning heart of the Blessed Mother. They became a great firebrand of love.

Praised and blessed be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! Praised and glorified be the Most Holy Trinity! Amen.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her!

My beloved believers, I would also like to address you today on the occasion of the patronage celebration of this house chapel in Opfenbach/Göritz. She was wanted by me. This precious symbol of the Trinity was also selected, ordered and bought by me. Nothing are your wishes, My beloved threesome here in Göritz and My beloved foursome in Göttingen. Today the house chapel is connected with the house church in Göttingen. These rays of grace also go over from the Blessed Trinity to Göttingen, in order to give this place the rays of grace in particular, since it is a sinful Göttingen. I, the Heavenly Father, will work there despite everything.

My beloved faithful, today is a very special feast, namely that one God works in three persons, and that there is only one God in three persons in the true, only, holy, catholic and apostolic faith. Only this one church is really the true church. Unfortunately, My Supreme Shepherd has sold this My Catholic Church to the inter-religious communities. She is no longer catholic. She is one among many. Therefore, My beloved little flock, celebrate today on your patron saint's feast in this house chapel especially this feast. It should become effective for the place of grace Wigratzbad near Opfenbach.

My beloved ones, today I want to pour special graces on you, because again and again you will take this path of atonement at the place of grace of My beloved mother and the graces will flow out. The Holy Spirit works through you. Many things must and will change there. Yes, I still have to clean this pilgrimage place Wigratzbad and this brotherhood of Peter. Some priests there I have already swept away, as predicted. The colonels have already left. Some will still have to go because I, the Triune God, was not loved and did not follow me and my instructions. My wishes have been contradicted to a great extent. These are serious sacrileges committed against the Holy Spirit. I will extinguish them if one continues to disobey my will.

Beloved little flock, beloved little flock and beloved followers, pray, atone and sacrifice, for this purification hurts Me in My Divine Heart. It causes me agony because I have to sort out many who do not want to follow me completely, who do not live in my full truth and do not testify to the true faith.

Also the grass cross group, My beloved ones, as much as it hurts Me, I must continue to clean. Here at this place Wigratzbad I already had to remove one from the grass cross group. I have led him in holiness for a very long time, and he has long lived according to My will. At first he remained in the whole truth and made many sacrifices to me. I acknowledge that. But then, My beloved ones, it swayed and unfortunately fell away. Doesn't that have to hurt My Divine Father Heart very much? Was I not always a good and loving father to him? And now I have to see how his soul moves away from me and speaks to the evil one. Everything I have given him as Heavenly Father. I have showered him with gifts of grace, but unfortunately he has become wavering.

This grass cross group means for me the elite in faith, in strength, in firmness and loyalty. Still some will not fully comply with my will. Do not be afraid, My beloved ones, if this group becomes less. Because it depends on the firmness and the faithfulness. I want to form whole personalities from it. Individuals should be. Unique personalities who do not follow the stream, the broad stream and swim with it. They are to correspond completely to my wish and will. This means sacrifice and atonement.

Dear little flock, I thank you that you continue to be and remain steadfast. You have proven it in these last days. Much came to you, - almost too much. But believe me, my beloved ones, I must demand very much of you, - I, the heavenly Father, since I want to strengthen you in faithfulness. You shall form the tribe, the tribe of the New, Unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Can you understand, my beloved ones, that My Son Jesus Christ will suffer the New Church in My little messenger and that He wants and wants to suffer the New Priesthood in this, My messenger? It corresponds to the will of the Trinity.

I, as Heavenly Father, watch over you, My beloved little one. You are weak, and you will not always be perfect. You have many weaknesses and try to fight your weaknesses. But you will not always succeed. I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen you from eternity. You, My willing instrument, will not stray in any way, because I, the Heavenly Father, will continue to guard you with all the angels and saints, - especially you, because you will be persecuted, you will be hostile and slandered like My Son Jesus Christ. They even crucified Him. He was the most innocent lamb. He bore all sins for you and was innocently crucified. He was scourged, and His blood has flowed for you, for you men, for the sins of all believers who believe in the words of heaven.

It depends on faith, my beloved ones. Faith and will must become one. If you do not believe, then I cannot receive you into eternal bliss. Only faith makes strong, not what you see and what is obvious, but what you do not see and understand, what you cannot fathom. This is the secret of the Most Holy Trinity.

The summit of the deity is the Most Holy Trinity. In this you believe and testify to this faith, because it is the only and true faith. The Seven Sacraments flow out of it and the Holy Sacrificial Meal of My Son Jesus Christ, in which you participate daily. This Holy Sacrificial Feast is the most precious gift I could transmit and give you. Not the meal fellowship, which is celebrated today in many churches and also still at my place Wigratzbad.

Believe Me, everything will happen according to My will. I am the Omnipotent, the Almighty and the Omniscient Triune God. Everything that does not lie in the truth I will sweep away, because very soon, my beloved ones, that will happen for which you atone and sacrifice. The warning will precede the big event. Some will still convert, but many, my beloved ones, will turn away from my Most Holy Trinity.

Continue to atone, sacrifice and pray so that many more souls can be saved. For this is your true way to want to save souls, to love, to sacrifice, to atone and to pray. You are the messengers. Believe in the truth! Proclaim them in full strength and hold nothing back, for the Holy Spirit will overflow you and speak out of you. Then it is not your words, but the words of the Holy Spirit that will be given to you if you remain calm and composed in a dispute. Remains then especially in the serenity.

And so I want to bless, love, protect and send you today in the Trinity with My beloved Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, especially with St. Joseph and with beloved Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The mother and queen will win! The Immaculate Heart of the Mother and Queen of Victory will soon win this triumph! Amen.

Praised and glorified be the Blessed Trinity forever and ever. Amen.


