Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Third Sunday after Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. On this Holy Sunday, the third Sunday after Pentecost, the octave day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, many angels again entered this house chapel and adored the Blessed Sacrament. The trinity symbol was brightly illuminated. The statue of the Heart of Jesus shone in golden and silver glittering light. Jesus Christ pointed to His burning heart of love. It connected with the burning heart of the Blessed Mother. Both hearts were fused into one heart.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, this Sunday, the octave day of the Heart of Jesus, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved small flock and small herd, today was again a feast day for you. Special graces were poured out on you, which emanated from the heart of Jesus.

Yes, My beloved ones, as you have heard in the reading, the wicked one goes about like a roaring lion and tries to devour what he can devour. But whoever gives himself completely to my will, the will of the heavenly Father, and in obedience fulfills his plan, he is protected and the wicked man does not dare to approach him. Full protection is assured to him, because the Holy Archangel Michael and especially your dearest Mother of God will keep the evil one away.

But many, my beloved ones, will still oppose my will. They invent excuses so that they do not quite have to fulfill my will. They do not live in the full truth. That is why I must separate them from you, as sorry as I am and as bitter as it is for me. Do not be sad about it, because remember that the Lawn Cross Group must be a special elite group of faith, - a solid tribe. Everyone must be able to hold on to this trunk, which means that they must be able to orient themselves on the models. Therefore I wish for a firm elite of faith.

It is not easy for you, My beloved ones, to continue on this difficult path, the Way of the Cross to Golgotha. But have I not assured you that I will always be with you, that your dearest Mother will accompany you on this difficult path and that she will carry your cross with her on this difficult path? Have I not promised you this? The angels will accompany you. Especially the Holy Archangel Michael will continue to keep evil away from you.

Yes, I must ask much of you, My beloved followers, who want to follow Me, My will and all My plan, the Divine Plan. I want to exclude all worldly things that could upset you. You are to be safe and secure in my will and my protection. But when the world approaches you, namely evil, you can ward it off with the help of your Heavenly Mother, but only then, My beloved ones, when you give yourselves completely to the will of your Heavenly Father in its entirety, that is, that you do not have contact with anyone who does not fulfill My plan in its entirety and separate yourselves from them.

Who do you prefer? Who do you love more? Your children or me? Can I not guide your children when you hand them over to Me or are they your property? Not at all, My beloved ones. Please understand this correctly. You raised them. You have done everything for them and I, the Heavenly Father and also your Heavenly Mother know that it is very difficult for you to part with them. But am I asking the impossible? I demand separation only when they do not lie in the truth, and when they do not want to go along with you on the path you have taken, the path of truth. Then they will hinder you on your way. But you want to continue on this path, because you have made this covenant of love and obedience.

I want to draw you more and more to My Divine Heart, because I love you. I want to give you many gifts of grace. But I cannot do that if you are hindered on your way. Please do not have any contact with people who live in the modernistic world. They could also hinder you.

This is not easy for you. Often you are all alone and separated from everyone. Everyone tells you no: "I'm not going this way!" Then you feel lonely and left alone. Do you think that your Heavenly Father does not know how you are doing? Then come to the father's heart, - to me. I will comfort you. I will be with you, and I will thank you that you have given me this willing yes and never want to break it. It is very difficult for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, if you fall away, if you do not keep this promise, because I have protected you in all loyalty and all love, in Divine Love. There you are safe, - only there, my beloved children.

I, the Heavenly Father, want to love you more and more and lead you to the loving Triune Heart. And you are to return my love as far as you are capable of it in your humanity. I will connect My Divine Love with your human love. Can you understand how this is supposed to happen. You cannot fathom it, but you will feel it in your heart that we have become one, just like the hearts of love. I have merged the Heart of My Heavenly Mother with My Divine Heart in Love. Only if you continue to give me a willing yes, then I will be able to accompany you.

And you, My little flock, stand firm! Become more and more steadfast in your trust in my love, in my ways! I am the light of the world, the true path that can never deviate. You will be led and guided. I am your center. Jesus Christ, the true King of Love, you receive and become one with Him in every Holy Mass of sacrifice. Isn't it something special to become one with this loving Heart of My Son Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, to be allowed to receive Him worthily with all the gifts of grace He gives you because He loves you, - loves without limits? Be ready for everything, My beloved children, for heavy sacrifices. I am with you in the tribulation. I'm not leaving you. Always remember this if the path seems too difficult for you.

My beloved little one, do not be afraid! It is a hard road and lonely road you are walking. If one after the other falls away, My beloved little one, you will suffer. Why? Because My Son Jesus Christ suffers in you. He suffers the New Priesthood and the New Church, which you will never understand. But surrender yourself to the will of My Son Jesus Christ. Surrender yourself to His love and connect your heart with Him. He comes to meet you.

And you, My beloved little flock, support My little one. It is not easy for you either to always stand firm, to suffer and to support.

My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, you accompany My little ones on this path. They will be supported by your firmness. You will strengthen and not slacken when you fulfill my will in its entirety.

I thank you all for your love, which you give to the Triune God, to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. I can only repeat: I love you, you My children, My beloved children, My darlings of faith!

And so I bless you in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pass the tests of suffering! It is only a short time here on earth to exist everything, but eternity always remains! It will never stop when you are allowed to see the glory of heaven once! Amen.


