Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fourth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Sacrificial Mass began and we prayed the rosary, angels from all four directions were already moving into this house chapel in Göritz. The tabernacle and above all the symbol of the Trinity were brightly illuminated and shone in golden splendor, as well as the statues of Christ and Mary, the Little King of Love, the Child Jesus and also the Holy Archangel Michael, Padre Pio, Saint Joseph and Mother Anne. From the tabernacle cross very special rays passed on to us today.

The Heavenly Father will speak on the fourth Sunday after Pentecost: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock and herd, I, the Heavenly Father, will again give you today instructions from heaven. You always receive these gifts of grace for the future time, which are to inform you, because as you know, the event is very near, which will come to you all. The warning that is to come is also just around the corner. But I, the heavenly Father alone, determine the hour when this event occurs. No one will be informed about it. It comes when nobody will think of it.

My beloved ones, above all My beloved believers, do not be misled, do not let yourselves be confused by the clergy of modernism. The clergy wants you to continue on this path, the path of deception, because they want to use their power and never take a step back to take back this second Vatican Council.

How much confusion has come over the people. Does Hand Communion really correspond to the whole truth, that even the faithful may take me, the Savior Jesus Christ, into their hands? Is this really the whole truth? This is demanded by the modernist priests, and the Supreme Shepherd also continues to distribute this communion as hand communion or has it distributed. He still agrees with it. He does not see that this continues to be a deception.

Can you then, My beloved ones, expect a rich catch of fish How many atonement souls have I sent and chosen to proclaim the truth, the whole truth, namely, my truth and my plan, which does not lead astray. I have a very special plan with you, My beloved believers, because as you know, there is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast and I desire that it be celebrated by holy priests, who are also sacrificial priests, in great reverence for the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, the Holy Eucharist.

Isn't that the most important thing, My beloved believers? Can you not see for yourselves that you continue to be led astray by your shepherds, chief shepherds, and ultimately by the chief shepherd?

Again and again people say: "You must listen to this church. Only then are you Catholic and allowed to call yourselves Catholic." Is this really the truth, the truth of the Triune God, if one denies Me, the highest God in the Trinity? When He is associated with other inter-religious communities and the true Catholic faith is ignored? Can this be true and correct? No, My beloved ones! Not at all can it include this one, true, Catholic faith. I wish you to acknowledge these messages that are being sent out into the whole world.

Would it be possible, My beloved ones, that My little messenger would be recognized by the Supreme Shepherd? Would that be possible? No! Then it would have to lie in modernism. But this does not correspond to the truth, because it announces my one, holy, Catholic Church through me, the heavenly Father, through the words of heaven. I always say: "Nothing is out of her!" When My messages go out into the world, nothing is out of it.

Why don't you read these My instructions carefully so that you are informed about My instructions, because I am the way, the truth and the life and you only come to the Father when you adore and worship Me, Jesus Christ in the Trinity. It is My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you have again experienced and celebrated today, that My priestly son here in Göritz has celebrated in all reverence and in truth, in the full truth, in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

Can you say that you celebrate the true sacrificial banquet when it is not celebrated according to Pius V? No! You can't. How many times have I told you to look into My messages! Read them carefully! Then you still have no questions. And I also do not want any questions that my messengers are to answer. Why? Because I, the Heavenly Father, speak through My messenger as a tool. Nothing is out of her! Do you want her to answer the questions? Would that be possible? Then my messages would not correspond to accuracy and truth. You are to take My messages seriously. Not only hear the words, but change yourselves, change in the sense that you follow My messages exactly.

Separate yourselves from your children only if they are not in the truth and do not live the true faith and if they are in grave sin. Only then shall you separate from them. Why, My beloved ones, is it so difficult for you to part with them? Why do you speak the untruth that My messenger forbids you to have contact with your children? Surrender your children to Me, the Heavenly Father and your dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother. She will lead them all alone. You will not have the power to guide them in truth. They have been taught in this confusion, and they are not informed about my instructions. Why? Because they do not want to read them. My messages go out into the whole world, and everyone who is interested in the true faith, the Catholic faith, will read them.

Almost 200,000 people have already used this Internet and they are distributing My Messages, not Anne's Messages. She remains the tool, My tool, My willing tool! It suffers, it suffers for the entire clergy, which continues to mislead the people, the believers. And Jesus Christ himself suffers in her. What torment it causes for them themselves when my Son Jesus has to suffer in her because men want to remain in this confusion if they do not humbly acknowledge the true Catholic faith and want to live it. That alone is important and it is the truth.

Do you still believe that My little one can be a self-proclaimed visionary and could also have a rich imagination? Would that be possible after thousands of pages of My instructions? For seven years already she makes herself available, and she wants to do nothing else but to shout out my truths into the world. She continues to make herself available as the soul of atonement. Every day she suffers and nothing becomes too much for her. Every day she continues to give me her ready "yes" to her suffering, to her many difficulties and to the many great and many works she is doing. Can you imagine how hard it is to keep saying this ready "yes" to me? "Yes Father, I only want to do Your will and even if it often seems too difficult, I say to You, Heavenly Father, again and again my ready "Yes"! So she says.

Do you also say this ready yes to your suffering to Me when you are to separate from your children who remain in grave sin? Can you not understand this and follow it, so that no evil comes into you. You are to become steadfast and firm in my truths and in the Catholic faith. I want to draw you to Me as a loving, tender Father, as a kind, gentle and patient Father. Look at me! How many times have I begged for you to continue saving souls and to agree to make atonement, sacrifice and continue to advance in prayer life.

How much I love you all, your Heavenly Father Never will I forget you, even when you go astray. I am always looking at you and asking My dearest Mother, may She intercede and bring you back to Me, these souls who seem lost at the moment.

My mother is the mother of the Church and the mother of the whole world. She also suffers, she suffers and cries blood tears. Can you imagine the suffering that the Heavenly Mother must go through and yet remains in Divine Love and has never rebelled, this My Immaculate Receive Mother and Queen of Victory? She will prevail and My Son Jesus Christ will appear with Her in the firmament.

It will not be long before this event will happen. Sun, moon and stars will change and a great darkness will be not only in your souls, but in the firmament and around you. Fears will come up in you. Then you will bitterly regret that you have not followed my truths and instructions.

Come to my loving father-heart! Again and again it begs for you, my beloved ones.

I bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, Saint Joseph, your beloved Padre Pio and all the other saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved followers, My beloved small flock and small herd, endure, endure until the end, for you will achieve and experience this victory with My Heavenly Mother. Amen.


