Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Feast of the birth of Mary.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Mass in honor of the birth of Mary in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz/Opfenbach through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father says: Today you are celebrating the feast of the birth of My dearest, purest and most beautiful Mother and also of your Mother. You have celebrated this feast in all reverence through the Holy Sacrificial Feast. You, My beloved son of priest, venerate My dearest Mother in such a great love and faithfulness to Her that it touches Me, Me, the Heavenly Father.

Today I want to sing a hymn of praise to your dearest mother. Therefore, I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, will speak today, on this great feast of your mother.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me. She has completely surrendered herself to Me in the Trinity and is following My heavenly plan. Look today at My dearest mother. Is she not beautiful, is she not graceful, the most beautiful of all the beautiful?

Today, on this day, the redemption also begins, the redemption of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Through her Fiat, the Blessed Mother has made redemption possible for the world. In your heart is love. And love is the greatest! Her heart has become a love flame that unites again and again with the love flame of My Son Jesus Christ. Yes, these hearts are merged in a great love fire. This love passes on to you, My beloved ones, who want to follow My Son Jesus Christ in the fullness and fulfill the plan, My plan, in the fullness. This is important, My beloved ones!

My mother is the bride of the Holy Spirit, - full of truth. There is nothing about her that is not in order. She is the Immaculate Received and there is no fault with her. Read from her, because she wants to shape your hearts in love and bring them to me. She is concerned about every heart. She especially wants to save the hearts of all priests.

Today you address above all the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI and also all bishops, cardinals and priests' sons. Why, My beloved ones? Because she is the mother of the church. Not only the Mother of Beautiful Love, but also the Mother of the whole One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded from the side wound of Her Son Jesus Christ. Does not His blood flow through you as the Mother of Jesus Christ? She also wants to cleanse our hearts from all filth, from all sin, through the blood of Her Son. Purely, She wants to give these hearts to Her Son, so that He may come to you in great love in the sacrament of Holy Communion, to fill your hearts with His love: powerful and faithful. Loyalty is also important, my beloved ones.

Look at your face, look into your eyes, look into your radiant face that radiates only love. And this face of Our Lady wants to inspire you today to fulfill the words of Her Son and the plan, namely My plan. You are to be stimulated by it. You are to follow My small flock here in Opfenbach Mellatz and not only hear and read the messages, but follow them in their entirety. Everything is truth. The Heavenly Mother embodies the truth. She is the Mediatrix of all graces and the Bride of the Holy Spirit. The truth of the Holy Spirit flows through it.

Today she wants to inspire your hearts through the Spirit of God, through the Holy Spirit who flows into your hearts. It will flow through your hearts with this love, and above all with the truth of the Triune God, because there is only one truth.

There will never be a religious community like it, but there is only one church and it was founded by My Son Jesus Christ.

And now, My beloved ones, My Son Jesus Christ must suffer this Church anew in My beloved little one, in My instrument which is entirely at My disposal, this messenger Anne. It is known in many places and in many countries because I shout these messages through it into the world. She obeys me completely. All suffering, which I must unwillingly inflict on her to save men, she bears willingly and in obedience and love. Of course she supports my small group.

And now, My beloved ones, I and all Heaven and above all your Heavenly Mother want to thank you for entering into this house of glory. Much toil and torment you had to take upon yourselves, for the work is never torn off. You have used all your power, your human power that has been transformed into Divine Power - in love. Again and again I have heard the words from you from your heart: "It is for the house of glory, and for this we must do everything and give up everything that is difficult for us. And you have done so until you are exhausted and beyond your strength.

Also you have been tempted by evil. He did not want you to live in this house here in the Mellatz district of Opfenbach. He did not want to let you move in at all, because it was against his plan, but it was the plan of the Heavenly Father. And so you trusted in this plan that the Heavenly Father would protect you in every situation. And did He not do it with His Heavenly beloved Mother and all the angels, and especially with the Holy Archangel Michael, who shone in splendor like the Mother of God even today?

I would like to thank you in the Trinity, My beloved ones, for all your efforts, for all your existence, for all the adornment in beauty and nobility. You have all put your skills to work in this house.

You, dear Katharina, have put a lot of effort into the interior design. You have decorated the house with many beautiful curtains and with many noble little things.

Especially this house chapel shone in its full splendor today. It was designed for this festival. Everything was enlightened in gold and silver because the whole heaven was rejoicing over it and also out of joy, My beloved little one, that I wanted to ask you today to do Me this favor, in spite of your pain and your weakness, to receive this message and send it out into the world to reach the people who want to follow it. Not all, My beloved ones, want to follow My plan.

Nor was the wicked man idle in My priestly son, My beloved. He had to experience severe suffering from his fall from the stairs. He sacrificed all his pain to Me as atonement for this Holy Father, as atonement for the many wicked deeds he has already committed and will commit in Assisi and in Berlin.

And you, My little one, could not receive messages for a long time and you did not have ecstasy either, because I wanted it that way and because you should not be distracted by the work. Let there be peace and balance in you, especially in you, My little one, when you receive these messages. I give you my strength today, otherwise you could not repeat these words. You remain My little nothing in humility and in obedience, and in faithfulness.

All of you have helped that heaven felt comforted on this day because more will leave you. They do not leave you, My beloved ones, but Me, the heavenly Father. They say goodbye to me. "I don't want any more. Your cross, dear Heavenly Father, is too heavy for me. I can't afford it. I can't add the yes to that." - Is this not bitter for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and for you, My little one, and for your beloved group? Isn't that bitterness today on this day - a drop of bitterness? But you will survive. You will continue to follow my ways. And that is the most important thing.

Look again and again at Our united hearts of love, the love of My Son and My Mother. I will support you and I will be with you.

Today, my beloved, you have exceptionally received this message on the feast of My Mother. But it will not always be so, because you should still recover a little. You need this recovery time - all three of you. Then do not look at your father's bitterness, but that He means well with you. He knows about your souls. He knows about your heart, My beloved little one, that you would like to receive the messages, but the Heavenly Father knows that it is still too difficult for you. The time will come when everything is done and when you have been able to let enough peace come into your hearts that you will go back to the atonements in Wigratzbad that you miss so much. Then also my words come again. They stream into your hearts. But even now I am with you.

Do you think that I could forget you for a moment, you, My beloved little group? have you not become to Me a precious stone, the precious stone of My Crown and the precious stone of My Mother's Crown, who greets you, who loves you, who spreads around you Her Mantle, the Mantle of Love, so that nothing happens to you? You will be guarded like the apple of your eye. Isn't that love of your mother that she brings to you? You have returned a great deal of love and I thank you for the love you have shown Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. You were there for my joy, for my love, for my gratitude and for my comfort. The love that you give flows fully back into your heart. This love will never end. Again and again I will irradiate you up to the deepest corners of your hearts with my exceedingly immeasurable great love. It is like a cloak of security around you. Let them flow in.

Again and again I say thanks to you, because I value everything very highly to you. Have no fear and no fear of men, for the greatest watches over you. The greatest authority is I, the omnipotent, the almighty and the omniscient Triune God. I watch over you, am in you and live and work through you. Isn't this something big you experience?

I am with you all the days of your life and I greet you with the greeting of all Heaven and your Heavenly Mother, all the angels, all the saints, the little baby Jesus, Mother Anne, Saint Joseph, Padre Pio and also the Mother and Queen of Victory. May she protect you from all evil, and may she bless you today through the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I protect you in every situation. Believe and trust and continue to work for the eternal happiness of men, so that their souls do not go astray. Think especially of the many priests, the bishops, the cardinals and also of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Holy Father. Through your atonement you can move his heart that it is ready for conversion, that he fulfills my plan and nothing but my plan becomes reality in him.

Love is the greatest, My children and so I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain true to heaven! Atone and pray also on the 12th in the night of atonement as you can, my little one. Take part in it. I will let power flow into your heart. Accept the sacrifices, the many, many sacrifices, which I unfortunately have to impose on you to save the world, because the world is on the brink of destruction and also the Catholic Church.

If I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, did not hold it, it would be completely destroyed and no longer there. But I am the Ruler of My Church in the omnipotence and the gates of hell will not overpower it. I also have power over the wicked, over Satan. His power will soon come to an end.

Then comes the Glory, the Alleluia! And the House of Glory becomes known, but not in the way people want it to be. Not that they can walk in and out of here to get rid of their worries, no, they should rejoice that Heavenly Father is making such a great plan with this house. What happens here is pure holiness, which cannot be fathomed. Therefore let them come and give thanks. They should also feel this gratitude in their house and in their heart that I am bringing about such a thing in My small group and give these messages, which all correspond to the full truth, into the world through My instrument. Thank and rejoice this house of glory!


