Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 18, 2011

14th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks again through His instrument Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz/Opfenbach.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. I have had great shows today, the Trinity symbol has moved in all three persons of Divinity and the Heavenly Father has said that He will give His information and His instructions to the whole world through the Internet today.

Illuminated and brightly lit was above all the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with almost 30 dark red roses. Illuminated and radiant was also the Blessed Mother with Her Immaculate Heart, with Her garland of rays and with Her yellow and dark red roses, which were always brightly illuminated during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again. The Holy Mother Anna was brightly enlightened. Above all, the Holy Archangel Michael struck His sword again in all four directions. At the altar Padre Pio, the bridegroom of the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and above all the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory were brightly illuminated. It shone in a very special glistening light. The entire altar of sacrifice was also brightly illuminated.

Today we celebrated the 14th Sunday after Pentecost. What joy, what jubilation was there on this feast in heaven. And this rejoicing came down on us as well, because the angels sang again in nine different choirs the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, above all also the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei.

In deep rejoicing my soul was lifted up to the Heavenly Light, to the Heavenly Father, who will speak today on this special day.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me, from Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

My beloved little one, today, on this special day, I have taken away your suffering of atonement. I ask you to continue saying yes to your atonement because it is necessary, in this place of grace of My beloved Mother, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. Here the great victory is to take place.

My beloved children, My beloved little flock, My beloved chosen ones, what inner joy I will give to your hearts today, for they were wide open to these streams of graces which flowed abundantly today. Our hearts, the hearts of My Son Jesus Christ united with the Immaculate Heart of the dearest Mother of God were filled with love today and these graces poured out not only into this house chapel and over the whole house in Opfenbach/Mellatz, but also far beyond. It is to be a feast of grace today because you, my beloved, have waited so long for these promises. And you, my beloved ones, have also waited for it full of longing.

Now is the time, now you can hear again My words, the words of heaven that I speak through My beloved child Anne. I want to thank you for enduring and persevering through this time, since your Heavenly Father did not speak through you and you did not have any ecstasy. Now your ecstasies begin again.

You have almost finished the work here in this house of glory. Everything shines in the bright glow of cleanliness, purity and order. Everything was planned by Me, the Heavenly Father, because it is My house of glory, and you have bought it from My money. Never will mammon circle around you and hold you captive in such a way that you will forget me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, because you are not attached to money, not to mammon. Your heart is filled with the Trinity, with love, with faithfulness, with gentleness, with patience, and with gentleness and longevity. Everything was contained in this lectio today and everything is also in your heart. You have renounced the world. All the goods of the world have become unimportant to you. Only the word of your Heavenly Father is valid for you, and you pay attention to it, you read it and you obey it.

My beloved little flock, how I love you. Also you, my followers, who want to fulfill my will in its entirety, you too are in demand. You too receive these streams of grace today on this great feast day. Nothing shall be far from these loving words, and you shall receive these graces to persevere. Believe firmly in the words of your Heavenly Father, who means well with you, who never wants anything from you that would harm you. Often you do not trust deeply and firmly enough because I have to demand very much from you, - demand very much from you, especially from you, my beloved flock.

I have led you beyond the borders, and you have followed Me in everything and in the whole. Never have you been despondent or no longer believed or doubted my will. No! My will was your command! And so every day of full work has passed. My power I have given you, My full power, because often you have thought, My beloved little one, that you lose your human power completely, - until you faint. But then I was still here, your beloved father. You have believed it in your inner being, but you have not felt me. Do you think I could have left you alone for a moment? no! so great is My love for you, for you are My humble messenger, the humblest of all messengers You will never become so strong that you want to work through yourself. No, on the contrary. Humility has always been the decisive factor for you, humility to belong to My heart always, - in love and loyalty and in gratitude.

You have had to experience a lot of oil mountain hours in the last time. It was my will and it was in my plan. Often you could not understand Me, and you should not understand Me either. I wanted to purify you. And this is not easy for Me, your loving Father. I would rather have showered you with gifts, but I had to demand the utmost from you, and you are not despondent and you were faithful just like you, my beloved little flock, who accompanied my little one, who supported her in her most difficult hours.

You will continue to atone for My Wigratzbad It is so dear to me, so valuable, because it is the place of grace of my beloved mother. She will appear at this place and it will happen soon.

Have I understood correctly, dear Heavenly Father?

The Heavenly Father says: Yes, I have said - soon. You will not understand when I will let the event come. Then, if no one will believe that it is coming, then the time of your Heavenly Father has come. Before that, I have to do a great purification, and every purification is painful for Me and also for you. It will demand many tears from you. But do not despair, because your Heavenly Father watches over you.

Have I not also demanded much from My priestly son? Has he not had to take on a painful suffering and endured it in patience? It was Friday, - My day of suffering, the day of suffering of My Son Jesus Christ. And you have suffered with it. You were like nailed to your cross that you had to wear. And for that I thank you that you have endured this time in patience and perseverance. Now also these absolutions will be allowed to take place again, - starting from the 26th day of the month.

I love you too, My third in the league, because you have done much work here, and have done it again and again in love. It has never been too much for you to prove your love to me through your efforts, through your powerlessness, which often overwhelmed you, and also through pain. You wanted to carry everything through. And I thank you for that as well.

And now, my beloved ones, I would like to announce something else, and so far nobody knows. But your Heavenly Father will give you this information.

Three books are waiting for you full of words and instructions from Me. My beloved Raphael will be ready to continue to perform this main task. The preliminary work and part of the main work has already been done by him. These books will be published, but never shall you, my beloved little flock, appear or make a profit from them, - never! It will not be said that your house was built by donations - no, on the contrary, you gave everything. I have provided for your inheritances, and you have given everything back to Me. Everything should be mine. And for that I thank you. Everything I have given you, you have given back to Me. You have realized that you cannot hold on to anything on this earth, and it is important that you surrender yourselves to me with everything. In full gratitude you have looked again and again at this house of glory.

The carving of the relief is not yet finished. But quite soon you will be able to receive it, then, if I wish. Everything goes according to My plan. Everything will happen the way I want it to happen. Never will anything happen that is not in My plan. You will not always be able to fathom it and understand how and when I wish it. But believe and trust deeper. Faith and also your cross make blessed, my beloved, because in the cross is salvation.

Last week you celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and also the Day of the Seven Sorrows of your dearest Blessed Mother. You have suffered most on these days. You have saved many priests from eternal ruin. I thank you, My little one and my beloved little flock, who were involved in this.

And now, My beloved ones, I would like to thank My beloved Markus K. - so it shall be given into the Internet - for his cooperation, for his availability and for his human closeness, which he showed you. Humanity is needed, My beloved ones! And he has shown you. He has stood by you in all matters concerning this house. He himself could have said: "I sold it and everything else is up to the buyer. - But he did not act that way. On the contrary, everything was important to him to be at your side, to help you and to always be there when he was needed. I thank you, My beloved son Markus. I want to bless your family, and you know what I mean, what longing I carry deep in my heart. I do not need to disclose anything else because it is our secret, my beloved son Markus. May your sons be blessed - especially on this day. You have realized that the most important thing about this house is to help, to stand by, not to leave the other person alone, to care for others and not to see yourself. You are a Chosen One. Accept the graces. It is important for you. You will need them. I would like to thank you for everything you have done for this - My house - so far and how you have worked.

I would also like to thank my family St., who lives in the house next door and who also stood by my little group in love and availability. They were there. They have shown you their love. And you were able to accept them gratefully and were pleased after this hard time of contempt. You have been despised in the greatest measure. But you have endured it. And now your soul can rebuild.

There is much I still have to say, My beloved ones, but it will be too much for you because My Heart, My Father Heart, is full of joy today over you, My beloved ones. You, my little one, will have to endure much more suffering, coupled with joy and gratitude. You will endure it with my strength. Always look at the cross of My Son. Wasn't My dearest Mother also under the cross? Have I not demanded the greatest of her in pain, in suffering? Must I not also ask so much of you because in your heart My Son Jesus Christ will suffer the New Priesthood and the New Church? How can this happen, you will ask and will you ask, My beloved little flock? You cannot understand this, you cannot comprehend it, you cannot fathom it. It is divinity, it is omnipotence, it is omnipotence and omniscience of your Heavenly Divine Father.

I love you immeasurably, especially in this last time. I would like to give you still much grace and joy here in this house, because you have shown me again and again that you really love me, that you do not let up in your trust and also in your longsuffering.

And so I want to bless you today on this day, love you, protect you, send you out with My dearest Mother, with all the saints, with the angels, with cherubim and seraphim, especially with your beloved Padre Pio and especially also with the Bridegroom of the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, who is watching over this house here. And he will also soon, my beloved little one, appear to you above this house. The time has not yet come where he will appear in Wigratzbad above the Church of Atonement. No, Satan is raging there, and the bridegroom of My dearest Mother of God does not want to appear there.

But he wants to give you this anticipation and appear to you, My beloved little one, with your dearest Mother as radiant Madonna here above this house. You may rejoice, because the holy archangel Michael will also be there. Be patient and continue to have joy and gratitude in your heart, for I love you immeasurably, your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. And so I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and endure in loyalty and gratitude! Amen.


