Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Opfenbach/Mellatz in the House of Glory through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, on the feast of the Blessed Mother, She herself was very brightly lit up in the statue of Fatima, radiant with her bright blue rosary, white mantle and twelve-star wreath. Also the symbol of the Trinity and the tabernacle with the tabernacle angels and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were brightly illuminated. Today I saw the dear Blessed Mother, who has moved into this house of glory, particularly brightly illuminated.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble Marian Child Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats words from heaven. Today those of Me.

My beloved children of Mary, My children from near and far, hurry and go into your homes, for it is time, it is dark night. The souls are darkened and your souls are also getting darker and darker as you enter these modernist churches. It is not the holy of holies that is venerated there. There the tabernacles are empty.

I myself, the Heavenly Father, (who is speaking at this moment) have had to take My Son out of these tabernacles. Look at My dearest Mother as She looks at you full of sorrow, for She is waiting for many sons of priests to repent.

My beloved children, when is the time that My priestly sons want to repent? They live in the greatest darkness and yet they continue to proclaim confusion and misbelief. How often have I warned them, as Mother of the Church, as Heavenly Mother, of the great disaster of their souls, because the Evil One has entered into them, because they commit many sacrileges and do not receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance, nor do they repent of anything. On the contrary, they continue to proclaim this mistaken belief. I, the dearest mother, want to bring you the light.

My beloved children from near and far Wake up! It is time because the great event is approaching and you are still in darkness. Am I not the Mother of Light, the Queen of all angels, the most beautiful, the dearest, the Mother of the Church, who wants to embrace you tenderly and press you to Her Immaculate Heart? Look on the Heart of My Son Jesus Christ how much it bleeds. My heart also bleeds visibly in many places.

And yet, My beloved children of Mary, many do not want to repent and I will continue to feel this sadness. Consolate My Immaculate Heart and that of My Son and contribute to the conversion of souls by continuing to sin and sacrifice and pray. The light has been in you for a very long time. Why My beloved Mary's children? Because you follow the Heavenly Father. In all hardships you give Him the full Yes. "Yes, Father, we want to fulfill Your will, and You shall receive this comfort from us. That should be your wording.

But unfortunately it is not so with many people. They love the darkness of the world. There is darkness in the world, but not in faith. If you believe and trust, and believe in these messages of your Heavenly Father, which He has scattered into the world for a very long time, then there will be light in your hearts and this light will shine on many people who are ready to receive the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

What does this Supreme Shepherd proclaim? He proclaims the erroneous belief. And why? Because he follows ecumenism and Protestantism and does not celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite. "It is My only Holy Sacrifice of Mass," says My Son Jesus Christ, "and you shall celebrate it, because then the light will come into your hearts and you will radiate into the world. Receive this light and let many people experience conversion in their hearts through your prayer and atonement.

Consider My Son Jesus Christ on the way of the cross. He died the death of the Redeemer for all. But unfortunately many people have not accepted these salvation graces until today. And therefore I want to shake you awake.

My beloved believers, wake up! The time is near when My Son Jesus Christ will come in great power and glory and I, the Heavenly Mother, may also appear in this place, the holy place Wigratzbad. Yes, it is My holy place, where the evil one has taken over his reign until now. But soon the Heavenly Father will close this gate to him, then I, the Heavenly Mother, will scatter this blessing of grace over this place Wigratzbad and pour it into the hearts of the faithful who are ready to receive it. Then it will be time for you to believe.

But, My beloved ones, do you believe only what you see? Faith must grow. Faith must contain not what you see, but what you do not see. In the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is contained the great mystery, - the greatest mystery. And you participate in this mystery when you receive my Son Jesus Christ worthily in oral communion.

I love you, My beloved children and children of Mary and I am still waiting for the conversion of many priestly sons for whom you pray and for whom you continue to be ready to atone.

I love you and send you out into this world to atone and to sacrifice and to be there for all people who want to repent. Continue to shout these messages into the world, for they are to be widely spread, and this is what your intense obedience to the Heavenly Father brings about. There is the only truth, and you are to believe in this truth and in nothing else. Do not go into the world and live delusion, but go to the holy sacrificial banquet. Go to your homes! You are safe there. There this special DVD*, wanted by the Heavenly Father, is waiting for you. Celebrate it, then true faith will return to your hearts and you will no longer be in delusion. I wish you that with all my heart.

And so now your dearest Mother, especially on this day in My Month of the Rosary, with all the angels and saints, bless you in the love of the Heavenly Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.

* To refer with Mrs. Dorothea winter, Kiesseestr. 51 b, 37083 Goettingen, Tel. 0551/3054480, fax 0551/37061777, email: D [DOT] Winter45 [AT] gmx [DOT] en (5,- €).


