Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in front of the House of Glory in Opfenbach/Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the rosary, large crowds of angels moved from outside into the house up to the house chapel. They also placed themselves above the House of Glory. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the statue of the Mother of God in the hallway was brightly lit. She was radiant with a glistening light, just like the Blessed Mother with the twelve-star wreath in the house chapel. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was also bathed in glistening light.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies wholly in My will and has transferred her will to Me.

My beloved little flock, My followers, My faithful, today you have celebrated the 17th Sunday after Pentecost in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. What devotion and reverence was present in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

My beloved ones, continue to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast so that it may be fruitful in this part of Opfenbach in Mellatz. Mellatz is destined to receive this mission through you and through you, My beloved priestly son. Every day the blessing is poured out over all Mellatz, - the blessing of the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus Christ, My Son, blesses this district.

My beloved ones, it is not for nothing that I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen this house of glory for you, for you small flock. A special mission for all of Germany emanates from this house of glory, and you, my beloved ones, are in this mission. Fulfill them and remain courageous and brave and go this way, my following, with me, this way, the way of the cross! It is not easy for you, but I, the Heavenly Father, gave you My Son, who continues to walk with you this Way of the Cross and supports you. The Holy Archangel Michael is also at your side and the Bridegroom of the Bride of the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph, supports you in every way. Never develop human fear, but continue to develop a deep trust in your Heavenly Father.

Your shipment is destined for Germany. No one of my messengers will be able to go this way because I have chosen you, my little one, for this way and these instructions from eternity. You will be able to continue on this path if you remain in my love and let yourself be protected. It will not be easy for you to have this suffering of the cross imposed on My Son again and again because He suffers in you, My little one, the New Church and the New Priesthood - He in you. You will not be able to fathom it. But remain brave!

Like My messenger, Maria Sieler, you too will be able to suffer the New Priesthood and the New Church. Walk in their footsteps and read their lines and directions quite often. She will strengthen you, for she will be allowed to accompany you from heaven. Do not be afraid! When the pains and sufferings afflict you again, then you thank the Heavenly Father, because the cross and suffering will have to suffer all My messengers, because I have conceived them for My mission, a special mission for each one. They are all in My Divine Plan.

Yes, My beloved little flock, today, on this 17th Sunday after Pentecost, you were again allowed to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ in your house chapel in all reverence. Again and again it is a great feast, and this feast contains great favours, which are poured out over you, and which you continue to radiate to men who want to believe. Many people and believers I want to continue to save through My small flock, through My believers, especially through the following of My Son. They are chosen to save souls, because they are standing before the abyss, before the abyss of hell. Why, My children? Because they do not pray, because they do not sacrifice, because they do not atone, and because they do not want to follow this path. They no longer worship the Blessed Sacrament, especially in these modernist churches where My Son Jesus Christ is no longer present in the tabernacles. They receive only a piece of bread in hand communion.

My beloved ones, isn't it sad for all of you who want to continue on this path of modernism and Protestantism? Do you not recognize My instructions, the instructions of your heavenly Father in the Trinity? It can be made equal with other religious communities, as the Holy Father wants to do on October 27 this year. There is only one faith and that is the truth and the life, namely the Catholic faith. No other faith will ever be able to be united with it, because Jesus Christ, My Son, Himself instituted this Holy Sacrificial Feast as a legacy, as a testament for you, so that life may enter into you, because in all people who follow this modernism, darkness has entered, darkness that they no longer recognize anything.

Why do you not wake up, My beloved ones? Have I, the Heavenly Father, not always been kind and gentle to you and given you this information and instructions? And yet you do not turn back! Is it not bitter for all heaven when you all, especially the clergy, fall into the eternal abyss? No one can hold you fast, for you have chosen disaster. I want to save you through My little flock, through My following. Be ready! Open your hearts wide so that the Holy Spirit may enter into you, the Spirit of knowledge and truth!

Never will this holy sacrificial meal be able to be disfigured, for it lies in the full truth. Nothing may be changed in this sacrificial meal, in this liturgy, - not a single iota. And yet much has been changed, My beloved, by celebrating after 1962 and not after Pope Pius V.

And what about the love of God? Do all still love their Triune God, or do they love the idols of the other religious communities wherever the Holy Father wants to lead you, that is, he leads you astray. Unfortunately, My beloved ones, this Church is at an end and yet the Triune Heavenly Father watches over this Church and it will never go down, never, I said. Furthermore, it will be able to exist when it is newly founded, new in my beloved little flock who want to fulfill this My mission in its entirety.

I love you all, you, My followers, you, My little flock, and bless you now in the Trinity with all My angels and saints, with Saint Joseph, the Bridegroom of the Mother of God and the Bride of the Holy Spirit, with Padre Pio and with all the saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love one another! First of all, obey the commandment of God, because there is only one true God in truth and that is the Triune God and he follows! Love Him with all your heart and love your neighbor, for this commandment is derived from the fact that you should also love your neighbor as yourself.

Praised be Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen. Mary with the Child love us all and give us your blessing. Amen.


