Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Blessed Mother and the Heavenly Father speak before the Night of Atonement after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Opfenbach/Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, angels flocked to this house chapel. They were sent by the Blessed Mother. They gathered around the altar of sacrifice. The chancel was brightly lit and bathed in a glistening light.

Our Lady will say: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak to you today at the beginning of the Night of Atonement and greet all pilgrims from near and far in Heroldsbach and beyond.

My beloved pilgrims, again and again I, your dearest Mother, am waiting, who is speaking to you at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in the will of the Heavenly Father and has been carrying her heavy suffering of atonement for several weeks. It goes beyond her boundaries, but she does not want to complain and wants to continue to say yes to the Heavenly Father's wish and plan that through her, Jesus Christ may suffer this atonement in her heart for the New Church and the New Priesthood.

The Heavenly Father now says: My beloved ones, you have brought forward this atonement night so that a Holy Mass can take place on Sunday morning and also an intercession is to take place on the small St. Peter's Square, if you, my little one, will still be able to do so.

It is not easy for all of you to persevere in spite of the many efforts of the hours of mercy and in spite of the many Holy Masses every day and also the daily adoration. Your Heavenly Father will send this power down to you again and again and flow into your heart, so that you, too, my little one, may understand my words and give them back. People wait with longing for My words, but there are also many who reject them, who make up their own church as they would like to have it to indulge their convenience. They do not want to make the heavy and big sacrifices.

It is not easy what is asked of you, My beloved ones. But you, my little ones, continue to say your yes to me to my consolation. The consolation is important to me because, as you know, the great apostasy is still growing. People fall away and continue to be in this mistaken belief of interreligion. What does interreligion mean to you, My beloved ones? This means that your Supreme Shepherd has identified himself with all religions and mixes them with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

One is in search of God. Is one also in search of the Triune God? No! The sacraments have been placed on the side. They have banished the holy of holies to the farthest corners of the churches. The tabernacle is no longer visible, because these banquets are held for the people, and the people do not need a tabernacle. For you have the priest who proclaims the truth to you.

Can this still be the truth, My beloved ones? Have you considered that if at the same time you are put on the same level with Buddhism, Islam, and the other religions, and want to bring them peace, that is, common ground, are you still in the truth, even though the many people and believers seek the truth?

Where is the truth for you as Catholic Christians? There is only one truth and that is I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ My Son says: "I am the way, the truth and the life, and whoever follows Me remains on the true and only right path. But they want to refute this to you. In every other religion the will of God is also to be present at the same time; only one must seek it in order to find it.

How is it possible, My beloved ones, that you can be so deceived, so misled in the Catholic Church, and you have not yet rebelled against these falsehoods, against this misbelief and confusion in the Church. You are silent and say, "That will be right. This is what our Supreme Shepherd proclaims and he must know it, because he lies in the truth and he embodies the entire Catholic faith. He is the first, the Supreme, instituted by Jesus Christ as the successor of Peter.

So you follow him who is in this complete erroneous faith and who proclaimed it to the whole world and agreed to proclaim this erroneous faith in Assisi and to unite the Catholic Church with the other religions and equate it with this one true faith of Jesus Christ.

With them there is only one God and no Triune God. The Son of God, who went to the cross for us, does not exist there. There is no redemption there either. There is not even a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that Jesus Christ left us as a testament. Where is the Holy Sacrament of Penance, and where is the Holy Communion, in which He, Jesus Christ, My Son, is contained in divinity and humanity, and you may receive Him? Where can He be found there? Nowhere!

And yet people believe they can storm there. "Everything will be all right if the Chief Shepherd shows us how." Yes, the second time after 25 years the anniversary of this misbelief was celebrated in Assisi. Have I, as the ruler of the whole world, not already intervened there with the great event, - an earthquake? Have you not realized that the divinity has allowed this earthquake to happen? That is what happened in 1986 and you did not realize it and you continue to insist that this mistaken belief is the truth that you must seek and live.

Do you not rebel against it? Are you still sleeping your sleep of death? Don't you care about heaven, the heavenly powers, the supernatural? You have discarded all that is contained in it. There is no such thing for you. The saints have become strangers to you. The angels, they do not exist. Satan cannot be with you either. Don't you even ask, "Do I still have to seek true faith when so much insanity is conveyed to me? You have become blind and deaf to the truth of My Son Jesus Christ, to His way of the cross, which you also are to go along, because without the cross there will be no salvation, my beloved ones. Salvation is the cross, if you carry it on your shoulders and accept it, as I desire it as Heavenly Father.

Yes, today your dearest mother should have spoken, but she cries bitter tears on this day about the sale of your son's church, which He has set up, and that no one is willing to stand up and confess: No, this is the untruth, this is the misbelief. I do not believe in it. I believe in the Messiah, in the only true Triune God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and in the Mother of God who gave birth to My Son Jesus Christ and agreed to receive Him from the Holy Spirit.

Have you forgotten our dearest Blessed Mother whom you can call on in every situation as Coredemptrix, as sufferer under the Cross, as guide for you, as intercessor with your Father? Will she not intercede for you? For sure, because she knows all of her Marian children and she is waiting for each and every one that belongs to her, because she does not want to leave it to the devilish powers.

Jesus also weeps for these children whom He has chosen and for the many priests who proclaim these false doctrines and lead their parishes astray, as is happening here in Mellatz with the Combonis. Yes, I must say it, My beloved ones, because so many are led astray from there and they do not realize that they are simply mixed with other religions where there is no Triune God. There is nothing among them that resembles the Catholic faith, not even that. It is a complete erroneous belief and a complete confusion, and people continue to be deceived. This is a grave sacrilege among the Combonis.

I want to call all My souls back into the truth, into the truth of My Son Jesus Christ, who went to the cross for all and made no exception - whether good or evil. All men should be able to receive this redeeming sacrifice, but they have not accepted it. And now, after the Second Vatican Council, everything has got mixed up. I still say: It must be made ineffective. It is the misbelief. And you all must not follow this erroneous belief.

I love you, My beloved ones, and I am waiting for you longingly to come to My heart and receive this Holy Sacrament of Penance and I may embrace you again as Catholic Christians, as My chosen ones, as My followers. I love you and I long for your hearts, which willingly open their heart doors for me. Amen. Now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you.


