Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 13, 2011

After the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after the Eucharistic Blessing, the Heavenly Father speaks to the pilgrims who have gathered in the House of Glory in Mellatz, through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father says: To you, My beloved ones, who have appeared here in the House of Glory, I would like to greet and give thanks for your love which you show Me, the Heavenly Father. I love you all boundlessly. My love reaches farther than you can ever think, for I am love itself, the love that will never cease: The Alpha and the Omega. You have come here to the House of Glory because you were convinced that here is Heaven at work, not My little tool at your disposal and especially at Mine, but here is My place, My House of Glory, as it has been and always will be according to My desires. My love will never end.

You, My beloved ones, you are destined Why? Because you can believe. Because you are convinced that here the Heavenly Father is speaking, because I speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. It stands in my will and speaks only words that come from me. Nothing is out of her. She has always been my tool and has transferred her will to me. Again and again she says yes to her suffering, although I have led her beyond the borders. Sometimes she cries, sometimes it becomes very difficult for her that Jesus, My Son, must suffer in her the New Church. He is willing to suffer this New Church. (Anne cries).

Why, my beloved ones? As I have told you many times before, My Supreme Shepherd, whom I myself chose in conclave, has opposed Me with a No, and this No weighs very heavily because he is and remains the Supreme Shepherd of the entire Catholic Church. But he does not fulfill my plan. He lets himself be led by freemasons and by other people who teach him the erroneous faith, and he does not witness My Church and he does not witness Me alone, his Lord and Master. I would have to stand above everything for him. He should be able to give his life for my love, which I have always given him so far.

My little one has given me her will and told me: "Dear father, even if it costs (Anne cries) my life, I will never take back the yes. You want it that way and I am your little nothing, your little tool that would not be able, never to repeat your words. But I know and am convinced, dear Heavenly Father, that it is You who guide and guide me, and that I will never stray from Your path, for You are my everything. You are my content of life and with you I go through life.

All those who have appeared here out of great love for Me and not out of curiosity, I have impregnated them all with My great love, because I desire from them that they should also walk this stony path with My Son, the difficult Way of the Cross, which everyone rejects in today's time, in the Catholic Church of today. There there is pleasure and living life, but never making sacrifices. Are there still sacrificial priests in this modernist church today? No! The victim is forgotten because it is difficult.

Has not My Son gone to the cross for all of you, My beloved ones, and is not your way also a way of the cross if you say Yes, if you want to remain on this way, the true and only way? Do not remain your cross, which you are to take as my son took it from my hands. Your cross, do not throw it away, but accept it as it is, for you are the ones who are given it. I will give you a thousand gifts.

Consider the present time. It is the time of confusion, the time of delusion. Satan has invaded the churches. The Antichrist is here and My Chief Shepherd has betrayed Me with the Judas kiss. He has mixed My Catholic Church with all religious communities. Is that possible? There is only one truth. There is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and nothing else. I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no strange gods beside me. And I am the Triune God. Not only God. No! Three people in one. That is what they want you to believe. And you shall follow this path.

I have put Mellatz, this place, under My protection. Every day My priestly son has blessed this place. You, My little one, have spoken for Mellatz to save it, but unfortunately this Missionary Fraternity, the Combonis, have betrayed Me here in Mellatz, mixing these religions with the only Catholic Church. And what does the supreme one say: "They are in search of God." Is that possible? Are you in search of God? Is there not only one Triune God and that is I? Do you still have to be on the lookout today? All satanic religions have been mixed with this one precious and most precious Catholic faith and they think that this is the truth. This is the truth that you all must now follow. And many monasteries and many communities have already publicly adopted the faith that this Supreme Shepherd proclaimed in Assisi. Many have followed this belief so far. That hurts me.

Have I not given you everything? Have I not been there for you as a loving, tender and patient father? All I love you all and all I want to press to My loving heart. You cannot measure how much I love you. In this love I remain and am again and again grateful for every single man whom I can save, because every soul is the most important thing. I myself breathed the soul into him at his birth. And that is why I love him. I created him and would like to see every single soul with me again in eternal glory.

And that is why I have appointed so many messengers who proclaim My words and My truths and My instructions, not from themselves, no, from My power. I have chosen for myself feeble messengers, weak, sick. They obey my will and my plan because they have recognized that there is only one truth and only one God (in the Trinity) and one divine love, which outlasts everything.

The world is transitory, My beloved ones. In the world you can find nothing. There you will be spoiled. But when you have found me and have recognized me, then I am your soul friend, your bridegroom wants to be me. Because more and more people oppose me with the constant no, you are there to comfort me. You offer me this consolation, because I have been begging for this consolation for a very long time.

For seven years My little one proclaims My words and she has done everything so that the people of the world stop seeking their salvation only in this world. Salvation exists only in the cross. There you will be safe. Stand under the cross. The cross is important. Look at My Son Jesus Christ who will never leave you. Look at this your Heavenly Mother. Here in this hallway, the ladder to heaven, the rosary, lifts you up and takes you up to heaven. Isn't that the greatest happiness for you? There is nothing better, nothing more beautiful. Your dearest mother suffered everything, and she never said no. She has suffered for all of you. Through this she has become the Coredemptrix. I love my mother, and because I love her so much, I have given her to you so that she can guide you in the truth and you do not go astray through the influence of other people who want to lead you astray from this path.

It is the true way and the only way you can go. You will know, My beloved ones, because here I have given you all the instructions you need for this difficult way, because, as you know, soon My dearest Mother will appear in full glory with My Son here in Wigratzbad, in this sacred place which is still to be purified.

Here, in this house, the house of glory that I have built for Myself, I will make many things happen that you cannot understand, My children. You, too, my little one, will not understand it because your mind is not sufficient to fathom it. You do not want to know it at all, because you give yourself completely to me. Your heart is merging with My heart and your hearts I want to merge all of them with My heart so that they become one love, one love in My love, the Divine love, only then do you feel secure, only then are you happy about everything. No one will be able to give you greater happiness. This is My truth and My Divine power and love, which you shall receive and take to heart. These words, these instructions I have said only once. You will read many messages, but they will never be like one. Again and again I have words for you because I love you boundlessly. And this love will never stop until death.

I bless you now in threefold strength, in threefold love with all the angels and saints, but especially with My dearest Mother whom I love above all, who gave birth to My Son Jesus Christ, begotten in the Holy Spirit, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory. I will show it to you and give it to you. You are the preferred ones. Never will one full of love be allowed to experience this as you will then experience it because you put yourselves at my disposal and say a clear yes to me: "Yes father, yes father, yes father, I will do your will, I will follow your plan, because you are for me the greatest, who stands above all. My happiness is you, my only pearl, the pearl of my heart, the precious treasure."

And so I bless you today, I repeat it again, with all the angels and saints, with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. You are loved from eternity and you will not depart from this truth if you take it to heart. Live love, for love is the greatest among you! You will not find this love in the world, but in the supernatural with Me, your dearest Triune God and Father. Amen.


