Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Feast of the Holy Family.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God was especially brightly illuminated and was united with St. Joseph and the Jesus in the manger. Rays of grace in dark red and in gold went from St. Joseph to the Blessed Mother and back and from the Blessed Mother to the Child Jesus and back again. These rays crossed each other. The Holy Archangel Michael kept all evil from us today, because it was necessary. The symbol of the Trinity, the tabernacle, the tabernacle angels and also the statue of Christ were bathed in golden light, as was the Christmas tree.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies wholly in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved children and believers, today, on this day of the Holy Family, I, the Heavenly Father, want to speak to you about today's families.

Did your dearest Mother and Saint Joseph not precede you all, not only in purity, but also in love, in love for the family, for the Child Jesus in the manger? Didn't these parents, where St. Joseph was the foster father of the Holy Child Jesus, care for their son Jesus Christ? Weren't they trying to do everything? Didn't St. Joseph take care of his family, especially the Blessed Mother? And you, My young families, do you also care for your children, are you also willing to make all sacrifices in the family?

How much the Holy Family is also concerned about these young families who live together in invalid marriage and pretend to be one family according to the will of God. But they have eliminated the dear God. They live their own ego and have their own well-being in mind, not the care for the children. You might ask yourself, what will happen to our children? Are we not responsible for our children? What happens in the schools? What happens in politics? And what is happening today in these modernist churches? Is the worry not justified to keep them all at home? What good things do they learn in the world, at school, from their superiors and parents? No families that live holy lives can grow out of these young people. All are in chaos. Nobody knows the way anymore and everyone is on their own, although they would need this security of the family so urgently.

They should all turn to the Holy Family! St. Joseph will show them the way, and especially the Blessed Mother. It will point to the child Jesus. Everything has a meaning: joy and suffering. If only they would turn to the Trinity in their need. But parents do not make sure that their children get this belief implanted deep into their hearts. They are only there for themselves and for consumption. The Heavenly Mother with St. Joseph is concerned about all those families who have taken the wrong path, from which Holy Families can never be born. From Holy Families, especially the extended families that should exist today, holy priests will be able to emerge, if they follow the path of the Heavenly Father that is predestined for them. But unfortunately they have other ways in mind, - their own ways, which are wrong. Even in these modernist churches of today they are misled.

Dear parents, wake up! I, as your Heavenly Father, give you the example of this Holy Family, only then can your families be well again. Then you too can give your children the security they urgently need.

Love is also here decisive between you, beloved couples! Something holy shall arise from you, grow out of you. In the love of Jesus Christ you shall be united and never reject this one, true and catholic faith. Where will you be strengthened? In a holy mass of sacrifice! They will want to keep you away from these holy sacrificial masses. You will be pushed into the modernist churches to take away your faith, to continue to lead you astray and confusion. Nothing sacred can come out of you and that is why we are celebrating the Feast of the Holy Family today, in order to bring this family close to you again, so that sacred things can come out of you as they always have been and as they should be according to the plan of the Heavenly Father.

I urge you, My beloved ones, take a special look today at this Holy Family and consider what is going on in your family. Speak about it and be united in faith, because I want to sanctify you, and I want that there are again holy families.

And so also today I will bless you, protect you, love you and send you out in the Trinity with the Holy Family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be confident and courageous and do not give up, but begin a new path of holiness! You shall walk on it, then everything will be fine again! Amen.


