Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, January 13, 2012

Night of Atonement in the House of Glory in the house chapel in Mellatz.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass at 0.30 a.m. through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large flocks of angels moved again into this house chapel. They came from all four directions. They went to the Blessed Mother in the house entrance and surrounded the altar of Mary in the house chapel with the statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The little baby Jesus in the manger was brightly illuminated several times during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, as was St. Joseph. The Blessed Mother today lifted her light blue rosary because she wanted to show us that it is the ladder to heaven. Pray him, because it is urgently needed for all of us!

Our Lady will speak today: I, the Heavenly Mother, speak to you today in this night of atonement, My beloved little band and following and also My beloved believers through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.

My beloved pilgrims from near and far, listen to the messages and follow them, because it is urgent! I, your Heavenly Mother, give you again and again guidance for this time of tribulation, for the very last time before the coming of My Son and before My coming.

Beloved children, beloved little flock, I greet you and thank you for being ready again to commit this night of atonement and to sacrifice your sleep so that you can and want to save many souls, especially many priest souls. I, your Heavenly Mother, give these priests My Immaculate Heart, for they are to consecrate themselves to this Heart. Many priests reject Me. Why? Because they think they can lose their power. It is My Son Jesus Christ who will always stand by them, not only during the Holy Sacrificial Feast, but also in their whole priestly and sacrificial life.

Your priesthood should be a single sacrifice. This is what the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and also I, her beloved Mother, wishes of all the sons of priests, for I am the Mother and Queen of priests. I will lead them when they consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart.

My beloved children, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, this atonement night, connected with the atonement night in Heroldsbach, is especially precious for all of you. Come and adore the Blessed Sacrament and also the Child Jesus in the manger.

The Christmas season is not over yet, - not until February 2nd. That is why I wish from all of you that you do not take down your Christmas decorations, but that you show them to people again and again, so that they know that the Christmas season does not end until February 2. This is very important, My beloved children, because this Christmas season holds the greatest graces. And these streams of grace shall flow into the hearts of those who want to adore the Blessed Sacrament, especially on this night.

You have joined the atonement night in Heroldsbach. Yes, My beloved ones, you are not wanted there. However, you will hold this atonement night in your house chapel in Mellatz. There you can atone and pray in peace. So prayer can enter your hearts, for they are filled with Divine Love and Divine Power.

If you are always willing to hold these atonement hours, to make these sacrifices, be sure that you save many people from the abyss. One day they will be grateful to you when you see them again in heaven.

Yes, My beloved ones, how quickly time has passed. In the last seven months you have been able and willing to make many sacrifices here in Mellatz. Especially you, My little one, have gone ahead with your atonement and with your atoning pains. Never before have you had to endure so much sacrifice and pain. But you know that your Heavenly Mother supports you again and again and places the angelic host at your side so that you can continue, so that you do not give up and do not despair. Your sacrifices are especially important. The many objections, the many messages, are also important for the people. They are guidance for them and those who believe are asking for it. They wait directly for the messages, for the instructions of the Heavenly Father, because nowhere today is the way shown to them, the true way.

The Catholic Church is destroyed Where should people stay and go? Where else should they learn the truth? This is why the Heavenly Father has chosen many messengers so that the world may believe, and so that the world may know the right way, the way of truth of the One, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Today this church has been destroyed, completely destroyed. It lies in chaos. Men and believers and my children are waiting for the messages so that they can learn the truth and follow them.

You pray and atone that they may be ready to go this way of sacrifice, this way of the cross. Many are willing to continue on this path through your prayer and sacrifice. They orient themselves to you, My beloved little flock. Therefore go on and do not give up and always remember that you want to save souls. That is your goal and that is your way. And I, as Heavenly Mother, thank you that you again and again show this readiness, that you courageously advance, that you beg me, your Heavenly Mother, to help and support you in this chaos of today's church.

But the New Church is founded, My beloved ones, here in this house chapel in Mellatz, here in this house of glory, the house of the Heavenly Father. No one can fathom that. But it is the truth, my beloved ones. By many signs you will know that it is the full truth and nobody can expose or refute anything about this truth, because the signs are clearly set. Your Heavenly Father lets miracles happen to you and around you, so that people may recognize that it is truly the Heavenly Father in the Trinity who guides people and wants to lead them back to the true path.

I love you, My beloved children, especially in this night of atonement and I will help you to persevere in prayer and sacrifice. I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be brave and courageous and keep moving forward! Amen.


