Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pope Pius V in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Cenacle, during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also during the Fraternita, large crowds of angels from all four cardinal points entered this house chapel in Mellatz from outside. Today they were grouped especially around the altar of Mary and the Blessed Mother in the hallway of this House of Glory.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak to you on this day of the Cenacle through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.

My beloved children, My beloved Mary's children, My little flock and followers of My Son Jesus Christ, you have entered today into this Cenacle of prayer. How many graces have I been allowed to impart to you, because I am the mother of all graces, the intercessor and above all the coredemptrix. And as Coredemptrix I want to speak to you today.

As you all know, I have completely followed the Way of the Cross of My Son. I had to look at and experience all the pain He suffered in the innermost part of My Immaculate Heart. That is why I ask all of you in the whole world, keep these Cenacle, because I want to draw you closer to My Immaculate Heart. Why? Because the coming of My Son and My coming in the very near future is imminent. It will come, My beloved ones, although many priests want to dissuade you that it will never be or only in millions of years.

No, My children, do not listen to these voices of Satan. It is not the voice of My Heavenly Father that gives you this. The messages that My Heavenly Father has been passing on through My little one for years are the truth, and in this truth you shall believe. He gives you everything through many prophecies, prophesies and messages through which you can recognize that this is the only truth. You shall believe in them. He himself is the way, the truth and the life.

What you have received in graces in the last time, the Christmas season, is the light. This house of glory was brightly lit at all windows during the entire Christmas season. The light should shine far out into the world, so that one can recognize that Jesus Christ is the true light. And I was allowed to carry this light into your hearts on the day of My Feast of Mary Candlemas, so that they might be filled with the love of God, with His Divine Power. And you have received this light. You have now become light bearers through this.

You know how the present church lies in total destruction and chaos. From the authorities one does not want to pass this on, and above all one does not want to confess it. How often have My Son and My Heavenly Father pointed out that Vatican II should be declared ineffective. But this authority, above all the Supreme Shepherd, must no longer be believed, because he has sold and betrayed this one and only, holy, catholic and apostolic church through the kiss of traitors. He joined all religious communities, even atheism.

My beloved children of Mary, can you still believe? Can you follow this path that the Chief Shepherd is taking? Why do you not now finally use your intellect and go against what you are told, what you are to believe and what is to be the truth? No, My beloved children of Mary, this truth is lie, nothing but lie from Satan. He broke into this church, so it was destroyed by the entire clergy and authorities.

And how many people and believers and how many children consecrated to me have followed this way. I could not pull them back, because I know that the Heavenly Father will not break their will. Even if I long for these My children and want to hand them over to My Son Jesus Christ, they turn away from Him, also from Me, their dearest mother, who always accompanied them on their steady way up to Mount Golgotha. Going up the Calvary was her way. But how many have strayed and followed the easy path and said: "Mother, this path is not passable for us, because it is too difficult and holds too many victims.

Is not your life a sacrificial life, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and My beloved children of Mary? Is not this path of sacrifice there for you? Was not the life of My Son the greatest sacrificial life on earth, and have I not also followed this sacrificial life? Have I ever turned away in the greatest pain and have I not continued on this path? No, My beloved children, for your sake, as Coredemptrix, I have walked this path with My Son. In the greatest pain I have endured as your mother to be allowed to impart these great graces to you. And today, on this day of the Cenacle, I begged the Heavenly Father for all My children of Mary. I wanted to draw them into this Fraternita to explain to them the importance of consecrating oneself to My Immaculate Heart in this time of tribulation, confusion and aberration of the Church today.

How few today believe in the truth of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity, how few pray, how few think of sacrifice and atonement? Is atonement still understandable for them? No! Many say, "What is atonement? I do not know what atonement means." This is how far they have strayed - my children. Understand something about grave sin, although I always point this out to you: Go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance, confess your sins and beg the Heavenly Father to have mercy on you and to forgive you? He wants to give you the Divine Power to start anew in purity and in truth. For only in truth can you continue on this path. If you do not want to believe a piece of truth and do not live it, you can only hold out this way for a short time and will then turn away from the truth. Pray that you will be able to walk this path in its entirety by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray without ceasing and ask the Heavenly Father for forgiveness for the many people who have strayed and follow this mistaken belief. One confuses and strays them. And yet they do not turn back.

My beloved children of Mary, pray above all for the conversion of the many priests and the authorities, so that they may finally recognize what is truth and what is a lie. The lie is presented today as truth. Ask the Heavenly Father, My beloved children of Mary, that they may have the strength to finally repent through the many prophecies and prophesies of My Heavenly Father, which He has given to all in the many messages. If they read and follow these messages, they will be able to lead a life of prayer and will be allowed to attain eternal bliss one day. The goal for all of you is the way to heaven and the way to eternal glory, for this will be prepared for you not on earth but in heaven, My beloved ones. On earth you will be prepared for this great goal.

You all have to carry your cross. Accept this cross in love! It is not a punishment from God. Do not throw it away, but embrace it, because it serves you for salvation.

Receive the sacraments! The last time that the Heavenly Father has given you has begun. How soon will this happen. Then men will be frightened and no longer know one nor one nor all because they live in great sin and the time has passed to confess. Confess your sins and take advantage of this sacrament of Penance, for it has been given to you! Receive the sacraments! It is time for you, my children, because I want to press you all to my Immaculate Heart. There you will find rest, and I will lead you safely to the heavenly Father.

And now your dearest Mother wants to greet you today on her feast day and especially bless you in the Divine Power of the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and remain in truth, for only this way leads you to salvation! Receive the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, the bread of heaven! This will strengthen you in this time. Amen.


