Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Septuagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pope Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, large crowds of angels from all four directions entered this house chapel and grouped around the altar of Mary and the altar of sacrifice. The Blessed Mother was bathed in glistening light, as was the Little King of Love, who sent His rays of grace to the Child Jesus. The entire chancel was brightly lit.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this Sunday Septuagesima through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock in Mellatz and in Göttingen, because this house church in Göttingen is closely connected with this house church in Mellatz. The rays of grace that are received here are also received there in the same way.

My beloved children, My beloved followers, I call you all to prayer, especially in the time before Lent. You should realize that you should take advantage of this Holy Sacrament of Penance because you sin again and again. How important it is for all of you to confess your sins in order to improve yourselves and to be able to pass on the graces that flow from this sacrament. They are to overflow onto others so that they feel: "I, too, have sinned before the Triune God, I, too, want to confess my sins, especially now in the pre-Lenten season and during Lent.

My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, especially you are meant today, because you go all the way with Me to the mountain Golgotha, although you have already reached the top. And yet you go further forward, this my way. You will not miss him because you are completely connected with my words, instructions and messages. You believe and trust deeper and deeper. you receive My Sacraments, you believe in the Holy Eucharist, you believe in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Trentine Rite according to Pope Pius V, just as My priestly son celebrates it daily at My sacrificial altar here in Mellatz, and you join in the celebration, My beloved little flock. You believe that only this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is valid.

Can there be anything else in the only, Catholic and Apostolic faith other than the altar of sacrifice, the priest of sacrifice and the Holy Mass of sacrifice? There will be nothing else but this one and only Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pope Pius V. as it was canonized and as it shall remain for all times.

Why do so many of you - My beloved clergy is addressed - celebrate this My Holy Sacrificial Feast according to John XXIII (after 1962)? How many mistakes and bad attitudes have crept in there. It has been falsified. These graces, which here flow into the world from the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pope Pius V, cannot come from this sacrificial meal.

Why do you not obey My messages, My instructions and My prophecies that My little one sends into the world through the Internet? She only listens to My words and repeats My words. She remains the little nothing, as she says of herself and as it is right. She is My little flower of passion, My flower of suffering, because for more than three months she has been suffering and atoning for many priests who do not repent and who do not want to follow My words in their entirety, who read My Messages but do not obey them. They despise and mock My little messenger whom I have chosen because she herself cannot have chosen. She is all mine. She has transferred her will to me. And how can it be other than that it repeats my words.

Why do you not believe, you, My beloved authorities, you, My clergy, why do you not believe in My words? Why do you despise My words, mock them and reject them?

Every day My priestly son here at this sacrificial altar in Mellatz celebrates the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ, who offers Himself to Me daily on the sacrificial altars of the whole world for the reconciliation of mankind. Why do you continue to sin? Why do you not turn back? How many times have I admonished you to repent, to take the way that My Son Jesus Christ went up to Mount Golgotha. Why do you not want to go the way of suffering that leads to salvation? Why do you spurn illness and all seriousness? Can there be anything else in faith but going through suffering? Suffering and joy I will give you, but come to my table of sacrifice. I invite you. I invite you to my ...

Anne asks: What did you say, dear Heavenly Father?

The Heavenly Father: ... Sacrificial table, at which you receive My manna, the heavenly bread - your heavenly food. That is your goal and that is your way. I can only repeat it again and again because I long for your hearts. They shall burn with love.

My beloved ones, especially My beloved little flock and My beloved followers, go this way in its entirety and atone for those who do not want to go this way, who do not want to adore, who do not believe in My Holy Eucharist. They do not come to My sacrificial altar. They celebrate the meal fellowship of Protestantism and do not turn back. Must this not hurt Me, as Heavenly Father, infinitely in My Divine Soul? And you, My beloved followers and small flock, does it not also hurt you that My Holy Sacrificial Feast is still rejected today, after these many admonitions?

Why, My beloved believers, do you not wake up? Wake up! Go to your homes! There this DVD of the true Holy Sacrifice is waiting for you. This is the real Sunday. There you can celebrate the feast of the Lord in truth and in love. Why do you let yourselves be seduced by the great stream, where you are followers, but do not use your own will and do not use your intellect. A meal community can never be like a sacrificial meal, My beloved ones.

Wake up, for soon it will be too late! My Son Jesus Christ will soon appear with His Heavenly Mother here in Wigratzbad, in this holy place. Are you in grace that you then believe in everything you see? Many will fall down in horror, because they are not in the sanctifying grace. Before that, my cross will be seen all over the firmament in the whole world. And this cross shall make you awake. Believe and trust! There is only one Triune God!

Why do you still believe that these religious communities, like in Assisi, can be put on the same level as the Catholic faith? No, you can't! All are to return to this one, holy, catholic faith. There is only one way to heaven, and that is through this Catholic faith.

My Son Jesus Christ has instituted this Holy Sacrificial Meal for you out of love. Why can't you wake up? Why are you still in the sleep of death and going into these churches of modernism? Stay out of there because My Son Jesus Christ is no longer in these tabernacles which have been disfigured by many sacrileges of My clergy.

I love you, My beloved ones, and I want you back because My Heart cries with longing for these many lost souls who will all fall into the abyss if they do not believe and love and practice love of enemies.

You, My beloved little flock, practice love of the enemy. You pray for your enemies to return. It is important that you help me and comfort me in this time of tribulation, in this time of unbelief, of misbelief and confusion. Don't let yourselves be driven crazy. Use your own intellect and come back to me! This is the only way, the true way, because I am the way, the truth and the life. He who is in me and in whom I am, he reaches eternal life, and I will be for him this divine food, which leads to heaven. This is the only way of life on earth, which ultimately leads to eternal bliss. There you shall be allowed to participate in the wedding feast, because I am waiting for you, and I will prepare the best seats for you there.

And so your dearest, most tender, loving Father in the Trinity, with your dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Be vigilant and step forward courageously on this path, for forward goes your way! I love you all! Amen.


