Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday. Cenacle.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Cenacle the angels already moved into the house church. They were grouped around the altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary and the statue of Christ. The Tabernacle Angels adored the Blessed Sacrament because it is necessary, since so many no longer venerate this Blessed Sacrament. All the saints shone in a bright glow.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, your most gracious Mother, who forms and guides you, speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies entirely in the will of heaven and only repeats words that come from Me.

My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, today you have entered the Pentecostal Hall of the Cenacle with Me to receive the Holy Spirit.

How much the faithful have strayed. They live in confusion. Your dearest Mother, with Her Immaculate Heart, weeps with longing for these faithful who are far away and have distanced themselves from the Blessed Sacrament, especially from the Trinity. Nor do they love me as their mother, on the contrary, they despise, yes, they mock me.

The authorities, especially the Holy Father, the chief shepherds and the entire clergy do not serve me. I want to lead everyone back to My Son Jesus Christ, ultimately to the Heavenly Father. They have not been faithful to him; on the contrary, they have turned away from faith.

The whole Catholic Church today consists of a huge heap of rubble and nobody knows who he can believe from the authorities. Everything in the Catholic Church has become an unholy mess, a chaos. And I, as Heavenly Mother, want to save the souls and lead them back to My Son, because He died for them. But they do not obey me. They think they can play out their own power, they can determine faith as they want it.

One makes one's own fantasy into a faith that is to be mixed and has been mixed with all religions. Already in Assisi, the Holy Father united these religious communities with the Catholic faith, that is, the Catholic Church no longer exists. He, the guardian of the entire Catholic Church of the world, has abused this faith, he has even betrayed and sold it.

And you, My believers, do you pay attention to the authorities? Do you follow the will of the authorities? Do you still follow the Holy Father on earth today? He is the greatest modernist, as the Heavenly Father already tells you. He himself despises faith. He himself pursues a heresy and has become an Antichrist. What does this mean for you, my believers? Don't you have to withdraw now and distance yourselves completely from modernism? The Freemasons won the Holy Father completely for themselves and put him in chains, so to speak. He obeys them, - evil of course. The evil one exercises his power over the Vicar of Jesus Christ.

And what do you believe, My believers? Can you now still find faith in this modernist church, the Catholic faith among these shepherds? No! They have become renters. They are no longer Catholic, and they no longer proclaim the Catholic faith.

Therefore I say to you, as Heavenly Mother, as your dearest Mother, who wants to guide, direct and guide you in faith, stay in your homes, because there you have security, there you can celebrate a sacrificial banquet according to a DVD in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. You have ordered this DVD many times. It is time for you to finally separate from modernism, from these modernist priests and from these churches where you will find nothing but Protestantism and ecumenism. Nobody is catholic there anymore. For if the Heavenly Father has taken His Son Jesus Christ out of the tabernacles, who rules in these churches? The evil one, Satan. And he plays out his power over those who do not want to give way now, who still believe: "There, in these churches, I can still find faith. I have to go in there. Maybe I will find something else there, because there is a lot of variety." The world reigns in these churches. Music, dance and superstition - everything is possible in these modernist churches, only the Catholic faith is not to be found there.

Therefore, I warn you as your dearest mother who watches over you, hurry out and stay in your houses for your protection, because as you know, the great event, namely the soul-examination, will soon come. After that My Son Jesus Christ will appear with Me in the firmament. Believe in it! The time is ripe and there is no turning back. Prayer, sacrifice and atonement could have mitigated everything. But people are not prepared for prayer, sacrifice and atonement, just as clerics are not. There are no sacrificial priests and there is no authority that wants to atone.

This, my messenger, has been chosen by the Heavenly Father for atonement and she obeys Him completely, His plan and His wishes. She has been atoning for three months without interruption because the tribulation and heresy in this Catholic Church continues to progress. No stop is put to it, on the contrary, this church is rapidly descending deeper and deeper into confusion and misbelief.

As dearest Mother, I have sent messages to many people so that they do not remain in darkness, but they do not obey the messages because they do not show sacrifice out of convenience. They want to be comfortable in the world and do not pay attention to the fact that they have to prepare themselves here on earth for heaven, that they should take up their cross, their own cross, which is meant for them and which serves all of them for salvation. They do not pay attention to this cross, but continue to live happily in the world. They take everything that is offered to them, and faith has disappeared. He is no longer there. He is completely gone. The believers can no longer talk about faith at all. They do not know what sin is, they do not know what a rosary means and that there is a Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. All should rush to this holy mass of sacrifice in order to be saved. But they despise this holy sacrificial meal. They continue to go to the meal fellowship and get deeper and deeper into Protestantism. "We're all doing fine," they say. "Why should I change? The Mother will take care and the Heavenly Father will be merciful with me. Whether there really is a life after that, I do not know. No one has come back from there. There is no information about life after death in heaven, and therefore I cannot believe. You have to show and prove to me that there is a heaven. And what I do not see, I do not believe."

The greatest mystery, the Holy Eucharist, continues to be disfigured and people do not believe that Jesus Christ is present there with divinity and humanity, that He is waiting for us, that He loves us and that He wants to draw us to Himself, that He loves us inexpressibly, so that He has given us His Mother to be our Mother, who can make everything possible for us if we remain faithful to Her, if we make ourselves at home to Her Immaculate Heart, if we love Her as our Heavenly Mother and listen to Her, for She is the Voice of Heaven It leads us directly into the sky. She makes sure that we fulfill the plan and wish of the Heavenly Father. She reveals a lot to us, but we do not pay attention to the fact that she cries in many places. Bitter tears, even tears of blood are shed because of your many sons of priests who do not believe and do not worship and do not love.

Your Heavenly Mother experiences all this. And it continues to seek atonement souls who atone for these grave offences and sacrileges, so that many still want to repent and remain saved from eternal hell. She urges you to pray for this, pray for the abandoned priests, pray for them who do not want to repent, who have given themselves to the world, who love the world more than the Trinity, who glorify themselves and exercise their own power, but who never want to live the Catholic faith.

I, as Mother of the Church, beg you to take up your cross. It serves you for salvation and you can atone for your own guilt and the guilt of others through this cross. Remember the Holy Father, pray and atone for him, for all his transgressions. Atone for the bishops, for the chief shepherds, and atone for the entire clergy, because I suffer as the Mother of the Church, because I cannot lead her to the Heavenly Father. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity loves them all and wants to embrace them in His arms so that they have full protection.

And so your dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints, with Her Bridegroom, St. Joseph, Padre Pio and many other saints, bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


