Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sixth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the rosary, angels from all four directions came to this house chapel. They also floated down to the Mother of God in the hall. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle with the tabernacle angels. The Trinity symbol was illuminated very brightly during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The angels surrounded the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again. The statue of Christ was illuminated several times by golden, silver and dark red rays. The rays of grace were there so that many could claim them if they believed in them.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you now at this moment on the sixth Sunday after Pentecost through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, today your Heavenly Father wants to reveal to you some things so that you may advance in wisdom, but only then, My beloved ones, if you believe. Faith is the foundation. If you cannot build on it, you are separated from faith, that is, you are dead.

Holy Baptism in the Catholic faith is important, My beloved ones. Only there it is in order. Protestant baptism cannot be recognized by the Catholic faith because it is not a sacrament. An ordained priest among the Protestants will not be able to perform baptism because there are no priests there. Only a Catholic priest can administer the sacraments because he is consecrated and because he is to be My servant.

How many priests, My beloved ones, have strayed. And how many priests are confused. They no longer know anything about faith and they cannot believe because they want to have proven faith. They do not bear witness because many convince them that there is only one God, who is the same in all religions. No, My beloved ones!

There is a Triune God in the True, Unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church This church contains My truths.

But if one takes away something from these truths and no longer regards the dogmas as truth, then one is no longer Catholic. What about the Bishop of Regensburg who was summoned to Rome? Was this right and well thought out by the Holy Father? No, My beloved ones! He even denies the dogmas. That is, he presides over the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, although he is not even Catholic any more.

What does this mean for this church, for this modernist church? The Holy Father is simply the greatest modernist. He can only appoint such priests and chief shepherds who are not in the true faith and because he himself denies the church, has betrayed and sold it.

My beloved believers, are you finally waking up? Can you now understand that I, the Heavenly Father, have called this Holy Father a heretic, an Antichrist, who betrayed and sold My Church and mixed it with the other religions in Assisi? This is my full truth and it is reality.

Why do you not believe and still say that if we do not believe in the Supreme Shepherd, we are no longer Catholic. But what does it look like when the supreme shepherd strays, when he passes on the false faith, the erroneous faith? Do you have to follow him then? No, certainly not! You must not believe this Holy Father and must not follow him, because I, the Heavenly Father, have long since taken the scepter into my hand.

And My beloved Pius Brotherhood, how about you? You have been in dialogue with this modernist, the Holy Father, for a long time. Was that right? Shouldn't you diplomatically recognize this Vatican II? Was this not included in the preamble? Didn't you know that you were not allowed to sign this document and that you should continue to avoid dialogue? But you were sure, we are recognized by Rome and we want the recognition. This is wrong, My beloved Pius-Brothers. You must not follow this modernist and heretic. You have long since turned away and been excommunicated. In this excommunication you could build chapels, you could spread the true Catholic faith. And you have done so, except for the Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you celebrate according to John XXIII. You have acknowledged this, although it is not true. Only according to Pius V, as your Founder exemplified it to you, there is the one Holy Sacrificial Feast, which I, Jesus Christ, describe as in truth. Only this corresponds to the full truth. If you celebrate this, you are still anchored in the true Catholic faith, if not, modernism has also entered into you. You cannot stop him unless you confess and testify to the full truth.

And what about you, My beloved Pius brothers? You cast out the messengers as before, for you are proud and exalted above them. They cannot tell you anything. You have wisdom alone. You think you have the right to correct the Holy Father. That was your imagination. But you will see that you will soon split or you will be swept away by me as a priestly brotherhood. Didn't you see how the Almighty Heavenly Father could do this with this director here in Wigratzbad? How long have I revealed to you that I will sweep away this director, and I have done so. It has become truth. But one does not believe me. One does not believe my messenger because she is to be proud, because she passes on her own fantasies. No, My beloved Pius brothers, My beloved believers, she cannot, for she suffers. For three months she has been suffering day and night, voluntarily and out of love. Furthermore, she will atone, - also for you, my beloved Pius Brotherhood. How much have you already twisted in faith. You are not in the full truth and your sacrificial masses are still not valid.

Hatred flows through your souls and hatred generates hatred again. You cannot demand that you be recognized as loved, if you spread hatred against the messengers and expel them from your chapels. Are your chapels for you or do they belong to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity? Have you built them with Me in love or for yourselves so that you may be the first to be recognized and loved by the faithful? No, My beloved Pius brothers, that is not true. You must become humble, humble and small and pass on the true faith, not despising the messengers and giving no false testimony about them. These are serious offences against the Holy Spirit. And you carry this out again and again and prove it to the faithful by saying: "You must tear up the messages, you must burn them and you must regard these messengers only as phantoms.

There are no messengers ordered by me who pass on their own fantasies. No! I have chosen and chosen them as My beloved ones who bear witness to My truths and who are ready to make atonement for the many transgressions in today's chaotic church out of love for Me.

Don't I have to found the priesthood anew in My beloved little messenger Anne? In her dwells Jesus Christ, My Son, who suffers the New Priesthood in her. And she suffers agony, yes, very often agony of death with the Savior. She becomes one with Him. Often she cannot understand when the suffering becomes excessive. Then she looks for her savior and does not find him and thinks he is not there. But I tell you, My beloved little one, your Heavenly Father in the Trinity is very close to you. The more you think that He is far from you, the closer He is to you, for you become like Him in His suffering, in His suffering on the cross. This will be your salvation and the salvation of many others. You will continue to suffer in the House of Glory, as I have called the House which has now become the House of Atonement, because My priesthood has not yet been established and because My priests are still not ready to recognize My true Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the Trentino Rite. They want to take over and live representations in the individual communities and bear witness to modernism. They celebrate the meal fellowship at a block. And I tell you, it will not be much longer, then I will smash these blocks, these popular altars. I will also destroy some churches where much mischief has been done by My priests' sons, who are confused and straying, and they will be no more.

Believe it, my beloved ones, the event is close at hand. Turn back and believe in the truth and bear witness to the truth, then only you have full protection. The event will be terrible, terrifying the earthquake, terrifying the lightning, the thunder, the darkness, and no one will know any more, "Is this now the three-day darkness? What else can I do?" Then, My beloved ones, it is already too late for you. Howling you will run through the streets and be seen as burning torches, because fire will come over this earth, fire from above. And many areas are razed to the ground. Many areas will be desert land. Nothing will blossom and prosper anymore.

Stay in your homes, My beloved ones, and celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to the DVD in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, as My holy priest already performs it daily. Then you are in the truth and nothing can happen to you. Stay out of the modernist churches, because there you will see Satan. Satan has already taken possession of many churches where great sacrileges are committed by My priestly sons, and even further it goes downhill.

My beloved ones, wake up from the sleep of death, for My dearest Mother wants to protect you. Consecrate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, and She will guide and lead you to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

And so I bless you today in love, faithfulness, kindness and patience with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are protected! Live love, for love is the greatest! Amen.


