Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fifteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, but also during the Exposition, large crowds of angels entered this house church, remained present during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and went in and out for the Exposition, because they venerated the Blessed Sacrament so much and knelt down to adore the Blessed Sacrament in deep reverence.

I, the Heavenly Father, will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, the fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved ones, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, all of you have come to Me today, this Sunday, to hear My words and to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence. It is My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. As I have told you all, only this Holy Sacrificial Feast is valid and in full truth!

My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted the Holy Sacrificial Supper as a testament for all of you, because He went on the cross for all of you to redeem you all. Celebrate this holy sacrificial meal as often as you can. I point again and again to the DVD, which lies in the truth - in my full truth!

Many people have already been led more and more into the depths by this Holy Sacrificial Feast in order to be able to believe and also to trust Me, the Heavenly Father. They could look deeper into their hearts. They have received streams of grace and have become worthy of these gifts of grace. They know that they can draw from this holy sacrificial meal, namely the divine power for their everyday life.

The Blessed Mother, My dearest Mother, wants to guide you, She wants to guide and guide you in your daily life when worries weigh on you. She especially wants to support you in this time of distress.

It is a church crisis. At all corners and ends you feel that the truth no longer penetrates into the world - not even into the Church, because the clergy, the episcopate and also the Curia up to the Holy Father do not teach the truth and do not fulfill My plan as I wish it.

Love, My beloved ones, is decisive. The priests can receive My Divine Love, but only if they want to believe and trust and celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence. The faithful should thereby be able to receive their food of life, their Holy Communion, from these priests' sons, because only in these Holy Masses of Sacrifice is My Son Jesus Christ transformed in the hands of the priests, who celebrate this sacrificial meal worthily and who are ready to sacrifice everything. They love the Most Holy Trinity and they say again and again that this is the truth that must penetrate into the world - into all continents, so that men can kneel down again in all reverence and shiver before this great mystery.

Again and again I want to emphasize that this is the greatest miracle and mystery that takes place in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice. You will never be able to grasp and fathom what happens in the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son in the Trinity in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V!

Believe, My beloved ones, and leave the modernist church, for you know that it harms you. I would like to repeat: How is it possible for a priest who turns to the people and turns his back on his dearest Jesus Christ to believe that this can be a worthy Holy Mass of sacrifice? No! It is and remains a meal fellowship of Protestantism. There is no transformation, there is no ordained priest, there are no sacraments: The sacrament of priestly ordination, for example. There is also no Holy Sacrament of Penance where you can confess your sins, repent and confess to begin anew, because you are all imperfect human beings. But I know that you are willing to confess your sins.

People are searching They have gone astray through the entire clergy. This is very sad - also for My Heavenly Mother. She looks at the many people who go astray. The apostasy is growing and there is no stopping it. It goes deeper and deeper into unbelief, although I send My messages through My willing instrument into the world, into the Church, into the dioceses. Are the chief shepherds willing to acknowledge and pass on this my truth? No! But you also cannot say: "This is the untruth that the messenger is passing on to the Internet. No, I, the Heavenly Father, use the Internet, because it is My Internet that I had invented. That is why the distribution will continue. I have sent many more messages into the world through other messengers.

I would like to draw your attention to the warning! Yes, My end-time prophetess Mary will continue to proclaim the truth. It is ready to give my words into the world, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether many people want to hear it or not. But my result, which I have desired, is that so many prayer groups have already formed, and now all men are called upon to believe in these end-time prophecies and to prepare themselves before the Second Coming of My Son Jesus Christ. I want to save many people, because I am a loving and also a just father. I want to save all My beloved sons of priests from eternal ruin. And again and again through new prayers I call upon men to continue to pray and to implore intimately that these priests can be saved. It is not my wish that they fall into hell. No! On the contrary. I want to save them through many messengers whom I have appointed all over the world so that men can recognize the truth, live the truth and pass it on.

It is not easy for you to go up this rocky road to Golgotha, My beloved little flock and My followers. But as you know, this is the truth, but erroneous faith stands against it, because Satan has still seized his power and does not want this Holy Mass of Sacrifice to be celebrated because it has the full power to pour out the streams of grace into the hearts of the many believers. Your hearts will be touched so strongly by the love of God that they cannot help but believe and trust.

Many young people find faith through this (a href="" target="_blank")DVD. It has not been proclaimed to them in the churches. They have searched for the truth. They have been looking for it for a long time. Therefore they have gone astray. And you, my beloved clergy, have loaded this on your conscience. Think in the responsibility that you must save these young people from all things and lead them into the true faith. You must tell them the truth and confess it. They should learn to love, they should gain trust and the depth of faith should flow into their hearts. Think of the many people who otherwise continue to go astray. This is not to be.

My Heavenly Mother is the Mother of the Church and she begs day and night at My Throne that I may touch many priest hearts so that they may want to believe - not only believe, but want to believe so that people may convert and apostasy may cease.

How many people search for the truth and find the misbelief in other religious communities. Isn't it sad, since there is this one and only, holy, catholic and apostolic faith? He is unique.

My son Jesus Christ himself instituted this holy sacrificial meal. He went to the cross for this and out of His side wound His blood flowed for the true Church and you have misled it, My beloved sons of priests. Can you still answer for this today, when the Heavenly Father begs you to repent and confess the truth and lead people to Divine Love? Love is the greatest and My Son has many rays of love to forgive.

Look at my mother! My mother is waiting for you to beg her. She wants to form the priests and She wants to be the mother and queen of the priests. She wishes them to consecrate themselves to Her Immaculate Heart. Then you can take them by the hand and guide them, then they are sure that they will not continue to fall into the delusion.

I love you all, My dearest beloved children, My faithful, My beloved followers, you who will and will want to continue My way steeply. I bless you all, also My beloved little flock, with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, with your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are all loved from eternity! Live love, for love is the greatest! Amen.


