Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feast of the Name of Mary and the Night of Atonement.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again many angels flocked to the house church. They were especially grouped around the altar of Mary, because today is the feast of the Blessed Mother's name. The altar of sacrifice was brightly lit. The angels offered the glory to the Blessed Mother again and again.

Our Lady will speak on the feast of Her name: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne on My name feast to all of you, My beloved children of Mary.

As you know, My beloved children, something has been changed. In the prayer of the Lady of All Nations it says: Who once was Mary. I was once Mary, but then through the greeting of the angel and the reception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit I became the Mother of God. In Me Jesus Christ became man through the Holy Spirit. The Godhead and mankind united in my bosom. As a result, I was no longer called Mary, but Mother of God or Our Lady.

I loved My child in My womb and worshipped it. I also wish that all the others would still worship this child Jesus today, because he longs for it. Holiness began with conception by the Holy Spirit, when Jesus became man in Me.

He himself had decided to become a man in order to redeem mankind. The love of God came upon mankind. What a great event that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, wanted to become man!

And what is the situation today on these altars of sacrifice? There His sacrifice of the cross is renewed so that mankind may be redeemed. But mankind continues to reject the Son of God, namely this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. Although it was canonized and not one iota was allowed to be changed, it was changed. It is very sad that the priests do not obey the great Triune God, the Heavenly Father, and do not want to fulfill His plan. That is, they do not love Him. But He demands their love, the love of the sons of priests. The priests themselves are called upon to honor the great God, to offer Him a fitting sacrificial meal in all reverence, and to praise, glorify and thank Him.

Again and again Jesus Christ, the Son of God, proves His love for mankind. Did He not give them the Holy Sacrament of Penance? Can they not be freed from their sins by taking this sacrament of penance as often as possible? The white dress of sanctifying grace is put on them. They are completely pure again and can step purely to the sacrificial table and receive Him, Jesus Christ, My Son, whom I love above all things.

I, the dearest Mother of God, am with you every day. I love you and My name shall not be disgraced. It should also not be changed. For those who have chosen me as their patron saint, I will accompany them on their path in a very special way. Him I will lead and he shall always turn to me. Is this not love, My beloved children of Mary? I love you and I want to lead you to My Son, ultimately to the Heavenly Father. Again and again I repeat these words because it was given to me, as Mother of the Church, to give it up. I will lead you to the Heavenly Father. You shall once attain the kingdom of heaven and be allowed to see eternal bliss. You are to do everything to be allowed to see eternal bliss once. This is your task here on earth. Without this task your life would be useless. You shall keep this pearl as the treasure of your heart.

Why do the priests not pay attention to this oversized gift of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? I, as a mother, am saddened by the fact that one turns one's back to My Son at the altar. That is modernism! One does not recognize it because one does not want to believe in My Son Jesus Christ, because one wants to turn to the people and has already accepted Protestantism. Is this right, My beloved sons of priests? Have you ever asked yourself: "What am I doing at the altar? Am I really celebrating there the Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence when I turn to the people and have My Jesus behind Me? Do I look at Him then or do I look at the people? Do I honor Him or do I honor the people?"

Many believers today think that priests must do this because their chief shepherds in their dioceses have taught them to do so. But they cannot say that this is really and truly the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which is canonized, that is, it cannot be changed.

And you, My sons of priests, where are you with your Holy Sacrificial Feast? Do you remain in Protestantism and ecumenism? This is not true. That is not the only one, Saints, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church more. Do you not believe in what happened in Assisi? Did the Supreme Shepherd really confess his Catholic faith there? No! The other religious communities have declared their faith. The Catholic faith was suddenly no longer there, because the Supreme Shepherd did not recognize it. Did he have the emblem in his hands, the rosary, the ladder to heaven? Did he show this ladder of heaven to the other religious communities or did he not do so at all? No! His confession was not there and he did not express his love for the Catholic faith. Didn't he use it to sell the Catholic Church? Is she still what she should be now? Jesus Christ, My Son, instituted this One, Holy, Catholic Church through His Blood that flowed from His side wound. He bought them for you. He gave them to you. This is the flame of love from the cross. You shall acknowledge and testify to this love.

He, My Son, is truly present with Godhead and humanity in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. It is He Himself who, in the hands of the sons of priests, transforms into His Holy Flesh and Blood in the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V. This is the truth and in this truth you shall all believe, especially you, My beloved children of Mary and you My faithful and My beloved pilgrims from near and far in Heroldsbach, who are holding this atoning night today. Thank you for your existence and for your atonement and sacrifice for the priests. It will also benefit you. Your Heavenly Mother wants to thank you again and again, especially the pilgrims in Heroldsbach.

You are here in your home church and you are also atoning as much as you can. It is not possible for you, my little one, today, but you find it difficult not to be able and allowed to atone. You carry your suffering and you carry it exemplary. I thank you for all your love for your dearest mother, who is always with you and who never leaves you - not even all of you. I want to let you feel the security, you who believe in me, you who let me form, love and embrace you. I, your Heavenly Mother, now bless you, with all the angels and saints, with all Heaven, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


