Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Feast of the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angelic crowds from all four directions, which could not be overlooked, participated today in the third Holy Mass of Sacrifice on Christmas Day. Everything was brightly illuminated in this holy house church in Göttingen.

Also today, my beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father, will speak in my omnipotence and in my love: Justice is announced, my beloved ones, on this most holy first Christmas day. You are celebrating the birth of My Son Jesus Christ in the poor stable in Bethlehem; you are kneeling before Him because you are His beloved little flock and the followers of My Son Jesus Christ. You worshiped the little Jesus because He was born again in your hearts. Love shines deeper into your hearts and it will continue to shine into this world.

You, my little one, still have the world broadcast. In this world, My beloved ones, I am completely rejected as Jesus Christ and as a little Jesus. And that is why you comfort me and that is why I can work in you in my omnipotence and in my justice, which is announced today.

My beloved ones, one I have taken from you, the other I give to you. That is my justice, and I will again and again let it rule in this last time, in these last moments, because everything will change according to my justice. It is the most holy Christmas time, which is announced by this little Jesus, My Son Jesus Christ.

How much I waited for the many who would follow Me, who would also follow in My footsteps. I breathed on them in their souls so that new life would arise in them and this impotence would give way, because they were in their souls of death and they continued to indulge in this meal fellowship. Thus they are separated from me, my beloved ones. In My Holy Church, the Church of My Son Jesus Christ, there is no meal fellowship. It has never existed. My Holy Sacrificial Feast has been completely changed and all men have been deceived and led into confusion and deception. You, my sons of priests, have to answer for it one day before me, the Almighty. Do you not believe that My justice will come upon you? Yes, the time has come.

You, My sons of priests, have rejected My prophets and continue to reject them. Have I not always sent prophets to you in all times of crisis so that you know where the true way leads. My way goes to heaven. The prophets guide you the true way and never tell the untruth and the lie that is still in these priests.

I am the great God, the Triune One. One God in three persons. You cannot understand this, My beloved ones. And yet I long for you. This longing will remain in my heart. And my beloved little flock will continue to atone for you so that you do not fall into the eternal abyss, as also your chief shepherd, who stands at the edge of the abyss. He knows not what he does, My beloved ones. You shall forgive him and pray for him. Pray and atone! The wrath of heaven will come upon him, my beloved, and that is my righteousness.

To all I have given great insights, to all. I have made no exception with you, My little one, that only you may get the knowledge in your heart and repeat My words. Only My words are important. You are completely unimportant and remain a nothing, but my willing tool, in which I can work and in which I send out my truth into the whole world and shout out through the messages in the Internet. May I not do that, My beloved ones? Am I not allowed to shout out the truth when the many priests, my sons of priests, proclaim untruth and erroneous belief up to the chief shepherd?

And you continue to atone and you pray for your enemies, even if you are rejected and persecuted and even if they want to drag you down with them in the false faith, you are still called upon to pray and suffer, to atone and to sacrifice for these enemies. You can no longer understand this world, but you know that you are following the words of your Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who loves you above all things. And in this love I sent My Son Jesus Christ into this world as a little Jesus, poor and little. You must recognize this humility. Nothing has kept this Jesus for herself. It has given away everything to humanity: the love, the loyalty, the goodness, the longevity, the patience and the joy of the first Christmas. It will never leave you alone, especially during this Christmas season, which lasts until the second of February.

Even though you are rejected in all places of prayer, my beloved ones, I wish that you act according to my will, not according to the will of men who are fallible and continue to proclaim erroneous faith. And this delusion, my beloved ones, you all recognize. Never can you say: "Unfortunately I did not know about these messages and unfortunately I could not see the truth either. No, My beloved ones, I have proclaimed these messages in the whole world. In many countries they pay homage to Me, the little Jesus. Through the messages they have found true faith. They too were lost, and who led them astray? The modernist priests. And this modernism continues to be cultivated in these churches, although I am not present at all as Jesus Christ in these tabernacles. They really receive, My beloved ones, only a piece of bread and the bread of life stays away from them. And you receive it.

I will build My New Church with New Priests whom I will touch deeply. This church, which lies in ruins, cannot be repaired or restored. You deceive people. And this is the evil one. The evil one will continue to twist everything. That is how you recognize him. But, My beloved ones - this is what Jesus says - the evil one is cunning and he will continue to use his cunning also with you; much suffering has been inflicted on you in the last time. But you have borne it, willingly borne it and have not strayed from my truth.

And you, My beloved little Monika, have done everything that your Heavenly Father has asked of you. For a year and beyond you were humiliated. And that was good for you. Today you will see that what your Heavenly Father intended for you was right and good. He wanted to test your love for the Triune God, for Me, the Heavenly Father, whether I am still good when I cause you the greatest suffering. But even then I was your loving father. You have proved this to me in all your ways. Thou hast been silent in the wickedness that has been done to thee. And that was right and good. Now I will free you from this suffering completely. I will prove to you that I continue to love you inexpressibly in My small following and in My small flock. Only few follow Me, the Heavenly Father. You too will feel the loneliness in your hearts because this is the way of My Son Jesus Christ. You also go to the cross. Continue to willingly accept all your worries and hardships and sufferings.

The Child Jesus in the manger will impart special graces to you today so that you may bear all your suffering willingly and humbly. But call on me again and again, your dearest heavenly father. I will send all the angels for your protection. I will never leave you alone. When the great event comes, you remain My chosen ones and are under the full protection of My dearest Mother, the Immaculate Received and also the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. Please remember this in these sufferings and do not be sad that you are rejected. I, the Heavenly Father, can keep everything from you in My omnipotence, omniscience and in My omnipotence. I can turn everything around for your protection. And in it believes and continues, as before, this most difficult way.

Not many will follow you, but a great number will fall away from the truth. And you will see that. Do not be sad about this, but be thankful that your Heavenly Father is separating them from you. This is the chaff from the wheat, which must be separated. The drives must be cut off, which are not in the truth and which do not go on this difficult way in love. But you, my beloved ones, are not only chosen and loved from eternity, but you will be loved intimately in all eternity. And believe in it in the hardest times! This shall give you the consolation that I, your beloved Jesus Christ in the Trinity, have received from the angel Lechitiel through My Heavenly Father. I too needed comfort, as you do. Call the angels' hosts. They will always comfort you and never leave you alone. And your dearest Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, will accompany you and one day lead you to the eternal home. That is your goal.

Save the souls, because I need the souls, the erring souls, they shall find their way back to Me and all communities of faith shall return to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. As it has now begun in this 'warning,' it will go on, but I will lead them, those of different faith. I will touch them and will not leave them in the wrong faith, as you, my little one, have felt.

In Islam is not My faith, but the mistaken faith and the devilish faith. And you do not follow this. From that you are moving away. This is My will.

And so today on the most holy first Christmas Day I bless you with all My love, in the Trinity, with My dearest Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love, for love awakens you and leads you into eternal glory - into Divine Love. Amen. Look into the manger, there the Word of God has become truth. Love the little Jesulein. It is waiting for your love. Amen.


