Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Feast of the holy arch martyr Stephanus.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again this house church was full of angels. She was bathed in a glaring light, especially around the tabernacle and the altar of Mary.

The Heavenly Father will speak again: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on the second day of Christmas, on the feast of St. Stephen, My beloved children, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats My words.

My beloved little flock, My beloved believers from near and far and My beloved followers, I, your dearest Heavenly Father, greet you all now on this second Christmas Day, the feast of the first martyr after the birth of My Son Jesus Christ, because I love you and I want to continue to pour these streams of grace upon you.

today look at the little crib, at My Son Jesus Christ, the little Jesuit who became man for you in a stable, in the stable of Bethlehem; today, on the second day of Christmas, you are celebrating the feast of Saint Stephen whom I loved very, very much until the last moment when I received him in My glory; today, on the second day of Christmas, you are celebrating the feast of Saint Stephen whom I loved very, very much until the last moment when I received him in My glory There he can send these streams of grace down on you and fill your hearts, because joy and sorrow lie close together.

On the first day of Christmas everything was white - a white anti-stipendium. And today, the second day of Christmas, everything was red. My blood also flowed for those who do not believe and do not worship. Also over them I let my blood flow. And Saint Stephen? What does he mean to you? He let himself be stoned for the truth. Even though he knew exactly that he would be persecuted, attacked and murdered, he proclaimed the truth until his last breath. He let himself be stoned for the truth. That is why he goes ahead of you. At the last moment of his life he exclaimed: "Lord, do not count this as sin to them.

My beloved messengers, you who proclaim My truth through Me - it is the full truth - what is done with you? They stone your soul, they silence you, so that the truth shall not come to light. And yet you will still proclaim my word and cost it your life. You must say this, My beloved bearers of the cross. Happiness and sorrow are close together. You will continue to be persecuted, because they say, "We have the Bible, we do not need you.

My beloved sons of priests, may there therefore be no messengers? May I not send My messengers to earth so that you may recognize that it is the modernist church to which you belong? May I not announce it when you go astray, when you go astray? If I only have to watch, I, the great God, who nevertheless possesses omnipotence, omnipotence over your hearts. If you do not believe and want to continue to persecute my messengers, then I will let the unspirit work in you more and more. I allow it, My beloved ones. Not that I send you the wicked one. It is you who take his hand. You are the ones who say, "We only need to look into the Bible. That is what we believe in. We do not need messengers. We kill them and silence them. We expel them and we hate them", as you, My beloved Pius brothers, do.

Hatred rules in your hearts. You say that you live the true faith and yet you do not celebrate the only, holy, true, catholic, holy mass of sacrifice according to Pius V, which was canonized. Can you continue to say this with a pure heart in the full truth that you want to follow? No! You kill my messengers and you continue to reject them and you push them out of my ruins of the church. It has become a church in ruins and you belong to it, even if you think you are celebrating the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the full truth. Yet you do not do so because you do not confess the last spark of truth, because you still leave a small door open to let the wicked man enter. And therefore you can cast out my messengers. The wicked man still has power over you and you say a willing yes to him and extend your hand to him.

My beloved ones, there is only one truth. There can be no second truth, otherwise I would not have been born and died for all mankind. This Saint Stephen prayed for you, for your enemies, for your enemies. And you, what are you praying for? You love your enemies and continue to pray for them, even for those who hate and persecute you. You will never stop praying for them. Why, My beloved ones? You shall love your enemies. And you go my way and do not turn away a step from this truth. You would also be stoned in your soul for this truth. And that is why you are my beloved, and that is why you comfort me in my suffering today in Saint Stephen.

You too must say until the last moment: "Yes Father, I do not understand you, but I believe. I firmly believe in Your truth and nothing but Your truth will I represent and also proclaim. And you, My little one, have openly professed it in Islam. Even there, My Supreme Shepherd, the Holy Father, who has already relinquished his authority, still says: "We must confess to all of them, even if they worship the black stone in Mecca, there will be a spark of truth in them, a spark of Catholic faith. Where, My beloved ones, where is that spark? Is he in the black stone? Is he in Mecca? Is he in the idols that continue to be worshipped? In these faith and religious communities, is it really contained in them? Must you still do today what your chief shepherd proclaims? You recognize it, but you say: "I do not do it, because it brings me discord in my family and in my surroundings. And I do not want that, because we want peace, peace on earth."

Peace on earth to all men who are of good will to do my will and to announce me in the full and whole truth. In glory you have worshipped Me today.

And do you believe, My beloved disciples who you should be, do you really believe that in this ecumenism the true Catholic faith can be present? No! It begins in the House of Glory. Even if you mock and laugh about it, it begins where My beloved ones live, whom I have chosen and who continue to fully proclaim My true faith, including the Islamists. Also to them the true faith is announced. And yet they continue to kill those who do not believe in their idols and are not willing to turn back to this devilish faith. It can never be right. And I cannot say: "I am in charity and at the same time I live in the Islamic faith. This is not possible.

You must confess your faith and live it and proclaim it. Not one step may you deviate. If you want to be my disciples, take up your cross and follow me. And what gospel is proclaimed today in the modernist church? Do you really believe, you My sons of priests, what you proclaim? Then do it and stay away from those who do not believe and do not worship and mock the only true Catholic and Apostolic faith. It takes place in My Holy Mass of Sacrifice. My blood still flows there today. In this cup is My true blood with which I will feed you and My true body is in the Host with which I give you this manna, the manna, the heavenly bread with which I strengthen you. With this I make you ready to proclaim my faith. Whether it may be pleasant or unpleasant, yet you announce it.

I thank you for the firmness you have shown, whether they mock you or whether they continue to push you out of these ruins of today's church. It is only rubble. I will raise My Church gloriously through My Son Jesus Christ. You will be surprised because my omnipotence will have an effect, even if you still reject it today. You will all feel it because justice will also be poured out on you. Justice paired with love, that is the truth. You must proclaim the faith in justice. You must not say to others, "It is good as you live. No! You must confess him freely, even when the other will not believe. In this St. Stephen is authoritative for you. Even if it is very uncomfortable for you, you still have to announce your dearest Triune God. One God in three persons. You will not understand this, but you must proclaim it because you are convinced that you are My disciples and follow My way like Saint Stephen. That is why I love you, my disciples, who follow me and have decided for this hardest way.

I bless you in My omnipotence, in My omniscience and omnipotence with all angels and saints, today especially with St. Stephen, with My dearest Mother, the Mother of God, the Mother of God the Bearer of God as Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fight, My beloved ones, fight for truth and true peace because I am putting the sword in your hands and therefore be ready for My fight with your dearest Mother who will crush the head of the serpent with you because She loves you as the true Mother of God, as the true Bearer of God. She points to the little Jesus who is reborn in your hearts for the truth. Amen.


