Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Septuagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. In ecstasy, I saw the altar of sacrifice in the glistening light. All the figures were bathed in bright golden light, especially the little Jesulein. It cried a lot during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and My tears flowed inside too.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: Today, Sunday Septuagesima, I would like to welcome you most warmly. I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers from near and far, I would like to invite you at the beginning of the pre-Lenten season to My words to let them flow into your hearts, because, My believers, remember that all heaven is with you. He rejoices over every little thing that you sacrifice for me, the heavenly Father.

The race battle has begun, My beloved ones. (I. Cor. Letter 9, 24-27) Today it is about My beloved place of pilgrimage and grace Heroldsbach. There the Child Jesus wept, and there also My dearest Mother shed tears, tears of love for this place of grace, because here began the most severe persecution by the entire clergy and the authorities up to the highest level.

My beloved sons of priests, I would like to admonish you once again: Wake up! Wake up, for the time has come where you may once again atone through the petition of your dearest mother, atone for this place of grace. Make a penitent confession, because this place of grace will soon be transformed into a place of pilgrimage.

I, the Heavenly Father, have raised the Scepter with My Mother in this place of grace. This rector, together with the authorities, tries to put this place of grace into Satan's hands.

My beloved ones, yes, it is true, in this church of Mary 'Black Masses' have taken place. Just look at this Satanic Way of the Cross. Can it be determined by heaven? No! Long ago I pointed this out to you: Stay out of this church and go to the Church of the Rosary, go to the Chapel of Grace, because there you will receive graces, oversized graces, but not in this Church of Mary. According to my words, it should have been torn down a long time ago already, because Satan is raging there also now - not only then, my beloved ones. I draw your attention to this. What is happening there now is sin, is an evil offense against this place of grace of my dearest mother, who shed tears of love and sadness there. She has cried and will cry again. My beloved ones, wake up! It is high time that you follow these my words.

The race battle has begun, that is, you are My beloved ones, My followers, if you believe My words and not the works of Satan, because Satan is cunning. Often you do not recognize it and often you do not believe my words, which I give to my tool Anne. Often it is too difficult for you to follow these messages. But everything corresponds to my full truth and the mission I have imposed on my little one, who must sacrifice and atone to the utmost for you, my beloved authorities, and for you, my beloved clergy.

You are also on the racetrack, My beloved ones, but you walk the true path. Satan harasses you. He wants to keep you from this one true path. Many priests could go this true way today. I drew their attention. You should hurry to this place of grace, but not get on the wrong path through this director of the pilgrimage site Heroldsbach. He leads people astray. He is concerned with the financial aspect. You must atone for him, My beloved ones, atone, pray and sacrifice, because I also want to save this rector. I have shed My blood for him. I have shown him my truth, and I ask you again and again, atone and pray for him and especially for this pilgrimage place Heroldsbach.

Fight, My beloved, fight for this My beloved priest son, who is the only one who has walked the true path. And what has been done with him and finally with me, because he follows my will? There he was banned from confession for flimsy reasons that did not correspond to the truth. This son of a priest heard confessions for hours until the early morning in this place of grace Heroldsbach with my strength, which Padre Pio asked him. He too was very persecuted because of the Sacrament of Penance. But he continued to listen to my word.

But now I ask you once again, beloved followers, beloved believers, fight, fight for this priestly son, that this ban on confession be lifted. My priest's son tried everything, and My little flock accompanied him to Rome. But this unjust confessional prohibition has not been lifted. Now you have the opportunity to fight because I wish that he still hears many confessions because my believers are waiting for him, alone for him. Why? Because he has my power and has received this confessional charisma from me. And he may not apply it because this Rector has handed over to him the ban on confession at this place of grace. He has become jealous, My beloved priest son, of you. But you have only used my power and now these many people, these my believers, have waited for the confession of my beloved priest son and the ban on confession will not be lifted. For years it exists, nevertheless it corresponds to the lie.

Beloved believers, fight now, fight, because it is My wish that this ban on confession be lifted, so that many, many people may benefit from this sacrament of penance, so that they may lie in the truth and so that they may fight for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This fight is hard, my beloved ones, and it will demand much strength from you, but I wish it so. As you have fought for the house ban so far, now fight for this confessional ban. I will stand by you and I, the Heavenly Father, will guide your pen.

And if you have the will to obey Me, it will happen that all injustice will come to light, because I want to save My sons of priests. I want to save them all, not just a part. And My mother prays on My throne day and night for her sons of priests who stand at the bottom of the abyss, who practice disobedience and do not obey Me, the Heavenly Father, and are not there to please Me, but to displease Me: They persecute and they blaspheme against My messengers and throw them out of the churches. They are my messengers whom I have chosen and they are my sons of priests whom I have sent and anointed, but they deviate from the truth through the mistaken faith of the authorities up to the highest point. It is no longer My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that is proclaimed there. It is the mistaken belief, my beloved ones.

And this evil spirit fights for all your souls, because it wants to turn you away, especially it wants to fight my messengers. They shall fall away by their weaknesses, by their powerlessness. But I will strengthen them. Even if they should be in powerlessness, I will raise them out of it and will penetrate them anew with my power. They will not succumb because I, the heavenly Father, am present everywhere, and everywhere I will help you who believe me and who give me all confidence and transfer your will to me. My mother will trample the head of the snake, because the snake also goes around there at My pilgrimage place Heroldsbach.

Fight and be alert and brave! I am with you every day! Believe and trust more deeply because I love you, especially I love My priestly sons. Let them all come to My Sacred Heart and consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother. So nothing will happen to them and they will be saved.

The Trinitarian God now blesses you, with the most beloved Mother of God, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Believe and trust! Be brave and strong! I want to save the whole world from its incredulity, confusion and misbelief. Amen.


