Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feast of the Candlemas and Cenacle.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrate the feast of the Candlemas and the Cenacle at the same time. "It is the Feast of Light," says the Blessed Mother, and that is why we can be grateful that today we also celebrate the Feast of the Cenacle. Of course, the Blessed Mother was bathed in a glistening light. She was dressed all in white. Also the beads of the rosary in your hand were white. Her crown was set with sparkling gems. The Child Jesus sent His rays to the Mother of God. All figures shone in bright light. The Christmas tree was especially brightly lit today, on this last day of the Christmas season, because many do not keep this holy Christmas time. The pyramids in the windows radiated out into the world in a bright glow of light. The relief of the Heavenly Father above the sacrificial altar and the sacrificial altar itself were bathed in a glittering light during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. I was blinded by this light.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your Heavenly Mother, am speaking now, at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats the words that come from heaven. Today it is My words that I speak to you on the day of the Cenacle and on the day of the Candlemas. This is how I want to continue to name the feast.

My beloved children, I lead you today into the Pentecost Hall. You, My children, are enlightened by the Holy Spirit as I was enlightened, I, the Heavenly Mother, for I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit and I will let these rays of light, which emanate from the Holy Spirit, stream into your hearts.

Beloved children, today is also the feast of light. Brightly illuminated was it around you during this holy mass of sacrifice. You have carried the candles of light. This was the light that flowed into your hearts, the light that you are to carry on into the world. You are here for the Annunciation, My beloved children of Mary. It is not for you alone that you get this spiritual knowledge. I love you and continue to lead you into the truth, into the truth of My Son Jesus Christ. He alone died for you on the cross. That is the truth.

And what did He use? - The Holy Eucharist, the Holy Sacrificial Meal and the Holy Sacrament of Penance. And what is done today with this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, with this Holy Eucharist, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar? One destroys it completely up to the uppermost rows. One no longer has any respect for this most holy of altar sacraments, the Holy Eucharist, the Holy Sacrificial Feast. "It is not important how the priests celebrate this holy sacrificial meal today." The Holy Father also says this, because he continues to celebrate the meal fellowship. And yet with this Moto Proprio he wanted to carry the Holy Mass of Sacrifice back into the world, only His chief shepherds did not obey him. And yet they say: "You must follow the Holy Father on earth. You have to leave everything as it is. You must "give faith" to this church, even though it is completely destroyed, even though this Holy Father proclaims erroneous faith to you and lives erroneous faith himself.

Is this right, My beloved believers from near and far? Do you also continue to believe this? Do you also want to proclaim the erroneous faith and pass it on to other people?

And you, my beloved Pius brotherhood, you too want to follow this supreme shepherd, although you recognize: This is the erroneous belief. Even though you express it clearly in your monthly magazines and pass it on? And in spite of everything you want to continue the dialogue in Rome. How can one conduct a dialogue with diabolical powers? It is impossible, My beloved Pius Brotherhood. End this dialog, because I wish it. This Supreme Shepherd should finally resign from his office, because he has caused too much disaster in the whole Catholic and Apostolic Church and is doing it again and again.

You must not follow the Supreme Shepherd, My beloved believers from near and far. You go on pilgrimage to the places of grace, and in spite of everything you do not obey the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. This is what your Heavenly Mother tells you. She asks you to love the Trinity, to love the Heavenly Father and what do you do? You follow this misbelief and unbelief and want to be recognized by this Supreme Shepherd. No, My beloved ones! Now it is enough. Now even the Heavenly Father is satisfied.

My beloved children of Mary, I will gather you all around Me. I will take you under my wide cloak so that you feel secure, because the great event is at the door. You are fully protected. Do not be afraid when this event will come! But in advance I want to tell you that there will be the soul show first. Men will know their sins. They are put before their eyes and they can convert, convert also through this grass cross in Meggen and through this one in Eisenberg, but especially in Meggen, because you, my beloved ones, again accompanied this grass cross group in prayer on Thursday. Every first Thursday of the month you will pray and worship with the Lawn Cross group for the Lawn Cross in Meggen. This cross, My beloved ones, will be visible in the Dozulè Cross also in the whole world in the firmament. People will be frightened. They will be so frightened that some will drop dead because they will continue to be led astray by these my sons of priests whom I love so much and whom I have been chasing after for so long to lead them into the truth, into the truth of my Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for all. And to you, my beloved ones, who believe, I say, this way, the true way, is the hardest way. Heaven needs sacrifice, atonement and again atonement from you for these grave sacrileges that the priests continue to commit. Repent and sacrifice!

Therefore, My beloved ones, the declaration of the confessional ban of My beloved priest son is put on the Internet. Why is this so important, My beloved believers? Because you should fight. Why is this struggle so important? Because Heroldsbach will be the largest international place of pilgrimage in the world. (Not in quantity, but in quality.) Yes, you heard right: Heroldsbach and not Wigratzbad. Why? Because there the greatest fight against Satan will take place. And this satanic church in Heroldsbach will destroy My Son in the Trinity. You will see it! Stay out of this Marienkirche! Just look at this satanic Way of the Cross around St. Mary's Church. Is that not Masonic? Can you not see this, beloved believers? My little one does not want to remove you from the church. No! She brings you into this church of the rosary and into this chapel of grace. There you shall be when this great event comes. And this one, my priest son there, the rector, will still have to experience many things so that he can believe, because he does not believe in miracles. He does not believe in My tears. On the contrary: He says it is devilish. Have I not sent My messenger there so that you may recognize these tears? Did she not tell you words from heaven to these tears? Fight, My beloved believers, in Heroldsbach! Fight for the truth.

Fight for this confessional ban of My priest son in Göttingen, because he has preceded all priests. He only celebrated the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V here in this house church, after I had prophesied it to him. He did not know this out of himself. No! He followed My words, not the words of My little ones. She is My tool and nothing more. It is led and guided by me. She is not the great seer, but the Heavenly Father in her works miracles. There will come times, My beloved ones, when you will see these wonders. But he who does not believe will be condemned. This is the way it is given in the Scriptures - in the Holy Scriptures. Although they say: "We have the Bible, that's all we need", they do not know the Holy Scriptures. The Church recognizes some places of pilgrimage, but you do not obey these messages. Therefore, my beloved believers, do not be deceived by this chief shepherd and the chief shepherds.

Believe in My words and read the message carefully, My beloved children of Mary. Have I not always protected you? Have I not always been with you, not only today? Through this Cenacle I have been allowed to let you know the truth in the Holy Spirit. Only when you believe and are baptized are you in truth, in true faith. You must believe and trust what the Heavenly Father in the Trinity tells you. Over and over again He tells you: Celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to Pius V and not according to John XXIII, for he was a modernist. Much has fallen away in these modified Holy Sacrificial Masses after 1962, and you will recognize it when you celebrate the differences and when you believe and trust.

I have told you everything, My beloved ones, and now the fight begins on the racetrack, just as I have foretold you. You must not remain silent; on the contrary, you must stand up for my truth, which I, the heavenly Mother, may proclaim through the heavenly Father, because there in Heroldsbach my place of grace is being disfigured, yes, it is even being destroyed. Do you believe, My beloved believers? Is this the truth? Then fight, then fight with me and be no longer silent. Help to fight for this my place of grace, to which I am very attached and help to expose injustice.

There I appeared to the little children, yes, they were allowed to take My hand. And yet these little children have suffered beyond measure because of this church. They were rejected, they were persecuted and maliciously dealt with. And you, My beloved little flock and My beloved priestly son, you especially, you are persecuted, slandered and they want to lead you astray. So this church wants to do it with you. This is satanic. You are in the true faith and in the true One Holy Church. Have I not founded them in My place, in the house of glory, the house of your father?

My beloved children of Mary, you must do something. You must wake up, and you must do everything in love, teaching people in kindness that they are lying in falsehood, that you pray for their salvation, that you atone, that you sacrifice all suffering. For you there is only suffering and atonement. On this earth you will not be a day without suffering. This is important because you are in the following of My Son Jesus Christ. That means suffering.

In the knowledge, My beloved ones, you are glad and grateful that you have gone this hardest way, and you will continue to go it, because you have let yourselves be formed by Me, your dearest Mother. Often I was allowed to call your attention to your mistakes and to your weaknesses. But the Heavenly Father does not hold this against you, because my little one goes to High Holy Confession every Sunday, as she needs it, and you, my little flock, also every month. This is important. In this way you can repent and continue on this most difficult path, because you must grow and mature in holiness. This is what your Heavenly Mother desires from you. You are immeasurably loved by the Triune God. Remember this when your suffering becomes heavier and heavier.

Yes, my little Monika, also for you the suffering has begun today. But suffering is atonement and you may look gratefully on this much suffering. Your dearest father will never leave you alone and certainly not your dearest mother. But you will suffer. And this suffering has already been announced to you. Maybe you have forgotten. But in suffering lies the great salvation. Your soul must heal. And My little flock will fully support you. Follow Me, My little one, and be grateful for everything I have given you so far. Remain in the truth and do not rebel against this truth. Suffering means to be closer to heaven than to earth. There you strive upwards, there you call upon Me, your Heavenly Mother. Are you not close to me then? Have I not borne the greatest suffering, even for you, beloved little one?

And now I want to bless you, because I love you and will always be with you, especially in this place of grace Heroldsbach. You will go there again and you will pour out streams of grace in this holy place, but only after it has been cleansed. Remain brave, persevere and be patient! It blesses you in the love of the Heavenly Mother the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Say goodbye today to this little Jesus who is still with you in the manger, waiting for you. Tomorrow it won't be there anymore, because tomorrow the Christmas season is over and the Christmas tree will go out. Prepare yourselves for Lent, for then it is fasting, sacrifice and prayer to the highest degree. I love you all and will always be with you, your dearest Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother of Victory.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.


