Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fourth Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday (Freue-Dich-Sonntag).

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, a bright light circled around the altar of sacrifice, something I had never seen before. This light moved to the altar of Mary. The angels also circled around. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and knelt down before the Blessed Mother. "The Blessed Mother," the Heavenly Father told me in ecstasy, "was also allowed to experience this Sunday of joy. It was necessary for you, because much suffering will come to you". "You too, My beloved ones, shall experience this Sunday of joy," says the Heavenly Father. The entire house church was flooded with divine light. The angels moved in and moved out. Again and again they worshipped and rejoiced on this day, which they were able to experience today through the Holy Sacrificial Mass celebrated by the beloved priest's son.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me. She is completely in My will and lies, also on this Sunday of joy, in conformity with Me.

My beloved followers, My beloved ones from near and far, My beloved little flock and above all My beloved sons of priests, today you celebrate Laetare Sunday two days before the Conclave in Rome in the Sistine Chapel.

My children, how must My Holy Father, who according to his will has resigned his office as Pope, as Supreme Shepherd, feel today? Lonely and abandoned. It can't be any other way. His soul is full of restlessness, because he feels alone. He knows that he has failed. He knows about his weakness, which has been brought to bear again and again. He knows that he was surrounded by the Freemasons. They also forced him to travel to Assisi and invite these religious communities.

My beloved Supreme Shepherd, who resigned his office, has not been able to testify to the only, Catholic and Apostolic faith. He did not even take his rosary to hand, because his dearest Mother wanted to help him in his distress on that day when he sold the Church according to the will of the Freemasons. Yes, that is so, My beloved.

And you, My beloved ones, what do you experience two days before the conclave? Is the Holy Sacrificial Feast celebrated there before the convocation of conclave? No! What are they celebrating there, My beloved ones? A grinding community in Protestantism and ecumenism - nothing else. Can I be present there, My beloved ones, after this terrible sacrilege that is committed, also with regard to conclave? Can I let the Holy Spirit come through these cardinals there? Can the Holy Spirit work among them? No! The new coming pope and supreme shepherd is to be traded. Is this right, My beloved ones, should he be acted upon or should the Holy Spirit choose and appoint him? No! In this circle of cardinals it cannot be possible. They are all strongly affected by modernism. They do not believe in the Trinity. No! They no longer believe in the working power of the miracles of Jesus Christ, which He worked at that time.

Jesus Christ, My Son, has worked miracle after miracle and still people did not believe Him. They accused him, and they finally crucified him for the truth, because he is as always the way, the truth and the life, and he will remain so, because he is the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end. Which high shepherd, which cleric still today believes that the high shepherd in conclave is really chosen by the Holy Spirit? No! One does not believe it. It is an action that they perform. They choose him when they themselves have found him right. He will be acted upon according to his talents, which he will not use for the Triune God, on the contrary, the false prophet will rise and the Antichrist will rise. Yes, that is so, My beloved.

The sky is crying even today on this day. But he still wants to let you experience the joys. To you, My beloved children, who believe, I want to embrace you with all my heart on this day because I love you immeasurably and say to you again and again: Hang in there! Hold out until the end, for I will prevail! The chief shepherd has resigned from his office. And who then has the scepter in his hand? I have taken the scepter in my hand, for you are shepherds. I am now the Supreme Shepherd, the Omnipotent, the Almighty and the Omniscient. When I make my words known through this my messenger, then it is the full truth and no one can turn around this truth and change it because it is unchangeable. Holy, holy, holy are My words.

You, My little one and many others, also My beloved atonement soul in Göttingen, My little Monika, has accepted her atonement suffering for Me. Two atonement souls in one house! Yes, only the Heavenly Father can do that. He needs this Yes of the atonement souls. You have given the full yes to your Heavenly Father. You do not rebel, even if the sufferings are immeasurably great for you, for it is human for you to lament. You do not let go of your suffering of atonement. That is the most important thing. My beloved ones, I embrace you, I love you and I will strengthen you, even if you often feel that your strength has been completely at an end for a long time. You think that you can no longer endure, and yet you receive my strength again. You are there to atone for what is committed in Rome. How many sacrileges happened there. How many outrages have been committed there in the Vatican? I don't want to list them and I don't want to expose them either, nor is the time there yet.

Now you will see how the Antichrist works and how the false prophet will appear among you. Will he obey Me? No, My children, it cannot be. He never submits to my will. He is determined by the evil one, by Satan. What does Antichrist mean? Antichrist means to be against the Catholic faith and never to believe that the Triune God works in full power in the Supreme Shepherd. This is how it should be, my beloved ones, and yet it looks quite different.

Your Heavenly Father will strengthen you so that you can bear this too. But always remember that I embrace and hold you and love you because my love for you grows and it is boundless. Do not give up! Never give up and follow my will exactly. Could I ever lie to you? No!

Are also the words of My Mary, the prophetess of the end times, the truth? Yes! Can My Son Jesus Christ spread the lie? No! He is the truth. Believe in Him! And when He gives you words of revelation, believe in them and obey them, for that is the most important thing in these end times! Love the Trinity beyond all measure, for you are loved and chosen from eternity. You are not just anybody running next to each other, no. You are chosen and you are the chosen ones. You can persevere if you keep asking for My Divine Power through my dearest Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory. She will send down to you legions of angels in your despondency. And should despair come upon you, because you will have to suffer almost immeasurably, it will be only for a short time. This is hard, My beloved ones, this is very hard. But without me you can do nothing, but with my will everything can happen in you.

Miracles will happen around you. Do you believe in it? Do you believe that your Almighty God can work miracles? Believe in these miracles and never believe in this Antichrist who places himself on this throne. The false prophet and the Antichrist are against the One, True, Catholic and Apostolic faith. They will do everything they can to continue to drag the church in the mud. I have to watch. But you, My beloved ones, are here to comfort Me. Remember always, I am with you. Never will I leave My children. Even in the greatest darkness that you will experience, I will be there and embrace you and draw you to Me - to My Divine Sacred Heart.

And your dearest mother, your mama, will she leave you alone? Never! She loves her Marian children more than anything. She is holy, your mother. My Son Jesus Christ gave it to you under the cross before He breathed His life out. Isn't that something wonderful and great? Give thanks to Heaven that you have been given the only, true, Catholic and Apostolic faith, and that you can offer your life for it, because you have already made the total surrender. For this I thank you, for there is nothing greater you can do than to believe, to love and to be faithful to the Triune God. Hang on, My beloved ones! I am with you.

Now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with all the angels and saints - many have appeared today - blesses you, with your dearest and most holy Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are chosen from eternity and your love is also boundless. I love you and this love will never end. Amen.


