Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 17, 2013

First Passion Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


Anne cannot speak. She does not say a word. Your whole body is a single pain. Their atonement suffering is immeasurably great. You can't watch her suffer. She writhes in pain and stammers almost inaudibly: "I can't go on, I can't go on, help me, help me ...".

"Heavenly Father, grant her Your Divine Power. We ask You, we praise You, we praise You. You can do everything, Heavenly Father, please, please, please come with your power and strength. You want the messages to get on the Internet. Please help your child Anne, your messenger, so that she can continue after all and does not have to endure so much pain. Take away her pain, now at least during the message. Heavenly Father help!

Dear Heavenly Mother, please ask the Throne of God to send down the power to your beloved child Anne, who is only for you, for you and suffers for you, for all mankind, for His priests and for His Pope ... Their suffering is so great. Give her the strength to speak this message now, to spread it with Your help, with Your Divine Power. Please Blessed Mother, please at the throne of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Amen."

"Alleluia! The Heavenly Father has heard our plea. He be praised and glorified for all eternity!

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, an unmistakable number of angels moved into the house church and grouped themselves around the Blessed Sacrament and the altar of sacrifice. The tabernacle angels were brightly illuminated. The altar of Mary was also surrounded by large crowds of angels moving in and out. The Blessed Mother shone especially brightly. St. Joseph supported the Mother of God. The holy archangel Michael repeatedly pushed the evil spirits down into the abyss. He struck his sword in all four directions to keep evil from us at least. Especially the Pieta and the Merciful Jesus shone in bright light on today's Passion Sunday.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies wholly in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved daughter Anne, first of all I want to address you because you are writhing in pain. Today begins the time of the Passion, that is, the time of suffering, which you are experiencing, because Jesus suffers the greatest agonies in you. You know that He suffers in you. And therefore the unbearable agonies of pity. He gives you the strength to be able to suffer, for otherwise you would have fallen down unconscious. I know about your agony. Hang in there! It is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who must suffer these torments for His Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which He holds in His hands. He has raised the scepter and is himself the Regent of His Only Church. No one can destroy this church, for it will outlast everything, even if it lies in ruins.

My beloved children, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers and also especially My beloved little flock, which you are to persevere and want. You are blessed, yes, chosen, and the great election is your power. Your human power connects with the Divine power, which I let flow into you. Otherwise you would not be able to bear this, which has happened and will still happen.

My beloved little one, how did you feel on the day that the false prophet was elected on March 13? He was not chosen and chosen by me, but by evil. There was never the Holy Spirit in conclave. Never has a holy Tridentine sacrificial mass been held. You have been deceived, My beloved ones. The modernist mass was translated into Latin. More was not available. That is why the Holy Spirit could never enter this Sistine Chapel where the Conclave took place. I myself, as Heavenly Father, removed Myself, for I knew that the false prophet was among them, just as Judas was among My apostles at that time. I knew he was the traitor. I suffered and gave Holy Manna to My apostles so that they could always receive this bread of life after I ascended into heaven.

This time of suffering for you, My beloved ones, is like the Way of the Cross of that time. I was slandered and hated by all men. I was flogged to the utmost until My whole body was a single wound from which My Holy Blood flowed. The crown of thorns was struck deeper into my head to enjoy my pain. And I kept silent, My beloved ones. I kept silent, for I had confessed that I was a king's son.

Are there still today cardinals, bishops and a Supreme Shepherd who believe in My Holiness as the Triune God? No! Faith is wiped out. He is no longer there. Do I not have to suffer there, through My only Son, the greatest Way of the Cross born for you, for you, so that your sins may be forgiven and be blotted out through the sacrifice of the Cross? I have sent My Son to earth for you, My beloved ones, because I love you immeasurably. Out of love I have done it. And how do they treat me today as Heavenly Father? Do you think of My pains that I suffer today because My Church lies in ruins? She lies in ashes on the floor. There is nothing more that could be built there - nothing more! But I still hold the scepter in my hand.

I have already founded the New Church on January 1st 2012 in Mellatz in My House Chapel. Nobody believed in it. And nobody will believe in it today because it is utopia for others. Imagination is called My messages that come from the mouth of My messenger and that are not her words but My words. Nothing is out of her. How often have I repeated it. And yet you do not believe in my omnipotence and in my omnipotence. I could destroy everything and let the church rise gloriously in this moment. But no, the church shall rise in all glory through you as participants, as co-redemptrixes.

You too shall take your cross upon yourselves, for it is also a part of My cross. For have I not atoned for your sins? Did I not go to the Cross for your sins? Have I not let myself be scourged and have I not wounded myself in pain with every flagellation that penetrated deep into My torn wounds? I was a man in pain and there was no part of me that was not wounded. My whole body was bleeding from all pores. And I suffered and suffered for the sins of men, because I saw these sins and my destroyed church already in advance. I saw My fallen cardinals on the Mount of Olives, and blood came out of My pores and flowed down to the earth. Have you thought of how I have suffered this church and you are destroying it and crucifying me again today? It should be a cross of love for you. And what did you make of it? You have appointed the false prophet. No good could come out of your ranks, for you have fallen away. You are in false faith in delusion.

My Holy Mass of Sacrifice must rise again in all glory. What you celebrate is a split-off modernist meal fellowship in Protestantism and ecumenism. You want to bring them together, this one, true, holy sacrificial mass with this destroyed meal community. And you believe that this is possible.

What do you believe in, My beloved Pius-Brothers? You want to have a dialogue with this false prophet, as you have already announced? Is that possible? Have you asked yourself with whom you would like to have a dialogue? For the Antichrist is connected with him. Four lodges already exist in the Vatican. Can you not see it, My beloved Pius-Brothers, - four lodges of the Freemasons? How is this to be done? What good should come out of this chaos?

Nothing good has been done by this Pope Benedict, who was to resign his office according to My plan and will. He had to go. He couldn't help it. He was surrounded by freemasons, by evil tongues, who only spoke evil to him. His mind almost stopped in his tracks. He couldn't take it anymore. Mentally and physically his strength had to dwindle. How many years he was in delusion and played along. He was connected with this curia, with these cardinals, who showed him the misbelief and lived it. What did he do himself? He did not bear witness for Me, for Me, the Triune Holy God. No! He said in Assisi: I am a Christian. - That was all. Was he not the chief shepherd? Did he not have more to say? Should he not bear true witness for Me even when his life was in danger?

My beloved children, what are you doing? Every day you live and believe in this covenant of allegiance, the covenant of five, the covenant of three, the covenant of two, and if it costs your life, you are ready for it. You say yes to every victim. You say yes to every atonement night, even if your strength is waning. You atone for these apostate cardinals and apostate bishops and for the apostate Supreme Shepherd. He should withdraw into solitude to atone. It is not possible for him to get the true knowledge in the Vatican. If there are four lodges of Freemasons, where does he want to find the truth? Nowhere there is no truth to be found, for I alone, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, am the True, Only God, and you shall worship no one else. Not the gods in Assisi that were called, for the gods that you called you will not get rid of! It was such a cruel thing for Me, the Heavenly Father, that you called these gods and now they are dancing on the altars.

And it will be even worse under this reign of the false prophet. The Antichrist will reign with him. You will see quite soon how this Supreme Shepherd will show himself, as you call him, whom you have chosen, of whom you did not even know who he was. It dates from the time of a military regime. How many priests does he have on his conscience? He made sure that they were captured and killed. Is this your Holy Father whom you honor? My beloved Christians, My beloved Catholic Christians, why do you not wake up? How often have I asked you in tears Turn back! Stay out of these modernist churches! But you do not hear my voice. You do not hear them in My messages, because the messages, My messages, are to be fantasy.

Is the life of My Son really a fantasy? I speak in My Little One? Am I, as Heavenly Father, your fantasy? Have you branded me a phantast? Where are you looking for me? You cannot find Me here. No! With my holy messengers, whom I have chosen and appointed, there my truth is to be found, - my whole truth! And she, My little one, sacrifices everything for you sinners, for your sacrileges which you continue to commit daily and do not cease to load heavy sins upon you. You live in confusion and in delusion, and yet you do not turn back. No! This chaos you have longed for.

Was not My Son Jesus Christ also called possessed by demons? Yes! He has been accused of untruth, He, the Son of God.

And what do you say about the Mother of God, whom My Son Jesus Christ gave to you under the Cross, who was born immaculate? What do you say to her? What do you call her? Mary! Thus you desecrate them. She is not with you the holiest of all saints, the Mother of God, who gave birth to My only Son, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to walk with Him on the path of suffering as the Mediator of All Graces and as Coredemptrix. And yet you also want to stone them, just like my son. You despise her as any Mary, as one among the people. You desecrate them daily. And this is my dearest mother whom I have given you under the cross.

As Heavenly Father, I not only sent My Son to earth, but I have also given you a Mother, a Holy Mother, to bear My Son as I willed. She has said yes to everything and must bear this heavy suffering as Mother of God today with you, beloved believers.

Are you now believers and want to go the way of the Coredemptrix or do you surrender? Will you also count among the great stream that despises you, that dishonors you as any woman of the people. My dearest Mother, how must she suffer, how must she suffer under this Antichrist and false prophet sitting on the throne, how must she suffer under these four lodges, the lodges of the Freemasons? How is it possible that such a thing can happen in the Vatican, in My Rome? Everything should be purified there, everything should lie in purity and truth, but everything lies in the greatest chaos. The demons roll around in the biggest dirt and shake hands with you and you don't even stop them. Not you either, to whom I have given the highest key power.

You, My Benedetto, to whom I have given this nickname, for your soul I wrestle. What have you done? You have sold My Church, even if it was imposed on you and you should do so by force, because you have lost and given away your papal power to the bishops, your key power, the ex cathedra. Where has all this gone? The power of the keys is no longer present. The bishops rule with the power of the pope. How can this be in a Vatican, where everything should be holy? And such a thing has been created. The whole church lies fallow, the Catholic Church, and you can leave it, because you have to say, I do not want to belong to such a church. You will soon realize that even more will come out of this false, modernist church. It will become even more modern. Do not believe that this is the end. No! It is the beginning of evil. You are overwhelmed by evil and you simply do not realize it because you have your mind walled up. A wall has come up between me and you because you are all in grave sin and believe to have to seek the good. And yet you belong to the world with all its pleasures.

Did you remember that it is Lent? Do you even know this word - Lent? No! The hustle and bustle goes on inside and around you. Do you know that in 14 days we will celebrate the greatest feast, the resurrection feast of My Son Jesus Christ? Can you also celebrate it? No! It's a day like any other vacation for you. This is important for you. You are in bondage to the world and Satan rules you.

He has also taken over the regency in the Vatican. Do you realize now, My beloved Pius-Brothers, that you want to continue to correspond with evil and to have a dialogue with an apostate and one that will lead people even deeper into modernism?

It is not yet enough, because Satan continues to rage. The satanic powers do not stop, my beloved ones. No! It goes on. More and more in the dirt that happens there, continue, do not stop, because Jesus Christ, My Son, is dishonored, desecrated there. What does that mean, My beloved ones? That the Holy Spirit was not present in the conclave, but Satan was present, My beloved ones. He has chosen this false prophet. One from the military regime - with 90 votes. How is that possible? Don't you have to ask yourself that? The Sistine Chapel was closed after all. And yet it came to light. This false prophet received 90 votes.

77 is My number, My beloved, and it was never allowed to come to the surface, because everything was secret! Should there be the Holy Spirit - at 90 votes? Who let it all out? The evil one has driven you to lie. You did not need to make a secret of it. No! Nothing was secret. Everything was predetermined by the Freemasons. This Holy Father who was chosen is the evil one, he is the false prophet who was chosen. Do you want to triumph now? Do you want to be blessed by him? Are you now all under Satan's will or do you still decide for me on the last way - for me, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, who sheds bitter tears in heaven? Who is so desperate that today my little one does not know where to go because of pain.

She suffers immeasurably. She is not only desperate, but she cannot be one nor out, because she suffers for you, that is, Jesus Christ suffers in her his agonies anew, and you help diligently, because you do not profess true faith, but you continue to profess erroneous faith. You continue to enter the modernist churches which are already Protestant, even though My Son Jesus Christ is not present in the tabernacle because I had to take Him out. He was so dishonored that I, the Heavenly Father, could not bear to see Him trampled upon, despised and spurned. I had to take him out, I had to protect him. I, as Heavenly Father, have suffered agonies and these agonies were enough - also for you.

And now, without Jesus Christ in the tabernacle, a meal fellowship was celebrated before the conclave. Could My Son Jesus Christ be transformed there in these priestly hands? No! It was not possible. What remained was a piece of bread and a sip of wine - nothing more. Weep, weep for yourselves and your children because they all sinned and they contributed to the agony of My Son becoming greater and greater. To this day it continues to grow, and Satan triumphs at every corner. When the people who now believe him say, "We have a good pope after all," then Satan has won his triumph, then he rejoices and laughs with you and will push you even deeper into the abyss. Your mind will be clouded because you can no longer recognize the truth. The truth becomes a lie and the lie becomes truth, my children.

And that is why you, My beloved little flock, believe that Jesus Christ, My Son, will make the New Church shine because He is the Almighty and Triune God. The Holy Spirit will again enter into these people who believe. He will shine, he will bring knowledge, wisdom and piety and the mind will not be clouded. Those who believe in me will get a very clear realization. They will thank and be on their knees because they can still believe in this confusion and chaos of the whole world.

My beloved little flock, I love you immeasurably You do not know how beloved you are, how great you are in the will and in the love of your Heavenly Father, who fights with you. And My mother, where is My mother? With you. Will she ever let you go astray? No! She holds you with both arms with her legions of angels. She loves you, she loves you in Divine Love, because you are Her children and you want to bear the greatest suffering for the others, because you have voluntarily said yes to your cross. You want to atone for the others because you want to save them from eternal damnation, even though my wrath will come upon them. The wrath of the Heavenly Father is mighty and it must come, because I cannot watch My Son Jesus Christ and My dearest Mother and the Holy Spirit being disfigured. "The Holy Spirit is said to have been in conclave," is said irreverently. How can a Holy Spirit ever have been in conclave when there are only apostate cardinals? They indulge in the world, they love the world and they sin and commit sacrileges without ceasing.

My beloved children, I have told you the truth and My pain today is so great that I had to reveal everything to you. You are My children, you are My vines on My vine, you are the workers in My vineyard and on you I can rely. You have the great trust in me and you do not give up. You fight and struggle with your dearest Mother and hold on to her mantle, to her Immaculate Heart. She loves you and She looks at you full of compassion because you are not spared this great cross, because look, did not Jesus Christ, My Son, who loved His Mother above all else, expect her to bear the greatest cross? Can you therefore be spared the cross? No! You too must confess your cross and embrace your cross. It is your cross. Then I love you when you embrace the cross and say, "Only in the cross will my soul be healed, only in the cross will I one day see heaven open and will once be allowed to take part in the wedding feast, the eternal wedding feast. Nothing else is your goal. This is what you live for and this is what you want to die for, although you know every day when you get up that your cross is there. Surrounds it!

Jesus Christ, My Son, hands it to you anew and says to you: "do you want to carry My Cross further, My beloved, or do you want to throw it away? is it too hard for you or do you want to suffer the greatest tortures with Me for this Catholic Church who loves you so much?" Also His mother as Coredemptrix stands beside Him. She never said no. She has suffered the most pain. Look, if a mother had to look at her son, who suffers to the utmost and then still innocent, would she not be broken by this human suffering? Why is the Blessed Mother not broken by your suffering? Because the divine held you. Because she suffered with the Son of God for the whole world, for the salvation of men.

And so I bless you all today in great love, in great trust and in great faithfulness, in the mercy and goodness of your Heavenly Father, with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother and your Bridegroom, St. Joseph. Stand firm and believe that one day everything will change, because everything will be revealed. Even if the media do not know today what is behind it all, I will be the one who brings it all to light. A sin will never remain hidden, because it must be atoned for. The one who has done it must have the possibility of coming out of sin when conscience beats unbearably.

I bless you in the Trinity, My beloved ones. I am reluctantly saying goodbye to you today because I love you, because I embrace you on this special Sunday of Passion that you suffer. I hate to see you suffer, especially you, my little one. You don't know where to go in pain, you don't know where to turn, because your whole body is a single pain. And I, your Heavenly Father, must not take this pain away from you, because the pain is the pain of My Son for the sins of the whole world and the resurrection of the New Church and the New Priesthood according to Maria Sieler, My saints in heaven. If you emulate her and read her words as she suffered, then you are on the right path. Be brave and courageous and do not give up, for I love you immeasurably!


