Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Rosary and during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, especially during the Passion of Jesus Christ, today Palm Sunday, many angels appeared to support His arms in His great agony, which He had lifted to His Father, asking Him to give Him new strength. They sent Him the holy archangel Lechitiel three times. Three times Jesus Christ collapsed during the Passion and endured the greatest pain, indeed the soul pain, for His present people, for His present priesthood and for His present Highest Pastoral Office.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you again today on this Palm Sunday, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies in great torment with Me, because I, Jesus Christ, suffer in her these great oil-mountain torments, which she has to suffer with Me, because she is My instrument and has transferred her will to Me. So I want to use her as a plaything in this time. She no longer knows on nor off, she no longer knows what is right and what is wrong, because she is thrown back and forth by evil, which I permit. But I, the Heavenly Father, watch over her. My little one, hold on, hold on, hold on to my true faith!

My beloved believers, you too put Me on the cross, you too no longer believe. Why don't you wake up? How bitter it is for me to see only how you cheer these two popes. Can you not understand My suffering? Have I raised two popes to the throne? No! Only one. Did I give the keys to him alone or to the two Popes praying together? What are they praying, My beloved believers? Can they pray together? Can they still perform a prayer with their hands folded and raised? No, they can't even fold their hands anymore. Satan works in them and you do not notice it, my beloved believers from near and far. You cheer for them.

You too do not believe in My true messages of My beloved messenger who bears all things for you because My Son Jesus Christ died for all, He went on the cross for all and in this Passion He went this way for all, for you too. He has let himself be cheered by you. And what did you say afterwards: "Crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Him! You say that too, my believers. You have read these words.

But I want to give you everything in humility, all My love, all My faithfulness and devotion and you, you want to see Me on the cross. You want to see me suffer. You say yes to my suffering. How can you ever believe that it is the truth that two popes pray together. How can you believe when the pope had to resign his office because I wished him to keep his papal robe on? He fully keeps his clothes on and shows them to you with the newly appointed pope. Satan has taken them both - both. My beloved ones, is this not bitter for your Heavenly Father, who sacrificed His Son for you? For your sins He died. For you He wore the crown of thorns, and you too continue to drive nails into His hands and feet and the reed on the crown of thorns so that it penetrates deeper into His head, because you do not care what they do to Him. You also belong to those who shout, "I do not know him! I am not one of them!" No, you deny Him. You do not want to know Him, My dearest Son, who gave His life for you and whom I had to sacrifice for you, as Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Such a thing, My children, has never happened before that two popes pray in the same robe and you can believe that this is true. Two popes in the Vatican.

There is dirt in the Vatican, there is lies and denial. The heaviest suffering I must bear through My Rome. There you commit the greatest sin: The sin of unchastity. My dearest Mother suffers so much through this great sin, - this incomprehensible sin, because She is purity.

I have given you my dearest mother. And what do you do with her? You do not even believe her. No! You leave them alone on the Way of the Cross. You retreat because you think you do not need to carry a cross. You're doing fine. And what about my mother? Have you ever seen her tears? Have you, My Episcopate, My clergy and My Supreme Shepherd, believed in the tears of My Mother? To you they were tap water and nothing else. And how did you mock them?

You have trodden my messengers into the ground where you could. I have sent them to you. With great pain they said yes, because they are all My flowers of suffering, My passion flowers, which I love so much. You kick them more and more and stamp them into the ground. You do not want to hear their truth, which is my truth, and certainly do not want to accept it to follow it. No! You crucify My Son Jesus Christ, My dearest Son, My Son of God again and again. And His blood runs down from His wounds, and it does not even bother you. No! Everything is legend today. Every miracle He has worked for you is legend, it is not true. No miracle shall He have worked, for He shall not be the Son of God.

It was said of this ecumenical cardinal that one can crush everything that is reported in the True, Unique, Catholic Faith in the Holy Scriptures. You can question everything and say it is a lie. You claim that you know the truth, the Holy Scripture. And yet you strike them down with hands and feet through this cardinal. Malice and the devil himself are at work in him and you believe. You do not even notice it. You triumph and look at this Supreme Shepherd, the newly appointed, the false prophet, and you say, "It is the new Pope. You cheer him and you crucify me because I could never choose him, my children. Can I choose Satan? Never have I ever had a dialogue with Satan, as the Pius brothers still do today. Yes, they too again crucify me through their untruth, through their malice toward my messengers.

The Cardinals have chosen among themselves the true Freemason. Isn't it bad that both Popes, as shown to you on the Internet, are Rotarians? This one, My Pope Benedict, chosen by Me, makes pacts with the Freemasons. He has offered and published his books in the Rotary Club. Is that not shame enough, My beloved ones? What else do you believe? What are you waiting for? Are you now waiting for the Antichrist? Haven't you experienced enough yet? Look into my face. It is full of tears, full of bitterest tears and all My messengers suffer, suffer, suffer with Me. They are silent because they can no longer bear the truth, which is twisted as a lie. They themselves suffer great torment with Me, with My Son. I have already announced this on the Internet.

How can this newly appointed Supreme Shepherd present these statements of the false theologian as the truth and say to him: "That helped me a lot. His book has brought me even more into the depths (of faith)". He should have confessed, for the sake of truth, "It has pushed me even more into the abyss. That would have been the truth. But he praises him, so that this misbelief and unbelief may continue. You are to be pushed even further into error.

My beloved believers, how often have I told you: believe My true messages, for they are not from My messenger Anne. No, it can't be them. Look at these writings. Can a messenger, who would come into the world as the greatest genius, ever write down, repeat and speak these words herself? No, My beloved ones! No one is called and chosen for this and no one can do it. It is My true words that I cry out from heaven that My beloved messenger is frightened by My cries of fear on the Mount of Olives. I now suffer the greatest agonies for these two popes, which cannot exist at all.

And who is the Antichrist now? Does the Antichrist also come to you? Can I, as Heavenly Father in the Trinity, still put him on hold? Can I, the only one who has power over the whole universe, exercise my power now, the power of God? Yes! I can do everything, My beloved!

I can also save you, My little one, from these torments. But I have not wished it so far because you are my flower of suffering. Do you also want to say no? Do you want to leave me too? Do you also want to say: "No, no, Jesus, no, Heavenly Father, it is too much for me what you are asking. It's too much for me. All the sufferings you allow are too much for me."

In your own ranks I am deceived and sold. Isn't that bitter. Is this not a bitter suffering? I have given everything as a gift. Am I not the eternal giver, who has always closed you into his arms full of love. And that is why I suffer even more in my beloved little soul, which I alone lead, which only I can lead, which I love above all. Yes, she is desperate with me. Is this normal? Yeah, it's normal. The tears of My beloved little ones are My tears. I weep in her and can do no more - as the Son of God.

Do not leave me alone, please do not leave me alone in these hours of the Mount of Olives during Holy Week. I suffer in you. I say it again and again: I do not want you to see a doctor to have a certainty that you are really sick. No, your diseases are atonements. You can go from one doctor to another. No one will be able to help you - no one, because I exercise power over you, because you have voluntarily handed over your will to me. I will show you that I take away your diseases from one day to the next and then I can already give them again. I need you as a plaything. Have I not chosen you alone to shout My words into the world? are you not My only messenger in the whole world who proclaims My true words and cries My truths again and again into the world, revealing everything? You are the only one who knew that my Supreme Shepherd should resign his office. And then he did it, but not for my sake, but out of his personal fears. He is persecuted by the freemasons. He must continue the game, always further with the new false prophet. And the Antichrist is very close. Look at this cardinal of ecumenism. Can this great theologian proclaim such a thing? You can read his theses. I will publish them in the attachment. It bitterly hurts Me that I and My Son have been thrown into the gutter, who wants to continue to suffer everything for you.

You have denied him and completely forgotten him. No dogma is true anymore. Aren't you waking up? No truth of faith may be believed anymore. She must disappear immediately. The transcendence of My Son, My beloved children, is not the truth either. "He is not among us," says the great theologian. "No! It is all untrue, all fantasy, legend. It has never been true that He is the Messiah. And you may pursue your imagination if you follow this theologian, the greatest theologian. He is an antichrist and the next antichrist comes afterwards in beauty, in great form, in kindness. He does not sit on the throne yet. He still has to push the other one down. He must push him down. For this he has his middlemen.

And you, My people, whom I love so much, you have all left Me alone, - all of you. You go into these modernist churches even though the devil rules there. Harlem Shake is danced in a Catholic church, My children. And that doesn't bother you? When My host, the body of My Son Jesus Christ, is trodden on, yes, that He will be trodden on, does that not bother you? Is not this truth known among you? Is Assisi completely foreign to you, where I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, was betrayed by the Judas kiss and My Only, True, Catholic Church was sold? And you do not weep for your faith?

Weep over you and your children, because the great misfortune will come upon you - very quickly. Don't I have to intervene if my son is lying in the gutter? Do I still have to watch this and give you the guarantee that you can continue to participate in this spectacle? They offer you a spectacle. Can't you tell? Don't you recognize it? Have you all lost your minds? You do not have the knowledge, My beloved ones, but you have committed grave sins. Every serious sin separates you from Me, the Triune God. Until you repent, you are still in ignorance of all truth.

Broken is everything in My heart, My beloved little one. How shattered am I. And I may tell you: I can't go on. But you keep saying, "Father, if you want me to, I will continue to bear this suffering and drink this cup until it runs out. If You wish it and it is Your will, I shall obey You alone and never those who will sit on the throne as Masons". So you too must say, my beloved ones, because you are running after the freemasons so far. Many of you are already Freemasons.

You have no knowledge. You must rely on others to atone for you, so that you can gain the knowledge and bitterly repent. But they can do nothing for you at this moment. Why, because you continue the grave sin. Because you do not repent, because you have given Satan a complete yes. He is in you and He rules you and not I, the true God, the true Heavenly Father. I have no place in your heart, for you have made room for the wicked of the wicked, for Satan himself. And not even a tear do you shed for me who cries out for your souls, who wants to have them back, who wants to buy them back from Satan.

You too have sold Me for thirty pieces of silver. Furthermore, all the gold and treasures of the true church should now be sold for tin, for the tin that is left over. Because everything is in ruins, what is left in the church is worth nothing. "It all has to go. It must be given to the poor who suffer hunger," you believe. No! They snatch it from you because it was the golden treasure for me. Everything continues to be taken away from me, everything that belongs to my Godhead, with which I was worshiped. In these gifts, in these precious gifts, I was placed in the center at that time. I was so precious to them that I was painted in precious cathedrals. And they will also be torn down and offered as market halls and garages. This is how they want to offer them in the Vatican. Nothing shall remain of the One, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church. But I, Jesus Christ in the true Heavenly Father and Holy Spirit, will rebuild everything, - in three days I have told you.

And what happens now and in the future, you do not know. I will not transmit it to you because I, as Heavenly Father, am seizing My power. You are protected, My beloved ones, but only those who believe and fully follow Me and fulfill My will and not the will of the freemasons, the will of Antichrist, the will of Satan. Believe and trust Me. I love you immeasurably, who want to persevere, for whom nothing is too much, who lie on earth, like my little one, who whimpers, whimpers with pain because she thinks she does not find me. She also wants to be comforted by you. And what do you do, you care only for yourselves, for your relatives and for your children. You have also forgotten me. Will I really be able to resurrect in your hearts at Easter? You have not prepared your hearts. No! They still belong to Satan, and my little one will suffer and suffer again. Everything has become foreign to her, because she does not understand that her dearest father can do this to her, to have to suffer and atone for so much, in order to crucify these criminals who beat him to the cross.

Did He not also cause the greatest suffering to His Heavenly Mother? Does she not stand as a mediator, as Coredemptrix under the cross? Aren't you standing next to it too? Have you confessed to this as little children of Mary, whom the Blessed Mother wants to gather around her because She wants to protect them. And how many cannot be protected. They believe in Mammon and they live the earthly life and continue to enjoy everything to the fullest.

My beloved ones, everything I have made known to you, everything you should know, everything continues to be revealed by Me, the Heavenly Father. Pay attention to Me and read every message very carefully. Not just one gets from the Internet, as you say, but you have to read them all. The continuation is in every next message. You cannot pick out something and think that it is enough. And if it is repugnant to you that you do not want to and cannot believe, then place me in your midst. What have I suffered for you? Am I, Jesus Christ, no longer in you? Do you also want to dump me because it is too difficult for you to love me in everything and to do the utmost for me? Father, mother, children, fields ... you are to leave everything when it is a matter of your faith, which is to be taken away from you. Then you must go, My beloved ones. You have the duty. Otherwise you will be killed in your heart. As martyrs of the soul you will be branded by them because they obey evil and you, by wanting to have contact with them, accept and follow satanic desires. Who do you prefer? The Son of God who died for you, or do you love your sons and daughters more than Me? Then you are not worthy of Me, and I will say: I do not know you! You have pushed Me to the side. Where it was time, you mocked and denied me and never stood by my truth.

My beloved little flock, hold on! Hang in there! I am Jesus Christ, your dearest God in the Trinity. I protect you, but you must suffer much, much. See that I suffered everything in this Holy Week in My Son for you and you must now suffer everything for Me.

Satan will want to seduce you again and again, again and again, even in your own ranks. Be vigilant! You can recognize everything, if you are not in grave sin, if you repeatedly take the Sacrament of Penance, and if you sin and, above all, repent deeply. The deeper the repentance is, the deeper your faith will grow, because I love you. Grace is given to you in great gifts. I will never leave you. I will always be among you. You can recognize Me if you love Me and if you are faithful to Me, if you believe and have the courage to confess Me as the Son of God in the Trinity.

I love all of you who stand by me. I embrace you on this difficult day, Palm Sunday, when I was thrown the palms and cried hosanna. Were you also among those who cried, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Were you among them? Ask yourselves and convert to true faith in love. I bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

P.S.: You must also be able to read 6 pages, because in the last 6 pages of My Message of the 17th, everything was broken down very precisely. Unfortunately it became too much for you. This message is also of utmost importance to all of you. Read them and obey them! Read them again and again from the beginning because it is I who reveals the truth to you and no one else. Amen.

Dangers threatening the church: The theses of the theology professor Kasper.

In his writing 'Dangers threatening the church. Obstacles of the New Evangelization' Prof. Georg May deals in detail with the works of the theology professor Kasper. He cites (p. 27-44) the following theses of the then Prof. Kasper, among others:.

- "Faith does not mean keeping up wonderful facts and authoritative presented beliefs.

- "Dogmas can be quite one-sided, superficial, opinionated, stupid and hasty.

- Christ "has therefore presumably called himself neither Messiah, nor servant of God, nor Son of God, and probably also not the Son of Man".

- Let the dogma that Jesus is "wholly man and wholly God" be "passable".

- He also wrote "that we must call many miracle stories of the gospels legendary".

- Even if he admits Jesus' healing successes: "So-called natural wonders, on the other hand, need not be regarded as historical with some probability.

- The resurrection of Jesus is to him "not an objectively and neutrally ascertainable historical fact".

- In the oldest Easter account (Mk 16:1-8) he says, "that these are not historical traits, but stylistic devices which are meant to attract attention and create tension". Also other New Testament factual statements in the Easter and Ascension reports are only "stylistic devices" for him.

- According to Kasper, the statements about the immanent Trinity or about the pre-existence of Christ are "not direct statements of faith, but theological statements of reflection.

- Kasper also speaks of the "resurrection of the individual in death". Therefore "also the talk of a continuation or survival after death is misleading. Furthermore, the talk of heaven, hell and purgatory is "a very inappropriate, even misleading way of speaking".

- With the "not quite happy expression" infallibility of the church is meant, "that the church ... can no longer definitely fall back to the state of the synagogue and cannot definitely deny Christ".

- He also called the dogma of the universal salvation mediators of the church, which is highly important for ecumenical talks and is clothed in the words 'extra ecclesiam nulla salus', a "highly misleading sentence".


