Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday (High Thursday).

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment with My Son through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me or from the Heavenly Host, to which especially My Mother, the angels and the saints belong. My dear daughter has contact with all of them. But because it is I who speaks to her, therefore one does not believe her. It is not Me they want to destroy, My little one. I am in My little one. One does not believe that this little one can say this and that is why everything must be destroyed - everything. That is how maliciously the demon has entered the clergy.

I have to tell you something: If you do not do justice, if you need excuses, you lie, My dear priests. Then everything is a lie and you celebrate the Holy Mass of Sacrifice unworthily. Every excuse you use becomes a lie and the evil one has the power to draw this person to himself with all his might. Remember this, My beloved ones! You must become firmer. You must love your Savior more deeply, then you never need a lie. I love you so much and I always draw you into My heart, but when you correspond to the lie, you obey the demon. The holy sacrificial masses, when priests do this, become invalid. Speak the truth! Stand by yourselves! The struggle is great and you must pass the fight because you are my beloved ones.

Who else should I turn to? No one is there for me today. There are only very, very few priests who still believe in Me today, who still celebrate a true sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V, beloved believers. I have so few left, don't you want to be among the few? Will I not be able to forgive you your sins? I forgive immediately. Come to Me! Come to My Holy Sacrament of Penance, especially at Easter, the Feast of the Resurrection of My Son.

Remember that I am your dearest Heavenly Father, who gives His only Son to the wolves to eat. He also dies on the cross for the Freemasons in order to redeem them. And what do these freemasons do? They demonize him. They hit him again on the cross. They attract the priests to try and seduce them. And what do these My priests do? They don't want any oil mountain lessons. They want to experience joy, especially today on Maundy Thursday. They do not consider that Maundy Thursday contains joy and sorrow.

What do you do when the Holy Mass of Sacrifice is finished? You clear the table of offerings. Why? Because the Savior leaves His Church and goes into solitude to the Mount of Olives. Your dearest Savior does this for you and asks you, "Can you not watch with me for one hour? Do you not feel my sadness, how they push me away, how they crown me with thorns, how they scourge me, how they crucify me? The nails penetrate deeper into my flesh the more you lie and deceive me. You are then guilty of the suffering of My Son.

My children, My beloved believers, My beloved little flock, hold on! Hold fast to the suffering of My Son! Mount of Olives hours are the hardest hours also for you. And you have Mount of Olives lessons, especially you, My little band. If you don't hold together firmly, you will fall apart. Then I can also say to you: It was all in vain. I need you as tools, as My beloved children whom I have chosen to share suffering with Me. Are you ready for the battle with Satan? Have you not the mother, My dearest mother, on your side? What did she suffer? - Much more than you, my beloved believers, my beloved little flock - much more. And yet she still carries your cross and takes it on your shoulders because, as a mother, she loves your Marian children so much that she cannot see them suffer.

To have a mother in heaven is far, far greater than to have a mother on earth. When this Mother on earth leaves you, you have a Heavenly Mother and she never tells you untruth. She can never be unjust to her own children. She is love, and this love will pass over to you when you turn very firmly to my Heavenly Mother and draw her to you and love her. Look upon her this night and pray and watch, for the hour is near when the event will come. Only I, the Heavenly Father, know this. Are you prepared? Are you all really prepared? No!

What is My beloved daughter Mary doing? She denies Me. She is lying to me. What does she say? My Son Jesus Christ is present in all tabernacles throughout the world. Is this true, My beloved, or is it a lie? It is a lie. Since April 27, 2008, I have taken the Savior out of all tabernacles of the modernist church. That's right, dear daughter Mary. My Son will not say the opposite of what I, your Heavenly Father, am telling you. Evil has invaded.

My beloved Martin, will you also recognize it or will you continue blindly with her? You are then going astray. You then also despise me because you have done the right thing. But you did not recognize it. You wanted to uncover everything for my honor and for my good will. To whom did you listen: to me or to my daughter Mary? Have I not become everything for you? Have I not given you the many gifts and talents that you are to pass on? No! You do not obey Me either. You are going further and further away from Me and I have chosen you in this way and have tested you far, far more than Mary.

And now, what are you doing? Do you want to go away from me? Do you mean to say that the messages of Mary are real and completely true? Is that what you're saying? Do you want to confess this or do you even want to leave your Savior, whom you love as much as you say you do? Then prove it to me! If it is not true and you have tested it, consider that you are fallible. Go to the Heavenly Father, to Me, come to My heart, there you will receive the truth and never from My daughter, who already announces untruth. Never will My Son disagree with Me, His Father.

The father messages of My little Anne all correspond to the full truth. Mary, the prophetess of the end times, has in common all the religions she enlightens. A lie can quickly be incorporated into this. And you will know, My son Martin. You do not turn away yet. You will soon see that this false prophet sitting on the throne is a Rotarian. You will very quickly realize that My daughter Mary was untrue about My Pope Benedetto. My daughter Mary has given him the full truth that My son should have said. No, dear Martin, that is not true! He also belongs to the Rotarians, and you recognized it. Do you want to take everything out of your Internet that is true? Can you not imagine that this is a lie, that the tempter is with you and wants this from you? Then the Freemasons can do what they want with My daughter Mary. Then she has no hold on you. On the contrary, you obey her and not the heavenly Father. Remember that you have a very big responsibility. You are responsible for millions of people. You will have to confess this once before the heavenly Father, before me. I never want to say to you: "I do not know you", but: "I love you! Come to My Kingdom and sit at the first place in the wedding hall. I wish that from you!"

But it cannot go on like this. Turn back and remember that you are united with My Son Jesus Christ when you translate the messages and not with My daughter Mary. It will always be faulty - always. But if she relies entirely on My Son Jesus Christ, she will never be lonely and the messages will agree with My daughter Mary and My daughter Anne because father and son cannot contradict each other. Do you believe this, My beloved believers?

Do you still believe today in the messages of My daughter Anne, who had to proclaim, according to My will, that I had to take My Son out of the modernist tabernacles because so many sacrileges were committed by the priests, by My beloved sons of priests. That was bitter. My son can never refute that.

My son Martin, know the truth and invoke Me. Always think that you are also responsible for yourself. Recognize My love and turn to the truth - to the whole truth and never proclaim a part of the truth through My daughter Mary.

The whole truth proclaims as the only one My daughter Anne. And she has never given me a no - never. She suffers unbearably also for you, dearest Martin - also for you beloved Mary! She prays for you continuously, that you will not fall away. The time of Satan is here and there are many, many who do not believe today and by many you will be tempted. Many can fall. And he who is not quite firm on the vine will fall off. I only need permanent people. Firmness means to want to suffer everything, to do everything in obedience to the Heavenly Father. Then you are My children of God, who love the Trinity above all. Faith in the Trinity is the true faith in Catholicism.

They say you can do anything, you Protestants. You can receive Me. Is that right or is that a lie? He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. But he who receives me unworthily, he eats his judgment. And that is what My Protestants do today. They eat the dish. They go to the Catholic Church and receive the Holy Sacrament of My Son unworthily. Neither have they confessed nor do they believe in my truth and in me. Their faith is not firm. Their faith stands on weak feet.

And you, My beloved believers, do you also want to fall? Do you also want to leave My Son on this night, on this difficult night of the Mount of Olives? Do you also want to drive your nails deeper into the flesh of My Son? Will you also strike the crown of thorns deeper into His head with the reed? Do you want to scourge Him? Do you want to crucify him again through your untruths, through your deceptions, through your indifference. May you priests invite the Protestants to My Holy Sacrificial Feast and give them Communion? Is this the truth? No! They eat the dish. They receive My Son Jesus Christ unworthily and they fall more and more into the arms of the devil. He enjoys them because he can have them all. For the easier way these believers throw everything away because they do not want to bear the heaviness. They don't want to take lessons in the oil mountains. They do not need them for their lives because it is easy not to bear suffering, to ward off all suffering. The cross must not exist. Through the cross for salvation, My children.

Wake up, and I will strengthen you. Only in love will we be able to grow together. If you do not live love and are there for each other with all your weaknesses and with all your faults, which you can confess, and I will forgive them, but if you leave my way, then I cannot help you. And that is bitter and sad.

I love you immeasurably, dear little souls. And my little flock will continue to suffer for all of you, - for all of you! They will not give up, even if you do not turn back. They will pray and atone for you even if you continue to speak falsehood and sin. You commit grave sins with the lie. The lie is the beginning of the bad, because through the lie Satan came into the plan. By the lie he did not see the good angels anymore, but he was pushed into the abyss by the lie.

Do you also want to experience this where I love you so much and want to draw you to My oversized loving heart? Love Me! Believe in me and tell me everything, because I know you. I know every little thing from all people all over the world. A little moment in which you sin, I know it. But I can forgive. I forgive everything, only you must walk the true path of love and you must recognize and become silent before My Holiness. Speak to Me! I wait for your counter-love, because I have given you everything that is necessary for your life, for a holy life.

And now I want to tell you in this night of the Mount of Olives: Watch with me for a while longer, because I need your comfort. I rely on your love, on your counter-love. If you prove to me that you want to do everything, then I am satisfied with it. I know your faults and your weaknesses too, but if you forget love, then I cannot stand by you and neither can my mother. She fights for you every minute. Every minute is sacred to you for a single soul.

And now I bless you in the Trinity through the many hours of the Mount of Olives and difficult minutes for you that I suffer, with all the saints, especially with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to me and pray, pray, pray, because I love you immeasurably. Amen.


