Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Monday.

Jesus Christ, the Risen One, speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Instruction of the Heavenly Father: During the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen in the Kiesseestrasse 51b, the Risen Savior was present in the statue and blessed up to now. Now, My beloved children, you have carried Him over to the house church at Geismar Landstraße 103 and have placed the Risen Savior with the victory flag on the altar of sacrifice next to the tabernacle. Afterwards I wish that you place Him on the windowsill, so that those who pass by can recognize Him as the Risen Jesus. He will greet and bless every passer-by.

The Holy angels were again present here in the house church Geismar Landstraße 103 and also in the house church Kiesseestraße 51b. They moved in and they moved out. They welcomed and honored the Risen Savior, today on the second day of Easter, Easter Monday. They sang the Gloria in excélsis Deo in several voices. The holy altar of sacrifice was again brightly illuminated. All the figures of saints were bathed in a radiant light. The Merciful Jesus shone in a golden light, because the next Sunday we will celebrate the hour of mercy at 3 pm. The Heavenly Father says: "Pray daily the novena to the Merciful Jesus. The candles at the altar in the house church of Geismar Landstraße 103, shot up violently. Here, too, the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were brightly lit, because I myself could not participate in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice at Kiesseestrasse 51b, because I received the atonement on both feast days. I celebrated the Holy Sacrificial Mass by telephone.

The Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will speak today: I, Jesus Christ, speak now to My believers through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in the full truth and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, you, My believers, who should believe in My resurrection, still doubt very often. As long as you remain in modernism, you will not be able to repent, for the priests are addicted to modernism, and in the tabernacle I myself am no longer present. My Father, the Heavenly Father, took Me out of the tabernacles of modernism on April 27, 2008, because I was greatly displeased by the sacrileges of the modernist sons of priests. I am still waiting for your conversion, you modernists!

Turn back! You know that My Messages are the full truth which I am proclaiming to you through My daughter Anne and which are put on the Internet for distribution throughout the world.

My beloved little group, I want to thank you, especially on these days when you have been so diligently at my side. You had a lot of trouble, and you also spared no work to serve me and to make everything festive.

Yes, My beloved ones, despite the many atoning sufferings of My little ones, you have still been allowed to do much because I have given you the strength, not because you had the strength yourselves. You are weak and imperfect men, and you remain them until your end. But I constantly give you My Divine power so that you can cope with these problems and fulfill them in order, peace and tranquility. For consider, as soon as the hectic rush comes in, I am no longer present, because I come to you only in rest in the Holy Spirit. Stay calm and calm, because I will continue to prepare you for all tasks as before.

My beloved followers, you believe in the Risen Jesus Christ. But all words of these messages, of my messages, you are to obey, which up to now have been proclaimed in truth by my Father, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Remain vigilant!

Watch out for the Pius Brotherhood. They are not in the full truth and their Holy Sacrificial Masses are still invalid, although they are celebrated in the half truth, but not according to Pius V. Be vigilant, for this allows the evil one to enter into them and confuse them. Furthermore My Pius Brotherhood rejects the messages. They persecute my messengers and hatred happens in their deeds. Through the Freemason, the District Superior for Germany, because he belongs to the Freemasons, My beloved ones, you will be confused. He is the one who confuses you. Do not believe him, but believe in My messages, which I give to My little messenger Anne in the full truth. She is not the strong one.

I, Jesus Christ, the Risen One, am speaking to you today and My Heavenly Father will continue to enlighten you and proclaim truths to you through the Internet in the whole world, especially about My Church which is confused and lost and lies in modernism.

The Sacrificial Mass, which My priest's son celebrates daily in his house church at Kiesseestraße 51b or in the house church at Geismar Landstraße 103, corresponds to the full truth, because he offers it to the Heavenly Father in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. This is My Holy Mass of Sacrifice! Nothing else is valid. All over the world people continue to read after 1962, and you know, My beloved Pius brothers, that this is not true. Turn back, because the wicked one will direct you and you do not recognize my truths. That is why you lie in untruth, and in addition still proclaim these untruths and enlighten your believers, who think that you lie in the full truth, wrongly. You have the responsibility whether they choose the right way or the wrong way.

My beloved followers, be vigilant, Satan is walking. Satan is present in all modernism. He conducts the priests in modernism and not I. I, Jesus Christ, am not present there in these tabernacles, as My beloved end-time prophetess Mary falsely proclaims. In modernism, My beloved, I cannot be. There the meal fellowship to the people is celebrated, and no transformation occurs. How can I be transformed, My beloved ones, when My people are honored and I, Jesus Christ, am not the center of attention as the Risen One?

My beloved children, the Supreme Shepherd is not in the truth. He proclaims the false faith, the erroneous faith, because he is not the second Holy Father. He is the false prophet! The Antichrist will follow! He will confuse you and lead you astray. Thus you stand at the edge of the abyss, if you follow and obey him.

My beloved believers in modernism, wake up! Why do you not believe that there cannot be two popes kneeling and praying next to each other? I appointed only one successor, Saint Peter, and after that there were many, many Holy Popes! It was only after John XXIII that all modernism began, for he opened the door to Satan. After that there were no more holy popes. Everything was partly controlled by modernism and modernism continued to break into My Holy, Catholic Church.

My beloved believers, can you not understand that you have to wake up and leave these modernist churches, because the evil one is penetrating further and further and confuses and gets lost. Why do you not believe Me? My little one only repeats My truths and the truths of My Heavenly Father. She herself knows nothing of the truth, but it is controlled from heaven. In the full truth she proclaims my words and never her words. Therefore you must believe. I will save you all and save you from the eternal abyss. But if you do not obey me, you will be led astray and stand at the abyss. You can descend into the abyss if you continue to be controlled by evil. Satan is cunning, My beloved ones!

Can you believe this second Pope Francis I when he proclaims his own mercy and not My mercy? He is close to the people, but he does not return to my altar of sacrifice. He rejects any Holy Mass of Sacrifice and will continue to celebrate the popular mass to the people at the popular altar. He confuses you when he says, "I give you oral communion. Is that enough, My beloved ones? No! Only in the one Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V is the full truth celebrated. In no other Holy Sacrificial Feast am I present - not with the Pius-Brothers and also not with the Peter-Brothers. So far I have excluded the Peter brothers because I leave them to their own will. They do not obey me, despite the many true messages for them. They obey this Pope Francis I, who proclaims his own mercy and never My mercy. I am merciful, but also just! And this justice he does not proclaim! He only leads you further astray when you follow him, the false prophet and Antichrist, who will come - quite soon. He will be so cunning, my beloved believers from near and far, that you will not recognize it. His words will deceive you, so deceive that unfortunately you cannot recognize the truth.

Judge yourselves by My truth, by My messages, then you are in the truth. Live the truth and proclaim that truth. Do not believe that My little one can do this on her own. She has so many atonements to bear for the whole world that she would hardly be able to choose her words and get out of bed, for she suffers immeasurably. And that is the truth. Each one of my messengers must suffer. Suffering for the world comes first. Otherwise no messenger can announce my truth.

My beloved Mary, the wicked is cunning. Look at the truths that I, Jesus Christ, am giving you and take care that the evil one does not creep in with you. You have to use your mind carefully and read: "Is everything true, or did the evil one perhaps sneak in a few words? Then turn back and do not obey him, but obey Me alone, your dearest Jesus, whom you are to proclaim as the prophetess of the end times. You shall record the end times for all people, so that they may know what evil is happening in the whole world and in the church, so that they may learn to pray, to become believers and to repent. You have to announce that. Not the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

Beloved Mary and beloved Martin, have you not realized that you are still celebrating the wrong Mass, the meal fellowship, and not attending My Holy Mass of Sacrifice? Can this be in the truth? No! You do not have to proclaim My Holy Sacrificial Feast, no, but you must know that at least you return to the True, Holy, Sacrificial Mass, even if you have to travel far to be able to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast, otherwise you will not have the full realization. Only from My Holy Sacrificial Feast do the streams of grace and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit flow.

I would like to give the Easter Blessing to all of you today because you cannot receive this Easter Blessing Urbi et Orbi on television through the new Pope Francis I, who is in a mistaken belief. My priest son has already done it several times after the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

Kneel down! Thus, I bless you, Jesus Christ the Risen One in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, the Coredemptrix of the whole world, the Advocate and all grace mediator, in all love, in all faithfulness, in the richest blessing of the Easter of Grace, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and glorify the Risen One, for I am with you in every action, even at the table of the lunch table. Think always of this Easter blessing and remain connected with me in conversation. Remember, the wicked one is cunning and will try you. Live love! Only love is the greatest and brings you forward in deep faith. Amen.


