Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Heart-Marie-Apunishment-Saturday and Cenacle.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Cenacle, large crowds of angels floated into the house church, surrounded the Blessed Sacrament and worshipped it. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were brightly illuminated, as were all the figures of saints.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

During the holy transformation, the angels fell on their faces in awe of the priest, who at that moment had made the transformation through Jesus Christ. This transformation is so great, my beloved ones, that you will never understand what is happening there. I, the Heavenly Father, wanted My Son to become one with the priest and be transformed in his hands. What great grace is this also for the priest. He would have to remember his vocation in a very special way.

But what is happening today, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, My beloved believers in these modernist churches? You know it. Therefore, my beloved believers, stay away from these banquets which take place at the popular altars. The evil one has taken possession of the tabernacles where before Jesus Christ My Son was present for all. For a long time I have been urging everyone through My little messenger to leave these churches after all. But they do not. No! They say, "I can't. This is My Church, into which I have entered all my life. We stay in these churches. It was always like that."

Very soon it happened in many parishes and churches that the Blessed Sacrament was no longer exposed. It was no longer worshipped by the priests. That is why there were only very few believers left who endured this hour of worship. This little flock was ready to worship My Son. But there were fewer and fewer, My beloved ones. In most churches, therefore, there was no longer any exposition. Now these churches are destroyed. The holy of holies is no longer present in these churches because the devil has taken possession.

My beloved ones, why don't you finally wake up? Why do you not stay away from these modernist churches? Again and again I emphasize it. I want to save you all from the great event. Very soon My Son will appear with His dearest Mother in the firmament and be visible in the whole world. This great event will frighten many so much that they will fall down. A glowing ball, the fireball, will race through the streets, and they will develop such a great panic that they will want to run away screaming. But they are held by the ground.

Yes, My beloved believers, you make it easy for yourselves. It is easier to do all that the other person does and to swim with him in the current and not to take the lonely and difficult way, the way of the cross, the way of salvation, where I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, would like to accompany them all. I want to win back all souls, but they do not want to. I have already gone into their hearts, I have touched them many times. They still want to stay away from these holy sacrificial masses. It is too strenuous for them to go to another place where the Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated and celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass there. I also gave them a DVD. You can have them sent to you, and thus you will have a valid Holy Mass of Sacrifice every day in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, canonized and not after 1962, as the Curia and the Holy Father Benedict XVI had intended. This did not correspond to the truth, because My Holy Mass of Sacrifice is only valid in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. I must repeat it again and again, My beloved faithful, because you simply do not want to admit it. You seek comfort. It is easy for you to go where everyone goes. You do not need to have religious conversations and you do not need to enlighten anyone.

Do you then confess the cross? No! As soon as a religious conversation should arise, you go away and leave Me alone. I have sought you out to convert you. How often have I wanted to draw you to Me, but your hearts have become cold and stubborn. You believe these modernist priests who lead you astray and into confusion, because they do not celebrate to the tabernacle, to My Son Jesus Christ, but to the people.

My believers, why don't you wake up? It cannot correspond to the truth. The priests at the popular altar with their backs to the tabernacle are an abomination to me. They distribute the hand communion and allow this additionally to the laity. To receive My Son Jesus Christ in all reverence in oral communion is far from them. They are ashamed of My Son Jesus Christ and never kneel down before Him, before this Most Holy Sacrament. No! They do not respect My Son Jesus Christ at all. They flap their arms as if they had taken a piece of bread. This is how it is now in the modernist churches. My son Jesus Christ is not present in this host, but the evil one. You receive a piece of bread from evil. He works in you, if you allow this.

Once again I ask you to call on My Son Jesus Christ tomorrow in this hour of mercy. It is a holy hour from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for you, My beloved ones, and for the others from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., because at this time you are still celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Celebrate this hour of mercy in all reverence. One hour of deep prayer will help you.

Look at My Son Jesus Christ, who sat here in this window in the house church at Geismar Landstraße 103 to greet, bless and heal the people who pass by or are passing by. Day and night this window is illuminated and I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, will bless all, for I desire it as My Father wants it. Love Me! Believe in me and trust me! Pray deeply and fervently tomorrow. Many graces will flow in this hour, and then go home strengthened and believe that I bless you daily and also want to heal you from your great weaknesses, which you still have, but which you fight against.

I love you! My Heavenly Mother will continue to shape you. Take this form - according to my will and not your will. You cannot control yourselves, only I, your beloved Father in heaven in the Trinity, will stand by you by taking the Sacrament of Penance.

My beloved ones, how I wish that you all hurry to My Sacrament of Penance, because it is so important at this time to confess your sins again and again, even the venial sins. I want to heal you in your soul, and for that you need this sacrament. I have used it for you out of love. Then you can also worthily receive the sacrament of Holy Communion - the Holy Eucharist, Myself, Jesus Christ, who can then work in your souls. I will draw you to Me and bring you into My heart burning with love because I love you so much.

And now I bless you in the Trinity, especially with your dearest Mother today on the day of the Cenacle and Fraternita, which took place before this message. Your Heavenly Mother loves you and sends you the Holy Spirit again and again, for She is the Bride of the Holy Spirit. She may give you many insights, which she receives from me, the heavenly Father. Thus I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay calm and serenity! This Cenacle has given you much strength. Amen.


