Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Twenty-sixth Sunday after Whitsun.

(Mass form of the 6th Sunday after Epiphany.) The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. On this 6th Sunday after the apparition that we celebrated today, the altar of sacrifice, and especially the symbol of the Trinity, was brightly lit, as were the Blessed Mother, the Rosa Mystica, the Queen of Roses and the entire altar of Mary. Also the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus shone in golden splendor during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, especially during the Holy Transubstantiation, as did the Merciful Jesus above the Way of the Cross.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, you have given me a Mass of thanks today. You have expressed your gratitude for the many opportunities I have provided for you to move into the House of Glory. Who opened these gifts for you? Who made these gifts possible for you? I, the Lord and Master, the Triune God Have I not chosen one of My daughters for this preparation? Yes! It was my little Moni. That is why I would like to thank you today in this place, because you had taken over the full organization for five weeks and were allowed to return to this place as a thank you. From a medical point of view everything is fine. No one can harm you. You are chosen and chosen by your Lord and Master, by your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Therefore, My beloved little Moni, you will also get atonement sufferings because I have appointed you as the soul of atonement. Look into the messages. There you will see when it began. You will be able to follow how I act in my fates. Everything is designed for you.

Have I not chosen the smallest, the tiniest? Through my little ones I am recognized, because they receive Divine Wisdom. Never will a scientific theologian be able to get these messages. Why not, My beloved ones? Because pride has come into them. A doctor will rarely be able to be humble. This is almost impossible. But when I appoint my little messengers, who remain little and who grow up to be prophets, they believe me completely and know that this is the truth.

All I have appointed and chosen, but few are ready to fulfill My truth in its entirety. My truth lies in the fact that I was first given the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It was determined forever, namely canonized. This mass of sacrifice was not to be changed. And in spite of everything it was changed by modernism. At first this Holy Mass of Sacrifice was changed a little bit, but then it became more and more, and modernism penetrated more strongly into My Holy Church. It has now reached the point of destruction, - total destruction. Nothing is left of My Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the meal fellowship at the popular altar.

And here in Wigratzbad? Is everything okay there? No. Modernism has also come here, especially through this leader. I took the first leader away from the altar overnight. He did not obey me. On the contrary, he has cast out My priestly son, who was chosen by Me. The next leader, his successor, did not obey me either. He was made aware of this by messages. My priest son wanted to receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance with him. This should be an impulse for him to be able and willing to turn back. But so far he has not done so, on the contrary, he is destroying this place of pilgrimage even more, because it is being made modernist. The modern age has come to this pilgrimage site Wigratzbad. Can this be possible when My Son Jesus Christ wants to appear here with His dearest Mother? Yes, that is possible. Why? Because I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen My Holy Place of the New Church and the New Priesthood here in the House of Glory, and it will continue to be done according to My wishes and according to My plan.

What about this Father A.? Is he really destined for the New Church? Have I really chosen him from among many, many priests? Yes! I have chosen him. That does not mean, however, that he fully agrees with My plan. I wish it from him. But this does not mean that he wants this. His will is decisive for me. He shall give himself to me in his entirety. He is to transfer his will to me. Then it will happen that the New Church will blossom in full glory. His fraternity must also follow this path, namely those who are willing to take the difficult path. Otherwise a split in the fraternity will arise. Have I not chosen the smallest there as well? Yes. To this day they have remained faithful to Me, faithful in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V. Now I have planned another realization for this Father A., a special realization that he will receive when he fulfills My plan. Not yet. Here, in this place the house of glory, everything will happen.

You, My beloved little flock, have remained loyal to Me. And now I have presented you with a garden house and with a complete plating around the house. Did you expect this from me? Could this happen without my will being fulfilled? No. I directed everything. I planned and determined everything consciously and precisely: The weather and this leader of the construction work, who has taken everything into his hands, my beloved M. And now I would like to give him a present, a gift, with abundant graces. Whether he accepts it depends on his will. But when he fulfills my will, he will be supported and protected in his entirety with his entire family. Should he not want to do it and use his will, he will suffer. I must educate him there because I love him. An earthly father who loves his child, will he not raise it strictly, but for love? And what about Me, the Heavenly Father? I too must give strict and precise instructions. My beloved M. is destined to continue to do everything possible for this house of glory, so that everything is and will remain in order. He is the seller of this house. Already at that time I had chosen him. He has done everything according to my will and everything has been done.

And now, My beloved children, My beloved little flock, you too are the little mustard seed, small and unloved. Should you become popular, you must ask yourselves: Am I still walking the way of the cross as Jesus Christ My Son walked this way? You are His imitators, His successors. And that means to go the most difficult way, because a world mission is before you, that is, you are appointed and chosen for the whole universal church. This brings great suffering and great atonement. I wish you a sacrificial life. You have proven that to me so far. Now you are a community of four. From the group of three became a group of four, which is carried out by a consecration. The time is not yet right.

Beloved Pius Brotherhood, you too have been chosen from eternity. Have you completely fulfilled my will or have you cast out my messengers? If you had celebrated My Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the full truth according to Pius V, you would be completely connected with the supernatural. Only the supernature connects the human with the divine. If you ignore them, you are partly in humanity and you can commit grave sins. This is possible.

To you, My beloved little flock, I have completely connected you with the supernatural. Everything I direct from the supernature. My dearest mother forms you and you let yourselves be formed. I am your dearest Heavenly Father, to whom you obey in everything.

Look at the Petrusbruderschaft here in Wigratzbad. Does she also go the way? No. She obeys this false prophet Francis. He is not at all in the truth, because he belongs to the Masons, and he was appointed by them and not in conclave by the Curia.

Even the Curia is not in the truth. Even the past Supreme Shepherd is still not in the truth. Again and again I touch him in his heart, and you, my little one, make atonement for him. In spite of everything he does not leave this Vatican and flees, - until today not, although I wish it. Only in solitude can he repent of the sacrileges he has committed for many years and make a valid confession. If he continues to live in the Vatican and continues to wear the white robe, he cannot repent of his sins from the heart and certainly not of the sacrileges he has committed. Continue atoning for him, my little one, because this is very important for me, the Heavenly Father. My Son wants to draw him to His Divine Heart in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. That is important. The holy sacrificial meal is the greatest. There is nothing greater than to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in truth.

Yes, the Pius brothers I have chosen. I still long for their hearts and I am still waiting for a division, because many of them will not go along this difficult way. But some of them are so deeply touched in their hearts that they will agree with the division. These I will choose for the New Church.

I love all My sons of priests and I want to press them to My Heart, as My dearest Mother wants to press all Her sons of priests, because She is the Queen of priests, to draw to Her Immaculate Heart and make them useful for Her Son Jesus. He is the one who must dwell in their hearts. Their hearts must burn like a fire of love to the One and Only, True Holy Sacrifice, in the One and Only, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which no longer exists today, because it has become Protestant. Therefore, My beloved ones, I will let the New Church arise here in this place. It has already been founded. The New Priesthood will also have its beginning here.

Believe me, my beloved little flock, I will master everything, even if my back is turned to me. I can touch every single priest so deeply that he only wants to follow me, the only true Triune God. This is possible. You see only the outward appearance, the impossible. But I will make this impossible possible. You have gone this way for all priests, and you have held out until the present moment. You have promised to continue on this difficult path. I have prepared all of you. If you follow this way, you know exactly: I have chosen and chosen you. You could not choose yourselves, because you were all in sin. You too were in modernism. And often you still talk about modernism. That is not what I really want. I wish you to come into the present time, because the most important thing is this House of Glory with the New Church and the New Priesthood. Look at your past time, what you have experienced and how you have grown now. Talk about that and never about your own past. She should be in the background, - also for my beloved little Moni.

She still suffers pain because of the past time. I have chosen you and I have given you the sufferings of atonement. I have chosen you as the soul of atonement, and you will obey Me completely, because I am a jealous God. Never will I slacken in My zeal for you. Belong to me completely and place yourself completely at my disposal. Believe that you create everything in the Divine Power, not with your human power. When the human power leaves you, the Divine Power will flow into you and you will master everything as your Heavenly Father desires you to do. The threesome, My beloved little flock, will continue to support you, because you are a newcomer, but this little flock has existed for nine years. She is attuned to this only truth, and I love her and I love you. Remain faithful to me in everything and never go any other way than the one you have taken now, for you know that I am zealous for your soul. Love Me completely and everything will be yours, what you need.

And so I bless you today and would like to thank you for this great availability you have given me. That is why I love you the more. I bless you now in the Trinity with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love one another as I have loved you and love your enemies by praying and sacrificing for them. Amen.


