Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Last Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the last Sunday after Whitsun. The angels were drawn in large numbers into this house chapel and worshiped the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Mother was brightly illuminated as well as the entire sacrificial altar. The Child Jesus and the Blessed Mother blessed us during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. All figures were brightly illuminated. The burning hearts of the love of Jesus and the Blessed Mother were intimately fused together.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now and at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

I, My beloved little flock, would like to send ahead that all Heaven thanks for the statue of Mercy that was placed above the Stations of the Cross in the house chapel and also thanks in advance for the four evangelists who will follow.

My beloved sons of priests, My beloved little band, My beloved believers from near and far and My beloved children, I, the Heavenly Father, address today especially My sons of priests who lie in delusion and ask them Where is your knowledge? Is your science the most important thing, or is Jesus Christ, your Savior, the center of your life, or is He far from you so that you cannot adore Him and venerate the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar?

My beloved sons of priests, you are still in the erroneous faith, in modernism and do not dare to approach the altar of sacrifice, although I have so often invited you to celebrate the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ. Only this sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V lies in the full truth. I have called your attention to your faults, to the sacrileges and My little one has so often atoned for you. Now I can tell you that the great event is just around the corner. Is it not sad for you, My beloved sons of priests, that I have to admonish you again and again to still not celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which you once promised to celebrate, at this altar of sacrifice. The believers want to read holiness from you and they cannot. You announce to them the erroneous faith and live it.

And what about the second coming of My Son Jesus Christ and the coming of My Mother, the Mother of My Son and the Mother of the Holy Spirit? "Will they appear? Is this really the truth or is it deception?" So you ask yourselves. No, it is the full truth. Look into the gospel. There it will be explained to you in detail. And yet you do not believe and continue to celebrate the meal fellowship and are in delusion. Nothing can separate you from this meal fellowship, even though you know that Protestantism and ecumenism have been drawn into it and have confused everything, creating a terrible chaos in the Church today. Everything is destroyed. Nothing is left - only dust. And now My Son Jesus Christ wants to build the New Church here in the House of Glory. Can this be the truth? Has He not already founded it? Does He not want to draw His priestly sons to Himself and invite them to the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the New Church?

What does this chosen priest's son say - this My Father A.? A clear no he told me. And yet I love him and wait for his approval to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast at this sacrificial altar in Mellatz and to herald the New Church with the New Priesthood. Is this too much to ask of you, My beloved priestly son? How I have longed for you here in this place. He is destined for you because you are my chosen one. You are still in the mission. Is this really My will what you do and perform or do I want to order you to this place? Yes, this is the truth, the reality, the reality. Nothing should separate you from My plan and My desire.

My little flock wept for you. Sadness has entered into their hearts and how sad is only My Son Jesus Christ. He suffers again in My little one for you, My chosen priestly son. Can you answer for that? I know of your great responsibility in your brotherhood as Supreme, and yet My plan may be different from yours. I can intervene in your life and your priesthood. You will be able to change everything when your will tells me a clear yes. Will you now fulfill My plan or follow your wishes? Think it over very carefully. I can appoint a thousand others for you, for I am the Almighty Trinitarian God, the Omniscient and Almighty. I call you to the plan as the chosen one. This is where the New Church takes place. Here, in My House of Glory, Holiness has moved in. Here everything started according to My plan. It was not My little group of three who wanted this house, but I gave it to them as a gift. With wise foresight I have ordered everything here in this place of holiness. Now holiness has moved into My community of four, and from now on I wish that the priesthood be newly accomplished here.

Yes, My beloved ones, the event will come. Soon the darkness will fall. The signs on sun, moon and stars will be visible. Stars will fall from the sky. With thunder and lightning everything is initiated. People will scatter in all directions. They will not know where to go because they have not fulfilled my wish and will. I watch over those who have believed Me and worship Me in the Trinity and adore Me. You have done it and you have completely fulfilled my wish and plan from the beginning of your conversion. For this I thank you with all my heart, otherwise I could not have built this House of Glory, because you were intended for this House, because you could do the work, because you had the Divine Power that you requested through my Heavenly Mother. She has formed you into Her children of Mary and She has often sent you all Her angels so that you may have the knowledge to fulfill the will of the Father and His Divine Power could come upon you and overflow you with His Precious Blood. Thank the Trinity for calling you and for being able to follow this vocation.

I love you with all my heart that you suffer with My Son Jesus Christ. You continue to follow my plan, desire and will, but it will not be easy for you because you go the most difficult way. I have promised you no joy in your hearts, but that you should come through the cross for salvation, for the salvation of eternal life. You are to prepare yourselves for the eternal glory, which you are once allowed to see. And that is why you will not be able to experience this on earth. You do not complain about it. No, you will be glad that you will continue to serve your Lord Jesus Christ in the Trinity, that you will follow His way of the cross and take upon yourselves everything that men inflict on you in wickedness and persecution.

I love you and will protect you with all the saints, especially with your dearest mother and all the angels. And so I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


