Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fourth Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the altar and the altar of the Virgin Mary were bathed in glistening red and golden light. Every single rose at the Blessed Mother's house was adorned with pearls and diamonds. The Heart of Jesus was once again merged with the Heart of Mary. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword in all four directions. Again and again flocks of angels streamed into this chapel. They surrounded the altar and also us.

"The 18th, My beloved children, is the founding day of Schoenstatt. It is of great importance."

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today through my willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in my will and repeats only words that come from me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, for My beloved faithful who do not want to repent, My little one has taken over the expiation today, because it is permission from the Heavenly Father that you should endure these colics. You will continue to receive medical treatment. You will also suffer, because atonement is necessary.

As you know, you will soon go to the place Wigratzbad to the place of grace of My dearest Mother. There many demands are made on you. Almost everyone will reject you there. As you know, the great battle of Satan against the Blessed Mother and Her children of Mary has begun. In this fight you stand. I wish you to go to this place of grace quite often. So far I have not allowed it because the evil one has shown his greatest power there. But now I have taken over the scepter with My mother and the wicked one will not have this power that he had before. He will indeed apply them and think he will gain victory, but I, the heavenly Father, stand above all.

My beloved followers and My beloved ones, who went there in Heroldsbach into the hollow, atoned, sacrificed and prayed for this place of grace Heroldsbach, come, if it is possible for you in time, all of you to the place of grace of My beloved Mother in Wigratzbad, because you are to be a large flock standing behind My small group. They will be attacked, they will be slandered and despised, but you, my beloved followers, shall testify and proclaim me, your dearest heavenly Father in the Trinity. You are strengthened by Heroldsbach and by the hollow. You have gone through many tribulations.

I would like to thank you all again today for this atonement in Heroldsbach. You have mastered everything. The walk into the hollow was exemplarily led by My Teresa. Do not be afraid, My beloved children, because your mother is with you. Everything that happens is providence. Believe it, if you are despised, your Heavenly Mother is right behind you with her legions of angels. Therefore hold out and wait until the end.

In Wigratzbad many things will happen very soon, which you all cannot imagine. Your Heavenly Father works there. I have taken the scepter into my hand and My arm of wrath is lifted up. My mother is still trying to support him but he will fall down because I, the Heavenly Father, have chosen the place of grace of My mother so that she can and will appear there with My Son Jesus Christ. Never will I change My plan.

You, My beloved little flock, feel that your Heavenly Father is now moving forward with giant strides. Much will be demanded of you, but the Divine Power will become more and more in you. You will accomplish many things that you cannot guess and fathom, because the Divine Power increases as your human power diminishes. Believe in it! Wigratzbad needs much atonement. It is necessary for the priests who would otherwise go astray.

My beloved little flock, go to the Gentiles, tell them the Gospel. Everything that is in My messages that I give to My little messenger Anne is in the Bible. Never can you say, "We have the Bible and that is all we need. Everything that my little one proclaims in my name is biblical. Everything in the messages corresponds to the full truth. Can you refute Me something, My beloved sons of priests, who want to cast out this My little one? But you will not manage it because I, the heavenly Father, watch over them and hold my blessing hand over them. My dearest Mother will take My little messenger by the hand and give her a burning heart of love so that she may proclaim My truth out of love for My sons of priests, testify to it and suffer it.

In the 10 years that have already passed in which My little messenger receives My messages, she has suffered much. It cost you a lot of strength, but you never gave up. In the most serious illnesses you did not flag, no, you became stronger and you feel that. Is that your strength? No, I give you and all of you this strength, My beloved little flock, which you support My messenger and shall continue to accompany My messenger on this difficult way to Wigratzbad. Nothing will I leave out that will enable me to induce these priests to repent. All is Providence, My beloved ones. Is not your Heavenly Father always with you and present in your hearts? Does He not suffer with you? Does He not guide you? Is He not the Regent, the Omniscient, the Almighty and the Omnipotent? My omnipotence will soon come to bear there in Wigratzbad. You will not suspect it, and no one will be allowed to thwart my plan. I made it up for all of you. Everyone had the opportunity to read these messages and to recognize the truth. I have given everyone certain chances. You can't say: "I didn't know anything" when the big event will come. No, I have given everyone these chances to want to and be able to turn back.

Thousands of flyers have already been distributed and there will be even more, because My children travel to many cities to personally hand these flyers to the people and throw them into the mailboxes so that they too can experience: The Heavenly Father speaks through His Messenger. The messages are completely true. You cannot go astray, My beloved ones, if you obey these messages.

But what is the situation in modernism? Completely confused and lost, this belief is presented. You adapt to the world. One does not listen to the words of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. The world is important. You open the door to the world. The priests did not become sacrificial priests, but world priests. Of course I do not wish this from my priests, but they do not practice obedience to my words, but they blaspheme against me and cast out my messengers who lie in the truth.

The Holy Mass of Sacrifice is important. Hundreds of this DVD have already been sent out into the world. It will continue to be sent so that people can celebrate a true, holy mass of sacrifice according to the true Catholic faith, as they are confused by the modernist priests. They no longer know what truth is and what lies in the Catholic faith. They are already so far away from faith that they do not even feel that they are already Protestant. Ecumenically one calls that. What does ecumenism mean? In every faith there is a grain of Catholicism. That is enough for them, because we all have one God. What else does the Trinitarian God mean to you? Am I no longer present in the Blessed Sacrament? Can you not worship My Son in truth? Will My Son still be able to transform Himself in the meal fellowship if one no longer believes and turns his back on My Son? One holds out one's hands and says, "In this way I communicate reverently, for My hands are consecrated by the priest. Only a priest who is in the truth can distribute My Holy Communion and put communion on the tongue of those who kneel. Wasn't it always like this? Why has this true faith been changed? Why has the liturgy simply been changed, although this Holy Mass of Sacrifice was canonized according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite? One wanted to introduce the new time. After all, one is no longer unworldly. You adapt to the world. Do you also conform to the Heavenly Father? Does one still know that the Heavenly Father is the Triune God who directs and guides everything and holds the whole world in His hands? Do you remember that or do you say: "It is all symbol"? This is all that is left for My Son, who died on the cross for all people. All are redeemed and yet they do not believe in this redemption, because they do not accept the graces that flow from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

How many graces are scattered into the world by this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass here in Mellatz. People feel that this is something different, "but do I have to go this hard way as a Catholic Christian? Is this necessary for me or is it something the others have to do? I am not meant. I will already go to heaven. I do no evil and I do not kill anyone. Isn't that enough?" No, My children, My beloved children, that is not enough. If you do not believe and do not pray and do not sacrifice and do not atone for others, then you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. If you do not explain everything to me in the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice, you are no longer Catholic. Do you want to be? Do you want to be separated from Me, from Me, the dearest Savior, who feels so much longing for your souls?

I love you and want you back. I want to introduce you all to the Heavenly Kingdom. One day you will appear before the judgment seat. Then I will have to announce the truth to you. Could I then say to you: "I do not know you, because in your life on earth you have not testified to me? I will then say to you, "Depart from me, you brood of vipers. Would you like to hear that? You have the chance to turn back, and your dearest mother will stand by your side. Is she not the mother of all? Is she not the most beautiful of all the beautiful ones that I have created for myself as Immaculate? Have I not given them to you through My Son under His Cross? I have given away what is dearest because I love you all and want to embrace you in truth. My heart continues to burn with great love for you.

And so I bless you now with all the angels and saints, with the whole heavenly host, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven and hold out until the end. Amen.


