Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Fifth Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which had to be celebrated very early in the morning because His beloved Katharina is going to Göttingen to take care of many things that absolutely have to be done, the altar of sacrifice, as well as the altar of Mary and the statue of Christ, were bathed in glittering light. The angel choirs sang in nine different pitches. This was an adorable atmosphere in the house chapel in Mellatz. We could receive everything from the depth of our hearts, because we know that the Heavenly Father is always above us and remains with us. He teaches us to keep everything He once told us. The Risen Jesus shows His victory flag again and raises it during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The Child Jesus was enlightened and bathed in glistening light, as well as the Little King of Love and above all the symbol of the Trinity.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak to you on the fifth Sunday after Easter through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats only words that are spoken by Me, the Heavenly Father.

My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock, yes, your Heavenly Father has given you much wisdom because you are not far-sighted enough. You only see what you are experiencing at the moment, but what is behind it, only your Heavenly Father sees, and He warns you in many things that you do not even feel. The Trinity watches over you with all love. You, my beloved children, also you my followers, you are to become above all those who hear and follow. If you are only those who hear, your tongue will utter many things that are sin. A so-called pietism occurs.

I did not mean you, my beloved little band, only you should beware of such people who do the pious, but who have a loose tongue and can offend you. Watch out, for I will protect you with My beloved archangel Michael. You four are my beloved little flock - only you four. The fifth one regulates everything with the DVD. It is meant for it. As you all know, she suffers from a serious illness. Therefore, it must first only put its household in order. It is still not resilient.

My beloved followers, do not hinder her with unnecessary phone calls, because she is really sick and has to manage her time, even seriously ill. You, my beloved little flock, will care for them in every way. But she cannot be in your community because of her illness. Many believers call on her and burden her with this. Pay attention to this! Then turn to My little flock in Mellatz. There you will receive the necessary information through My foursome: through Fr. Lodzig, My son-in-law, through Katharina, through Monika and finally through My beloved messenger Anne.

This is the elite, My beloved. I place the highest demands on My little flock. Not that you, my followers, do not also accept and follow these instructions, but that would overtax you. My group of four receives special graces from me and not only that, but also a special Divine Power. You will be able to master everything only in Divine Power, especially My little messenger. It is now being attacked from all sides. But you, my little one, will endure it through your little flock that protects you. The Holy Archangel Michael will accompany you on all your ways.

And now, My beloved Katharina, you are going to Göttingen on this day. Hence the premature holy sacrificial mass. You will travel with all the angels because you will receive My blessing and the blessing of My beloved priestly son on your journey. Everything is prepared for you in Göttingen. Nothing will go wrong. Rely on your Heavenly Father. He has arranged everything for you and will also fix everything. This does not mean that you are perfect and will think of everything, but your Heavenly Father will remind you of what is necessary. Therefore keep calm and be faithful to the heavenly Father. Remain calm, for in serenity lies the divine power.

My beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach, I would like to thank you once again for your love and your help that you gave me in the hollow. I want to thank those who lead the whole procession, especially My little Teresa and daughter Kinga. Thank you for standing up for everyone, but especially for Me. You leave nothing out and you endure much, because you are prepared for this great task, which will become even more. But do not be afraid, but strong. Hasn't the Heavenly Father always arranged everything for you? Haven't you sent and distributed thousands of flyers so far? Haven't thousands of them already been distributed in different cities? And you will distribute them further. It should be so that these flyers are spread all over the world. From time to time the spread will increase, but also your Divine Power.

You, My beloved priestly son, will continue to distribute the flyers in this area, but you will no longer do pastoral care. You have been rejected to the highest degree. You have endured it for my sake and continue to endure it. People do not want to read the messages in this place and above all they do not want to follow them. They have become listeners but not followers. The one who does not obey my words and only hears them will not be able to enter my kingdom of heaven because he is lukewarm and seeks out for himself only that which pleases him, so that his wishes may be fulfilled. Esotericism is widespread here. Be careful with your conversations. Teach in a good sense with my power, but then go and shake the dust off your shoes and go on to the neighbor and confess the truth.

Your neighbor urgently needs the Holy Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion. Soon she will take her last breath, and then it will be too late for her, because she has turned to the world. She has taken up the world's desires and never cultivated the religious. And now I have called her through you to turn back even before she comes into my kingdom, even before she draws her last breath because I love her and want to have her back from the clutches of the unbelievers and the erring.

I love all, My beloved ones. Through you I want to save many, many souls, especially the priest souls here in your area, where not a single priest is willing to repent from the many who are here present and who hear My Word. They despise my little one. They despise my priest son. It does not please them that he enlightens many about the True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith, for they are all confused and lost and lie in modernism.

Believe that I always stand by you and never leave you alone, especially when you will participate in the atonement night in Wigratzbad on Saturday, June 7. This is according to my wish. You must pray, sacrifice and atone for this changed church. Is My little Antonie still present in any symbol? Can the founder still be present? No! They have been pushed to the side, because here you enforce your own will. This director is not in the truth. Everything that is pious, he does not want. He will abolish everything that is holy. What is modernist, he will introduce. You will soon see where he stands. That is why now go more often to the place of grace of my beloved mother and be present there. You must be seen, for you will be respected. Above all, your perseverance in these 10 years will make you very audible. "How can this little flock endure this and this for 10 years?" But through my divine power, not through their own power, they can. And that is what this small flock is to announce. I am with you all days until the end of the world.

I bless you now in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain calm, remain in peace and patience, then I can stand by you. Amen.


