Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Feast of the Holy Mother Anna.

The Holy Mother Anna speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were again bathed in glistening light. The dear mother Anna shone in golden splendor.

The Holy Mother Anna will speak: I, the Holy Mother Anna, your patron saint, dear little Anne, will be allowed to speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of herself.

My beloved child, I am your patron saint, the Holy Mother Anna. How often have I had the opportunity to lead you. I thank you for having been obedient to heaven at all times.

You were allowed to experience great graces even as a small child. You saw little Mary, My daughter, the mother of Jesus, even then. What a great gift you already received as a small five-year-old child. You did not know that this was not self-evident. You begged your mother in heaven, who died at your birth, to be with you. You took it for granted to talk to her and she was allowed to give you an answer. This is how you were so consoled and taken in by the heavenly atmosphere even as a small child. Heaven and earth have connected. Yes, little Anne, you have received great graces.

Your mother in heaven, dear Christine, has prayed everything for you. She had to die and had to give her little Annegret, as heaven wished, to your mama on earth, who was your father's sister. She raised you like her own child. She sacrificed everything for you. She was there for you all your life, and above all, she led you into a very deep faith, even as a small child. She prayed with you. She taught you the Marian prayers and you knew them by heart. This was a gift for your mom on earth and for your mother in heaven.

Dearest little Anne, don't you think that even today I still take care of you and that I ask for everything for you? This is provided by heaven. Remember this when you are to call upon this director, as he calls himself, lest he fall into the eternal abyss. You have atoned for him very much and you would continue to atone for him if he accepted the messages and repented with all his heart and made a good confession for these iniquities, which are a grave sin against the Holy Spirit.

You may call him today. Always remember that you are led from heaven. Not from yourself would you have the strength to call him at 11:00 a.m. today. Look at the time 11.00 o'clock. Wasn't it also exactly 11:00 a.m. when you were commissioned by heaven to ask for your spiritual guide? Many things happened at 11.00 am. Thus, heaven is always connected with you. You are strengthened by him and by your beloved patron saint Anna. I love you, my little child. I cradle you in my arms. As I have cradled my little Maria, so I continue to hold you.

You have been allowed to receive a life-task, much, much more than the other messengers, because the world mission is the greatest mission. To suffer for the whole world is your greatest task that you have received from heaven: In addition the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Who has this as a messenger? - Nobody, my little one, only you alone. You have received and continue to receive this greatest grace from heaven. You also get the greatest strength not only the greatest suffering.

Yes, you have suffered much. And I, as your patron saint, your mother Anna, was with you. You have not felt that I have supported you in the sufferings of the Mount of Olives and in the fears of death. No messenger needs to suffer fear of death like you do. Call your name patron saint for help when you can't do anything anymore and think you would fail and despair. Then your mother Anna is there, also your mother Christine in heaven and your mom who raised you here on earth. All are with you, even the holy angels who support you.

Hold on, you little Anne! You will be able to feel and suffer everything in the depth of faith if you continue to say 'yes father'. You will accomplish great works in your life. These are graces. Miracles will happen through you already in your lifetime, because you are the greatest chosen messenger. You will never understand this, because you remain a little nothing before your Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who loves you inexpressibly. You are a small nothing and yet you can accomplish the greatest works in the power of the Triune God, in the power of the Heavenly Father, who loves you above all things, who loves you even now and is with you.

You have had many shows today. Your mama, who raised you on earth, you were allowed to see for the first time. Wasn't that a gift for you? You have suffered much from her death, but now you have been allowed to wave to her. Yes, she has forgiven you everything you did not do right on earth. Believe that all will be well with your son. This is your greatest wish, and heaven will never deny you this wish. Your son's whole family is attached to it. Believe deeper and more firmly and trust where you see no success, because you shall see nothing and yet believe.

I love you, my little child. I love all of you who support my daughter here in the World Mission and never leave her alone in the hardest times, in the deathly hardships she must experience. It is cruel for them, but it is mercy. Remember that she is gifted and forgive her many imperfections, for she remains a person with weaknesses and faults. Often she is very nervous and her weaknesses become apparent in her suffering. Forgive her and believe that she wants to do everything, everything right. She does not want to hurt you, but she only wants the good that I, the mother Anna, at the throne of the Heavenly Father, have prayed for her.

Believe and trust! You too are my beloved ones, who are safe in the arms of Mother Anna. Every Tuesday you venerate me in a very special way, and today you also said this Mother Anne prayer and sang this beautiful song.

I want to say thanks for all the graces and for all the sufferings, dear Mother Anna. I would like to thank you with all my heart. I love you, dearest name patroness. Hold me in your arms, so that I can feel and also spread the will and the plan of the Heavenly Father. In love I will do everything. Love should be the greatest thing in my life, the greatest treasure. Thank you, dearest Mother Anna. Thank you for your objection today, which was on my name day. What great grace. I can only thank you again and again. Thanks for everything.

Mother Anne continues: And so today your dearest Mother Anne, your patron saint by name, blesses you with the Holy Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus Christ, all angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain all faithful to heaven and serve Him in all reverence! Amen.


