Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Seventh Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Sacrificial Altar, the Altar of Mary, Saint Anne, Saint Michael the Archangel, the four Evangelists, the Tabernacle and the symbol of the Holy Trinity were brightly lit and shone in a blazing light.

Today the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

I, the Heavenly Father, have already given you many revelations. I want to save My priests and I cannot put them in the heart of My Heavenly Mother so that they consecrate themselves to Her and be saved, because they become evil and selfish and think of their own benefit and not of Me and My Son Jesus Christ. They want to harvest fruit. Where will they reap fruits if they do not obey Me, the heavenly Father? They are unique in their vocation. Every priest is an individual. He has his own talents and also his own weaknesses. The weaknesses often remain. But these weaknesses are whitewashed by the priests. They do not admit them and put their strengths to the fore. People think this is a strong priest who prays and proclaims the truth. He is popular because he talks to the others by mouth. The people feel addressed and do not need to change. This is important for the priest. Then he is praised by everyone and is also popular everywhere.

But these are the difficulties that a priest has when he confesses the truth. The truth has many enemies. The truth is that a priest must take himself back and practice humility and never let pride come out: "I am a priest. I know everything. I will work in my parish and draw all believers to my side. I will tell them what they like and what I like as well. What I find difficult, I leave out."

But this is not right, as you have experienced with this leader of the prayer center in Wigratzbad. He has seen only himself and his advantage. He sweeps away what he finds unpleasant. He thinks that he, as the leader, can handle everything himself. But that he is dependent on Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, he does not see that. Nor does he see that he is dependent on my messengers.

I mention My messengers, not they choose themselves. They have to obey me because I determine what my messengers are to say. I will give them exactly these instructions and also the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will reveal to them all that I desire. And My Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, will reveal everything to the priests when they consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Heavenly Mother. If they do so, they will become progressive and holy priests. If they do not, they follow in the footsteps of evil and are turned towards the world. The worldly will attract them. The worldly makes unhappy and makes them incapable of being a holy priest who proclaims the truth to the faithful. But they proclaim misbelief. This mistaken belief is accepted by the faithful. They want to serve this priest and do not realize that he is leading them astray.

This is how it continues. The priests obey the bishops. The bishops want to obey the Holy Father or not. If it is easy for them to do what the Holy See says, they live the erroneous belief. Will they bear fruit? No. The good works are missing in every nook and cranny.

Look upon My beloved followers, beloved sons of priests, how they bear fruit. Look at the hollow. Is this not a fruit? Look at these who give themselves completely to my will. Do they bear fruit or do they fall off? No! They do not fall away, but they bring forth abundant fruit.

Look at the communities of today. More and more believers are living unbelief and even turn to Islam, Buddhism or other religions. Why? Because they find no foothold in these modernist churches. If the truth were declared there, they would have respect for the priest. They believe the priest because he finally reveals to the faithful what they wish for themselves. The priests make it easy for them to live the faith, namely never to have to carry a heavy cross, but to be able to throw it down and turn to all kinds of fables and worldly things.

The world brings forth evil. If the holy is lived, they will become pious. As soon as they are pious, they are rejected by their parish priests. None of the faithful wants to dare to do this, on the contrary, they want to be recognized, also by their priest of the parish. And so they serve this priest who leads them astray. My believers are represented in all possible bodies. They refrain from good works and walk in the footsteps of unbelief and erroneous belief. They do not notice when the priest praises them that this brings out pride in them. This must not be allowed.

If the believers live the faith, they become humble. They will put themselves aside and do the good works, even if it is unpleasant and not in their own will. They do not need praise. The priest says today: "I do not need sacrifices. Nor do I need to make a sacrifice at the altar. I have no altar of sacrifice, but an altar of the people.

This is the difference between a holy priest and a priest who sees himself, who proclaims and offers himself. He sees himself as pious, good and religious. He can arrange everything as he wishes. He thinks he has everyone behind him, his people who serve him and the faithful who give him a hand.

My beloved sons of priests, you are no longer obedient to Me, the Heavenly Father You are in control of yourselves. You no longer serve me in humility. Return, because there is still time to grasp this straw that I am now throwing at you!

My little one will call many priests and also other people who are doomed. I will try through them to offer My priestly sons another chance. I will do everything to bring them back from this erring and unbelief. Then it depends on whether they have the will to devote themselves completely to Me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity, and to do what I desire, and that they proclaim the truth in its entirety.

I love My priests and I want them all back. And you, My little band and My followers, atone for these priests who are to repent but do not want to. I will stand by your side and guide and direct you. Only you, My beloved little ones, must want. Take it all upon yourself, - any difficulties. I stand by you, and My mother forms you through these failures. Failures make strong and never weak. You often realize this afterwards, when the thing that was unclear to you before has been solved.

Be faithful to heaven and do everything I desire and never do what is in your will and desire. Amen. Now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Believe and trust and adore the Most Holy Trinity! This is the way I want it. Amen.


