Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, August 22, 2014

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening light. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was also brightly lit and the bouquet of flowers shone through, as well as the tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity. The Queen of Roses waved to us several times during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The holy archangel Michael was also in action and struck his sword in all four directions. The little Jesus child blessed us. The bouquet at the altar of the Virgin Mary was not only brightly flooded with light, but also decorated with small diamonds and white pearls that shone in the roses. The Merciful Jesus blessed us, as well as Saint Joseph, the Queen of Roses, even Father Kentenich and Padre Pio.

Now Our Lady will speak: I, the Heavenly Mother, speak to you today, on My Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, My beloved little band and follower, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words of Heaven, today the words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved children of Mary and My pilgrims from near and far, of Wigratzbad and Heroldsbach, your Queen of Roses and My Immaculate Heart will reign today I want to press you on this, My Feast, on My Immaculate Heart, because I love you so much and you have chosen the hardest way, the way to Golgotha. My Son Jesus Christ wants you to continue on this path, faithfully and in love.

How much your Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, desires that you atone for all the priests who so far have not wanted to go this way. Atonement is very important in this time of crisis of the Saints, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is in modernism and destruction. How sad My Son Jesus Christ is that His Church, which is in such an apostasy and does not teach the depth of faith, is in decay.

My sons of priests are falling away in rows because they are in modernism and do not want to repent, despite the fact that My Son Jesus Christ has repeatedly drawn their attention to this in His messages so that they can repent. But they do not want to. You mean: "I have the power as a priest. And so far I have done quite well with it, because I can manipulate the people as I like. If I surrender my power to the Divine Power, I must be guided by the Heavenly Father. But since I do not believe that the Heavenly Father speaks to me, but only through his so-called messengers, which I do not have to acknowledge, because the Holy See does not tell me that the messages are genuine, and as long as they are not declared genuine there, I do not need to believe in them. I will reject them and continue to pursue the messengers as well. So says every priest who lies in modernism and distributes the hand communion, in addition still by the laity.

Here, at the Holy Sacrificial Altar of My Son Jesus Christ, you have celebrated today the great feast, namely the Sacrificial Mass, in all reverence through My priestly Son. This Holy Mass of Sacrifice is valid, only this one, Holy Mass of Sacrifice, and not the meal community, the Ordinary, as it is called, but the Extraordinary, as the Mass of Sacrifice is called. But My Son Jesus Christ says: "There is only this one Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V, which can be called the Ordinary. This Holy Mass of Sacrifice you have celebrated and joined in celebrating today.

I thank you, My beloved ones, for having chosen Heaven and for the heavenly plans and desires. Everything will be made known to you through the Heavenly Father and through Me, if the Heavenly Father allows it. Look upon My Immaculate Heart of Love! It burns for you and wants to let these rays of grace flow into your hearts, then, when you believe, My beloved ones. But if you do not believe, you will be damned, and that is what the Bible says. This is what the Holy Scripture says. You cannot excuse yourselves by saying that you knew nothing, and that you were led astray by the priests. No! Each one of you is an individual and can choose Heaven and the Heavenly Messages. But if he decides against it and does not believe in it, he will fall away, because his human power is at an end, and the Catholic Church will continue to be destroyed beyond recognition. Satan has seized his power and also wants to seize all messengers who proclaim the truth.

Whoever today does not celebrate this holy sacrificial meal in truth is lost. Why, My beloved ones? If you think in the meal fellowship that you are in truth and continue to enter these modernist churches, no rays of grace will be sent out, because in the tabernacle is the evil one and in these churches as well. No truth is proclaimed, on the contrary, the meal fellowship of Protestantism and ecumenism is celebrated there. What do you expect there, My beloved pilgrims and believers? Do you expect repentance there, the truth perhaps? You can experience nothing there, because the evil one goes about like a roaring lion and wants to draw your hearts to himself and I, your Heavenly Mother, then have no power over you, My children of Mary. I long for your hearts, for your hearts burning with love, especially today, on this Feast of My Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Believe and trust more deeply and do not be misled. I have always made you aware of the truth. How often has My Son, the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, namely the Trinity, given you instructions so that you can believe and also want to, because the streams of grace have poured into your hearts. In spite of everything, many have not accepted this grace. My Son is very sad about this, and He suffers and weeps in heaven, as does your Heavenly Mother. These tears were not even recognized in Heroldsbach. On the contrary, they were ridiculed. About 60 people who have seen this miracle cannot be wrong.

I, the Heavenly Mother, was removed from this pilgrims' home because I wanted to attract my pilgrims to Me there. I wanted to keep giving them instructions. My messenger was also rejected, and my priest's son was forbidden to confess because he could not have had the truth proclaimed there. How quickly this place of pilgrimage of the Queen of Roses would have spread. How big it would have become and how fast it would have grown. But everything was prevented by this leader. Now he will leave. On September 1 his time is up and then he has the opportunity to atone and to awaken a deep love loyalty in his congregation. The new leader will also reject these messages, because he comes from this congregation and will not think differently. He is blind and does not see the truth. This pilgrimage site in Heroldsbach continues to go downhill.

But you, My beloved children of Mary, who go into the hollow, believe, trust and love Me. Miracles of grace will happen in the hollow. I, your dearest mother and rose queen of Heroldsbach, will work there. Faith will not only grow into the deep, but also into the wide. Many who have not visited Heroldsbach so far will come from near and far, because this trough, as I would like to call it, will grow and mature.

I love all My children of Mary and I will press them to My Immaculate Heart. I will sprinkle roses of love and grace on them, as Heavenly Father intended. I love all my children so much. I wait for you every 12th and 13th of the month, My feast of Fatima and Rosa Mysticism Day. You celebrate both on the 13th of each month. And for this I thank you that you carry out everything in reverence and pass on the gratitude to me, the heavenly mother.

Thank and be obedient to the Heavenly Father, because even this most difficult path will have to demand much from you, but you will not fall away, on the contrary, you will become stronger. Your Heavenly Mother is with you and forms you in the virtues.

And so I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity as Queen of Roses, as Fatima Mother of God, as Rosa Mystica, as Received Immaculate, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I love all who love me. At this place in the hollow in Heroldsbach I will settle down, because miracles of grace happen there. Amen.


