Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Eleventh Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the altar of Sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were again bathed in glittering golden and silver light, as well as the statue of Jesus, the statue of Mary, the Trinity symbol and also the tabernacle with the tabernacle angels. In this room was pure holiness, because the angels moved in and out and were also above this house. I could see it from the window that they were all adoring the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar during the Holy Sacrifice. The Blessed Mother was radiated with a glistening light, as was Her Rosary and Twelve-Star Wreath. Today we celebrated the Apostle's Feast of Saint Bartholomew.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me and correspond to pure truth.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far, hear My instructions, for it will not be long before the great event will come and you will see and be amazed how I can change in a moment the situation you are experiencing today in error and unbelief, for I am the Almighty, Omniscient and Almighty God in the Trinity. I have taken the scepter firmly in my hand because this authority, the so-called Pope, the false prophet, has sat down on this Holy See, or was elected by the Freemasons. The entire authority lies in misbelief and disbelief.

My beloved children, the whole life there takes place differently than you can imagine, because the whole Vatican is in a complete chaos with this false prophet. All will not obey Me. Many messages and instructions from me have preceded. The books have been sent to them, because my messages are contained in them. They put them aside because they said, "We don't need that. The supernature is not available for us. We believe in people and continue to hold this banquet at the popular altar. People are the center of our attention, and Jesus Christ in the Trinity, in His sacrificial banquet, we have cut off, because we do not believe in it. They say, "All the messengers who think they are chosen by Jesus Christ, or by the Heavenly Father, do not correspond to the truth, for they must be recognized by us, the authorities, who have finally studied. The stupid believers are not in the truth and they do not want to understand us because they are in a sect.

yes, My beloved children, did not many thousands of people cry hosanna when I healed them all and they could touch Me and an enormous power emanated from Me, the Son of God? They believed that I am the one who works miracles and will continue to heal everyone. They wanted to be near me, because they came from far away. They believed and praised me in my miracles because they were healed and freed from evil spirits.

What is the situation today, My beloved ones? How are you, my messengers, treated and how are you treated, my little one, who took upon herself the hardest thing for the Catholic faith, namely, the world mission? In the first years of your calling, where I appointed you as My chosen one and you traveled to many countries, you were cheered. Through this I have been glorified. I have worked miracles through you, my little one. All who turned to you, or to Me, have received a message, a very individual indication of their life. They have believed and they have cheered Me. It went on like this for several years. And then, my beloved little one, the persecution began. You have been persecuted, rejected, slandered and mocked in all the places of pilgrimage and from all the places where you should speak through My words. This is how things look today. One would like to kill you if one could. But I, the Heavenly Father, hold the hand over My tools and do not let it be snatched out of My hand because you, My little one, are My chosen one and remain My little nothing. I speak from you and I work through you - not you work. You willingly go My way, the hardest way to Golgotha. For this you have decided with your small flock and your followers. All my instruments that believe in me, I will put in the highest place in eternal glory. They will take their place at My wedding table and will occupy the first places. But hold out, my beloved ones, even if the persecution continues.

Here, in My place, the place of grace of My mother, Wigratzbad, you were expelled and attacked by the police. A large police contingent had to be put in place to put you in your place, to ban you all from the premises and from the house. One could not do this fast enough. It was already in the evening. You were expelled from this pilgrims' home without a place to stay. You had booked this overnight stay, despite everything you were poison for this director, because the bad guy had gotten into him and hysterically screamed at you. He no longer knew what he was doing, because Satan ruled him, as he still does today.

How has my Wigratzbad developed? Is this Church of Atonement, which was recently renovated, still My place of pilgrimage? Is there still symbolically contained everything that My instrument, My dearest Holy Antonie Rädler, has prayed and sacrificed there? Is everything still there? No! This atonement church has been destroyed beyond recognition. Nothing has been left that should remind of this, My messenger. My son's halo was taken away. "He is not important," said this director. "You don't have that anymore." My mother was deprived of the twelve-star wreath. "It doesn't have to be," he said. "That's enough, even if that figure is on a log." The windows have been removed because they thought that this red rose of the Freemasons belonged there. It shines in a bright red light, like these lamps hanging down. You feel like in a laboratory or in a hospital. There is nothing left of a church of expiation. A cold has moved in. White and red are the colors there. My tabernacle, what does it look like today? Does it still bear a resemblance to the tabernacle of old? No! The cross is made of metal. How was it presented? You can't believe it. My Son died on the wood of the cross and never on a metal beam. The Kommunionbank was changed. The confessionals are no longer important. They were reduced to two. And so I could continue to continue what has been changed. I already said that this Church of Atonement has been destroyed beyond recognition and I still think: "That's right, because we live in modern times. So the old must be removed. The old is the past." The popular mass will be celebrated there at the popular altar very soon. It has been moved forward, and it is accessible from all sides. Everything was no longer sacred to them.

I, the Heavenly Father, will not allow this priest, who calls himself Director, to continue with this destruction. Everything was too sacred to him. It had to be destroyed what has to do with heaven, with supernature. "This cannot be. We are the makers, we are the regents here, and I, the director, decide who may enter this place, and I will pillory these messengers who call themselves messengers but are not. I will announce them publicly, so that they will no longer have the opportunity to enter this place". A severe persecution would threaten them, but, My beloved little ones of Mellatz and their followers have no interest in rushing to this destroyed pilgrimage site. They have their own house church and house chapel. They have their own sacrificial meal in which they may participate daily. They pray many rosaries every day and cultivate worship and respect and appreciate the Seven Sacraments. Everything with them is holiness.

There, on your house, or My House of Glory, is My Mother, St. Joseph and also St. Michael the Archangel. They watch and no one may enter this house to destroy it. Many would like to do this, but I, the Heavenly Father, watch with My Mother. Here are my truly believers who testify to the faith, who do everything to give me comfort and honor. Everything is holiness in this house. Much prayer and much atonement is observed daily, and I rejoice in this small flock and their following.

As you will soon see, it will become even bigger in the hollow in Heroldsbach. There too you were thrown out, my beloved little ones, even with a police detachment. But you have gratefully accepted it as your cross, for you know that the wicked one goes about like a roaring lion, and he wants to destroy everything that is holy there in Heroldsbach as well as in Wigratzbad.

My dearest mother has reserved this place in the hollow for her children of Mary. There you can pick up the streams of grace from your beloved children. Grace upon grace will pour it out from your heart, burning with love, on your Marian children, because she loves them all immeasurably and draws them to herself. You will never tire of praying, sacrificing and loving there. Be faithful to this place, and the Heavenly Father will guide and direct everything. You are the little ones whom He loves, loves from the heart and to whom the Heavenly Mother will transmit Her streams of grace. Wonder after wonder will happen if you continue to believe and persevere until the last. Take up your crosses. They are gifts of grace. Every cross that you bear willingly and in gratitude is grace. All diseases are grace.

My little one, I have showered you with sicknesses and yet I love you very much because I want to make you fruitful for many sons of priests who do not want to repent. They are touched by your sacrifices, by your crosses that you willingly bear. You will understand, My little one, that I must ask the last thing of you. Many diseases you have to bear, but you know they are permitted by heaven, by me, the heavenly Father. You will not give Me a no, but a willing "Yes Father, for if you will it so, I will carry it. And so also My other atonement souls, as well as My beloved Monika, will say their "yes father" in this house of glory and in Göttingen. Everything is providence, everything is approved by the Heavenly Father. Believe and trust, for you are loved. The cross means love. To suffer for love. This is how it should be.

And so now your Heavenly Father with all the angels and saints blesses you, especially your dearest Mother, who accompanies you on your way, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven, for heaven will be with you in your hearts and in the house of glory! Amen.


