Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, May 1, 2015

Beginning of the month of Our Lady.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrate the first of May, the beginning of the month dedicated to the Blessed Mother. The altar of the Virgin Mary and the many flowers that the dear Blessed Mother received as a gift today were bathed in glittering light and decorated with pearls and diamonds. The altar of sacrifice was also overshadowed by sparkling light, especially during the sacrifice, the transformation and Holy Communion.

The Heavenly Father says: You celebrate today not only the feast of the Mother of God, but at the same time the Heart of Jesus Friday and the feast of St. Philip and St. James. It is therefore a triple feast, My beloved children, and therefore I, the Heavenly Father, will speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved followers, My beloved little one, My beloved little flock, you have obeyed Me fully. Today you even had to call the ambulance because My little one was in great distress. You cannot understand why the ambulance had to go into action.

I wish, My beloved little one, that you have this pacemaker installed after Pentecost, as it is intended. There are many arguments against it, but I, the Heavenly Father, know more. If I wish it, then I also wish from you, my little one, that you follow my wishes and fulfill my will. Everything was intended by Me: The emergency doctor, the ambulance, etc. This message, on this May 1st, which you could give back through my power, was also necessary. Your strength is weakened and your powerlessness is near. The greatest demands are now placed on you, my little one. But this is what I want from you.

The messages of the other visionaries will stop completely in time. But, as I have already prophesied, your messages will continue until the end. You have the world broadcast. As the only ambassador you are in service for Me, the Heavenly Father, until the end. Until the last moment you will be able to announce everything as I desire it from you because you know that I make the greatest demands on you because you are to fulfill the mission of the world through my power, not through your power. And you often forget, my little one, that when your strength weakens, my strength sets in. Right now your power is at an end. You have to understand that.

What about My Church, the modernist Church? Is it not completely destroyed? And yet I am the Ruler of My Church. I decide! Even if Satan has broken into this modernist church and wants to destroy it completely through the priests who obey him, I will stand above it and the gates of hell will not overpower it.

This Francis, appointed and controlled by the Freemasons, will want to destroy the Church more and more, but this can only be done to a certain extent. Everything that lies in piety and holiness, he will want to destroy, because he is guided by evil. He does not listen to My words and does not obey Me in any way. To whom does he obey? The Freemasons.

Will you continue to obey this Francis, My modernist Catholic Christians? Do you also want to go astray through him who guides you, or do you want to be saved by your dearest Jesus, who today, on this Sacred Heart Friday, especially blesses you? Graces flow from My House of Glory, from My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which is celebrated here in all reverence, in this house in Mellatz, My House. You could receive these graces. They flow in streams, but you do not fetch them. On the contrary, you ignore them because you think you can live as you like, without the cross. You throw off this cross. It is too hard for you, My sons of priests. And yet I intended to save you.

My little ones and My followers atone for you so that you may be converted and that the Holy Spirit may overflow you. But what are you doing? You do not want to believe in these My messages. You yourselves are the makers and think you can disfigure everything, you can reject, despise, deny your dearest Jesus Christ in the Trinity through heresy. Is it enough for you, My faithful, to visit this modernist meal fellowship once a Sunday and not be able to draw graces from it? Is it enough for you or do you long for more holiness, for more depth, for more reverence? You can receive this only in the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. Go to these Holy Masses of Sacrifice or get the DVD and receive the graces because My Son Jesus Christ will give them to you. He will give you abundant gifts if you want to believe, if you want to pray, if you are victims, and if you do not fall prey to the world, but exclude this worldliness. Enter into the religious, into the deep, into the love of Jesus Christ My Son, who went to the cross for all and wants to save all, including you, the blessed and ordained priests.

He asks for you and you keep saying him a clear "No" and thereby crucify him again. By His wounds you will be healed, not by yourselves. You have become weak priests. You reject everything that is holy. You reject these My messages, even though I have given you so many instructions and so many ways to receive the Holy Spirit. And yet you prefer the worldly. You see only your security in the financial. If you obey me, you have full protection. But if you remain in modernism, you will be led deeper and deeper into the confusion and deception of this Francis. But you feel what this false prophet, the heretic, wants to teach you. He wants to take from you everything that is holy and that could bring you into holiness and piety. He rejects everything, even the place of My dearest Mother: Fatima. He himself prevented that today this country Russia was not consecrated to the Immaculate Heart, because this president wanted it. This was rejected by this Francis, who had the possibility to allow it and in no case to prevent it. It would have been a great gift for the whole world, especially for the country Russia. Russia shall be converted through the Immaculate Heart of Mary when it consecrates itself to this Immaculate Heart of Mary. This was predestined by Me, the Heavenly Father. This was prevented by this Francis. What a great guilt he has loaded upon himself and is not even aware of it.

And what about My Benedict? Will I not also save him from destruction? I will save him from eternal death. Let him flee! How many times have I told him in My instructions, but he does not believe it and he continues to be misled by this Francis whom he believes. Has he obeyed Me? No! I had intended him to save Germany. That was what he was there for. That was his task, which was determined by me. Did he pursue this task? No! How sad I am about him that he is still in this wicked Vatican. How is that possible? Didn't he realize that everything there is doomed? I said: I will destroy the Vatican and Rome, the eternal city. Is it not cruel for me to have to do this? Have I not said that I will destroy all the popular altars? Is that not said enough, My beloved sons of priests? What do you want? Do you want materialism, do you want your security, or do you want to give glory and obedience to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity? Where do you stand? At the abyss!

How many atonement souls have I ordered for you so far, because everything must be atoned for and you are not ready to repent. Here, in the House of Glory, graces flow abundantly. Every day a holy mass of sacrifice in truth, every day adoration, every day prayer. And how much my little one has suffered in the last year. One disease has followed the other and she does not give up. Yes, she has a serious heart condition and I wish this pacemaker to be available very shortly. Why, my little one? You have resisted it so far, but I wish that you can continue to send My messages to the world with the help of the pacemaker. Your heart is still damaged. The difficult operation went well, but the follow-up treatment is now being done and there are still many difficulties that you will master with your dearest Jesus who has taken up residence in you. Trust in Him and be brave! Even when the ambulance comes, you should trust. I'm right here. I am the master after all. I know what to do with you. My messages take the first place.

These messages will continue, because all the visionaries will soon feel that their messages will cease. But your messages are not. They will be fighting for these messages because it is I who speak through you. You remain My little nothing. You can lie in powerlessness, then I will use my Divine Power and you will be amazed how I, the Heavenly Father, can then work in you when your power completely slackens. You can see that today. You never expected that a message could come today. Did I have to inflict this pain on you today that required an emergency doctor? Yes! I can also demand this of you because you are my greatest messenger and my world mission demands the utmost from you. You are not to understand anything, you are not to fathom anything; you are only to obey me in every situation, and that can change. Then accept it even if you do not understand it. I Am the Lord over life and death and I Am the One who guides and guides you. You yourself have no influence on it. That remains!

But My messages will go on, even if you slacken. You must go further, my little one! The world must change! The church must change! And I have the scepter very firmly in my hand, the scepter to the Holy See; not this Francis can take the scepter in his hand, but I can. I Am the One who raises the flag of victory with My Son Jesus Christ, who is risen.

You will soon be heading for this Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will inspire you and many others who are willing to repent to recognize the truth and live the truth. You will feel that in some time the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V will be celebrated all over the world, which you cannot believe at the moment. But it will happen, because I, the heavenly Father, want it so. The evil one has no more access if I do not want it. He is still raging in all the alleys and would like to draw many to his side, but you, my little one, atone and that is the opposite. Of course, He wants to put many stones in the way of you, My beloved little one, so that you can no longer proclaim these messages. But if I wish it, these messages are sent into the world. They are of great importance! If all the messengers no longer receive their messages, then the people and also the priests who want to convert must be able to read the truth from my messages. They will reach for it in their need. The misery that modernism brings with it will become ever greater. The aberration and confusion will go so far that many people will lose their minds, that many people will reach for psychiatrists who cannot help them either. In the end, they will fall back on these Holy Masses of Sacrifice according to Pius V, because they feel that there is holiness there, there is truth there, there faith goes into the depths, because it touches the hearts of people who can do nothing else but to live the truth and to repent.

And now, My beloved ones, you celebrate this month of Our Lady, which began today. My beloved mother wishes that you serenade her every day with songs of Mary. She wants to enjoy you, she wants to be happy this month. She loves her Marian children more than anything. And when they sing these Marian songs to the Blessed Mother, She sings along and is grateful that She can enjoy yours. You are well protected under your protective cloak.

Also this holiday was additionally dedicated to the apostles, Saint Philip and Saint James. They too will help you to receive the streams of grace on this day. St. Joseph, the bridegroom of the Blessed Mother, is also in demand on this day. He too is with you. He, too, not only wants to lead you into the truth, but he wants to protect you, he wants to love you, he wants to lead you to the dearest child Jesus and to his bride, the Heavenly Mother. He also wants to take you into his arms because he knows about you and what difficult time you are going through: The time of the decline of the modernist Catholic Church, not in the true Catholic Church. Please do not confuse this, for this church will soon split and this Francis will be swept away by Me. These many heresies that he has spread correspond, after all, to complete falsehood, to wickedness, because the devil works in him and he has given himself to him through the Masons. You cannot believe and trust him. You can only isolate yourselves in your community from all this worldliness, from all this where the evil one wants to intervene. Be careful, for the wicked one is going around. But the Blessed Mother will protect you and keep everything away from you and so will the Holy Archangel Michael. Rejoice especially on this May 1st, on this first day of the month of Our Lady.

I love you and I send you among the wolves. You are My beloved ones and you will feel again and again that the Heavenly Father, the dear Mother of God and the angels take you all in their arms and protect and guard you.

It blesses you now with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You have full protection, and the love of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity is certain. Amen.


