Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of Mary was especially beautifully decorated with many flowers that lit up during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The altar of sacrifice was also bathed in glistening light.

I, your Heavenly Mother, will speak to you today: My beloved children, My beloved little band, My beloved followers, I, the Heavenly Mother, speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and today repeats only words that I speak.

Today you have entered the Cenacle, the Pentecost Hall, with Me, your Heavenly Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach.

My beloved children of Mary, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock and followers, above all My beloved little daughter Anne, as you have already experienced, the path in the mission of the world will continue. You will fulfill everything that the Heavenly Father desires from you, from your little band and your followers. Everything will be given to you if you faithfully continue on this path and do not stray, but thank the heavenly Father that He imposes the greatest sufferings, the greatest sacrifices on you. In you Jesus Christ, My Son, suffers. Please do not forget this, My little one, if you think that too much is demanded of you. I, your Heavenly Mother, continue to walk this path with you and will carry your cross with all the angels and saints and support you.

What is the situation today, My beloved little flock? How much I am waiting for My sons of priests, who promised My Son Jesus Christ in their consecration to walk this most difficult way of the Passion, to climb Calvary up to Mount Golgotha.

What happens in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite? My Son Jesus Christ renews His Holy Sacrifice of the Cross on the altars where this Holy Sacrifice is celebrated in the full truth.

My beloved sons of priests, I await your repentance. How much I have blessed you with the love of the Holy Spirit. How much I have inflamed your hearts with the love of the Holy Spirit and with the fire of His Spirit. And yet, My beloved sons of priests, you have strayed. The Passion of My Son Jesus Christ has become indifferent to you. You are confused. You even deny My Son Jesus Christ, for what is the popular mass but a slander. My sons of priests turn their backs on My Son Jesus Christ. They stand with their back to the tabernacle. He is waiting for their love. He waits for these His sons of priests to pay homage to Him, to serve Him in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, to give themselves to Him, to say: "Whatever you want and demand of me, I will do, even if it costs my life. I am ready!"

So every sanctified priest should be able to say This is what I am waiting for and this is what My Son Jesus Christ is waiting for. I will sustain you, My beloved sons of priests, who consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. Then you are protected, then I can guide, guide and direct you to my Son Jesus Christ and you will pass everything that He demands of you. It will not be impossible, but your ordination to the priesthood is the holiest thing. Have you forgotten all that? Have you put your promise aside? Haven't you taken off your priest's robe a long time ago? Where is your holiness toward My Son Jesus Christ? How much I weep for your souls. My Son wants you all back and I want to hand you over to Him.

Through your atonement, My beloved chosen ones, you can achieve much. You comfort My Son in this most difficult time of the downfall of His Church. This does not mean, My beloved sons of priests, that the Church of My Son will perish, but that you have brought it into chaos. And yet My Son continues to wait for you. You may live in chaos, but My Son Jesus Christ will gloriously raise this, His Church. His Holy Sacrificial Feast will one day be celebrated in all Catholic churches. You will experience it because this is the downfall of the modernist church. The time has come that I, your Heavenly Mother, have foretold to you, the time of division. This modernist church will perish, but not the True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. For this I have called My chosen ones to continue atoning. They are prepared to make the greatest sacrifices because they are my children of Mary. And My Mary's children get the greatest suffering. I carry this cross with them, which is loaded on their shoulders. They will not cease in suffering, in atonement and in love.

Look at my little one. One disease replaces the other. Every day she atoned. Every day she suffers pain and yet she says: "Yes, Father, as you wish, I am ready to bear this suffering, because it is for you and for the priests and for the resurrection of the New Church, the new Holy Church".

One day we may experience this, and for this we would like to say thank you in advance. Thank you dear Blessed Mother for all the love You have given us so far in these 10 years. We have been given abundant gifts and will continue to bear this suffering that Your Son Jesus Christ demands of us.

Our Lady says the blessing: And so I bless you, beloved little flock, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Kiss the wounds of My Son Jesus Christ daily, as you have done until now, because these wounds will strengthen you in your efforts to continue to bear the suffering. Amen.


