Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Trinity Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The holy sacrificial meal was celebrated in all reverence at the sacrificial altar in Göttingen. All angels, cherubim and seraphim moved into this domestic church in Göttingen and grouped around the tabernacle and also around the altar of Mary. The roses bloomed in a golden glow.

The Heavenly Father will speak in the Trinity: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and beloved believers, today you have celebrated the great feast, the feast of the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit are present. Yesterday you ended the Easter season by kissing the wounds of the Christ statue one last time. A great grace has gone out from this statue. Every day you have kissed His wounds and you have never missed it. I love you all the more for that. You are not only united in these wounds, but you will be healed. Believes and trusts especially during this time. You, My beloved children, have celebrated this feast additionally through your patronage feast in Mellatz, representing here in Göttingen. Actually you should be at this place Mellatz at this time. But the illness of My beloved Katharina has come in between.

I, the Heavenly Father, will make known to you all here what you need, and that is not little. You are taken out of this generality of modernism. You are protected and shielded from this modernism, ecumenism and Protestantism. Pay attention, My children, because the wicked one still wants to turn you away from this true faith. You shall become wavering. But your Heavenly Father will give you instructions and He will remind you of what the Holy Spirit puts into your hearts, because through the Holy Pentecost you have been overflowed with the Holy Spirit. The frequency of Pentecost has brought you much. You have never wavered in faith during this most difficult time of the illness of my beloved Catherine. But continue to believe and trust, for I, the Heavenly Father, am the guide. I can heal when and where I want. The moment I say: "you are healed", it will happen. But everything goes according to my will and plan, not according to your wishes, and also not at the time when you wish it. Therefore you should trust blindly. When you see nothing and hear nothing, and everything seems impossible and incomprehensible to you, only then can I have an effect. I can work in your souls.

I can make you, My little one, so effective that every word is read from your lips. Why, because they are not your words, but the words of the Triune God, today in this day God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit speak from you.

That is why this Catholic faith is different from all other religious communities. They are not religions. There is only one religion and that is the true Catholic faith.

My Son Jesus Christ instituted this sacrament and left it to you as a testament. You can receive Him yourselves as deity and humanity daily in the Holy Sacrificial Mass. What a great joy must be in you, today, on this special day. You sang the Te Deum jubilantly. Yes, rejoice, rejoice in the eternal dwellings in heaven. Be prepared at all times, even when it seems impossible for you to believe. All the more then I am in your hearts and want to be with you to comfort you, to support you. You are My beloved ones, especially you, My beloved little flock. What great sacrifices you have made in the last 12 years, and how are you persecuted. But that is exactly right.

If you are persecuted, you walk in the footsteps of My Son Jesus Christ, for He said: "If I am persecuted, they will persecute you also. And that is the pure truth. You will be dragged before the courts, you will be despised, reviled and your honor will be taken away. But you persevere in love, not in human love, but in Divine love you are strengthened. You have proven that you do everything out of love.

How very much my little daughter Katharina is cared for and nurtured. Thank you, My dear little Anne, that especially you have taken everything upon yourself. You have promised to do everything that I, as Heavenly Father, can demand of you. Since you have received the World Mission, you will be able to make the greatest sacrifices in Divine Power, never in your own strength. Remember that I am with you in every moment, that what you do and accomplish is not your accomplishment but mine. I direct and guide you and I give you instructions and knowledge that you could not have. You are human and fallible. And every person makes mistakes and has weaknesses in his humanity. In the Divine Power and in the instructions of heaven you will be able to do the right thing, because the Holy Spirit teaches and guides you.

I also thank you, My little soul of atonement Monika, for persevering in your serious suffering, at this time when your help is urgently needed. You have taken everything upon yourselves. My beloved priestly son has also supported you, he has given you courage. Then, when you thought "it's too hard", he intervened and influenced you positively and guided you in the right direction.

A female soul is always more sensitive than a male soul. As a man, I use my mind very quickly and as a woman, feeling often rules first. Therefore do not worry about what you think and feel. It lies in the norm and is in the truth. You are especially loved by your Heavenly Father, who embraces you on this special day. Always remember that you also support the Muldans, that they will multiply and that they will give you back support, in prayer, in the persevering prayer of the rosary and in sacrifice and atonement. How much have they already achieved in prayer? Would you be able to accomplish all this if you did not have your followers behind you? They intervene where it is necessary. They give you presents. You are loved, especially by your followers. Otherwise you wouldn't hold out in this difficult time.

And now I bless you in these two churches, the house chapel in Mellatz and the house church in Göttingen, in the Trinity, with all angels, cherubim and seraphim, with your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory, the Immaculate, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are protected in every situation. Loves and trusts and holds out until the last breath. Amen.


