Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 26, 2016

High Strength Corpus Christi.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi in all reverence with a Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. What an honor today on this special day. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were richly decorated with flowers and candles and, above all, surrounded by many angels. The angels then moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. I was also allowed to hear several choirs of angels during the Holy Transformation.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims from near and far, and also you believers who believe in the Messages and trust Me, I thank you all for this honor, because you prove to Me the consolation and love. I love you all very much because My Catholic and Apostolic Church, which My Son instituted in the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, is completely destroyed. But the gates of hell will not overpower them, even when you see that there is nothing left to hold on to if you are Catholic. You then remain Catholic when you trust Me, when you believe Me, when you take My messages to hand and open this seventh book, the seventh seal. Just there my truths are contained in whole length and form. The Apocalypse, My beloved ones, is now coming to pass. You believe and trust, although you see that there is nothing left what was before. Celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to the DVD I have given you. Then you will have a worthy, solemn sacrificial meal.

You, My beloved ones, will be protected in every form. You will spread the faith, namely the true faith, if you do not speak, even if you do not testify to it loudly. You will bear witness if you believe and if you persevere in this most difficult and difficult time.

You, my little one, will be overwhelmed with your world suffering for a long time. Have I not prophesied to you that I will protect you, that I will strengthen you in every form, that you do not work with your power but with my power? Your strength is weakened to the point of impotence. And yet you will continue and move forward. The summit of the mountain Golgotha has not yet been reached. You cannot understand, little one, that I must now demand the heaviest of your little flock. And that is bitter for me because like few believers go along this way. They shun the cross. They shy away from accepting the cross. All who trust me and believe in me will get their cross. It will be no different if they refuse. But how they wear it is important. You will become strong. Even in the worst sufferings you are strong. You often do not feel it because doubts also threaten you. You go forward, never one step backward. Live the moment. I have told you many times that it is not easy not to look back and not to look forward. Only I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have the full foresight. Only I can guide and direct you in every situation. You would fall and not be able to get up again. But with my strength you go on. Do not give up! Everything will seem difficult to you, but in Divine Power everything can be mastered. Your Heavenly Father watches over you and looks upon you. Even in the most difficult time I, the Heavenly Father, am with you and embrace you and thank you for your perseverance. Nothing will be foreign to you in this time because My Son Jesus Christ instituted this Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. What jubilation was in you today in Te Deum. Believe that this inner joy can also strengthen you. Give thanks for this great legacy of My Son.

He left you this testament to be with you, - always. At any time you can receive My Son Jesus Christ in Holy Communion in a worthy manner. But those who receive this bread unworthily are threatened with judgment. There are many today, My beloved ones, who unworthily receive this bread. What laws have been agreed in the Church today to admit everyone to this Holy Communion. The divorced people who are remarried may also receive the bread of My Son today. You are committing one of the most serious sins. But they do not know, because they are taught to do so. You confuse them, you show them that it is not a sin. Today there is no serious sin. The ten commandments have been put aside. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass no longer exists in a worthy form. There is a folk fair. There is no Holy Mass of sacrifice possible, because My Son Jesus Christ cannot change - wickedness over wickedness. In the tabernacle is the evil one. It cannot be otherwise, My beloved ones. It is an indignity in the highest degree, a sacrilege. Why do not look into my messages, which I give to all of you, to enlighten you, to get you out of this confusion, to not let you fall into the eternal abyss.

My beloved sons of priests, where are you? Where are you? Is there no shame in what you do? Do you believe that you can do what you want with this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with the truthfulness of My Son? Did He not go to the cross for you? Did He not leave you this testament? This particularly great sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? And yet do you think you can continue to carry out this indignity? No, My beloved sons of priests. I have to intervene, unfortunately, but in a very different way than you expect. I Am the great and mighty Triune God. I Am the Father in heaven in the Trinity, and will then realize My plan, only when you do not expect it.

Be prepared for this time and be in the sanctifying grace. Go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance and confess your sins in all humility, because you, My sons of priests, lack this humility. You lie in pride and believe that you can do everything the way you imagine it and the way you want it. But this is not so. This Holy Sacrament was instituted by My Son Jesus Christ, and this is the feast you are celebrating today.

In how many places do you experience this Corpus Christi procession. Unfortunately you, my little ones, cannot attend this procession and I would not tolerate it either, because in this sacrament, in this popular mass, I am nevertheless disgraced. I am still waiting for the dignity.

You, My sons of priests, when do you think of celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Feast in a dignified way in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V? When, My beloved? Do you think you can continue to go astray and yet believe you will be saved? You must repent, deeply repent of everything, because everything must be atoned for. A deep repentance must precede you, otherwise I cannot save you, although I, the Heavenly Father, wish and will it. My Son also died for you - all alone for each one of you priests he died. He went to the cross. And what do you do with Him? You crucify him again and despise him and mock him in every way. You despise my messengers, to whom I have given this assignment to save you.

My beloved little flock, persevere in this most difficult time because I love you immeasurably and now bless you in all glory and gratitude with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory, the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love and remain faithful to Me in every situation. Amen.


