Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 17, 2016

9th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening golden light. The floral decoration was especially beautiful. The white mantle of the Blessed Mother was set with small pearls and diamonds. The Child Jesus blessed us during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and the Holy Archangel Michael kept all evil away from us. The tabernacle with the angels was also bathed in golden light and the Heavenly Father above the altar of sacrifice blessed us and gave us new strength.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, the 9th Sunday after Pentecost: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you, My beloved children of the Father, now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved father children, My beloved Mary's children, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and pilgrims from near and far You are all called to follow my instructions.

How much I love My true, Catholic Church My Son Jesus Christ weeps for this Church, which He Himself instituted with His Precious Blood and Water from His side.

Isn't it sad for you, My beloved ones, who want to continue on the true and difficult way? The heavens weep and see the Catholic Church being destroyed from the very top and no one to stop it. So it is bitter for the members of the church to be in this church. You feel that this power, which you had up to now, is fading from you. Confidence also suffers. You come to me with a begging heart. You look at the suffering of your dearest Mother who intercedes daily for you on My Throne, especially for the destroyed Church.

This church has been turned into a den of robbers. In these modernist churches you cannot find a prayer. You do not know to whom you should pray, for all that is holy has been removed.

Where am I with My fullness of grace, which I want to pour out on you in every Holy Mass of sacrifice? Where do I, the heavenly Father, where do I, the Son of God, in whom you are to believe? Am I still being consulted today? Do they still pour out their worried hearts to me today? One should ask: "Heavenly Father, look upon this church, which is exposed to total destruction. Give us the strength to endure. We do not know how our path should continue if You do not give us this strength. - "Sadly we walk this path with you. We know that this path can only be continued in all truth.

But who today bears witness to this truth? If a priest lives and proclaims the truth, he is separated from his community without any reservation. He is excluded from the community, excluded from my covenant of love.

My beloved sons of priests, then look upon the cross of My beloved Son. Has He not also been persecuted? Yes, he was even stoned to death. They despised Him and robbed Him of His honor and even crucified Him.

And how are you, My beloved ones, who want to continue on this path? You feel the same way. If you would not receive this Divine Power from Me, you could not go further. In this powerlessness in which you live, the divine power only begins to unfold.

Believe that this way goes forward. You do not stand still, my beloved ones, although it seems to you so. You mean, nothing goes on, everything goes further down, and you stop in the darkness of this time.

You, my beloved ones, shall spread the light. You are the salt of the earth. The Heavenly Father will resurrect the Church in all glory, although you see nothing. You mean it goes backwards instead of forwards. And yet there is a light somewhere that shines for you. It is the light of trust. This is My Son Jesus Christ, who after a good Holy Confession closes you in His arms, who loves you and proves to you daily that you are His beloved children.

"If you are sad, come to Me and lament your suffering", He tells you. But when you lament your suffering to men, you let yourselves be drawn even more into the depths. People are fallible and imperfect and are also dependent on their changing moods. That is why you do not go forwards, but backwards.

Only I, the Heavenly Father alone, know the future.

It will continue. But unfortunately I must intervene. This intervention will start out quite enormously. You have already received some insights from me. How the preparations for the procedure will look exactly, I will show through some events. Unfortunately people do not listen to my coming.

The darkness on some days, the weather conditions, the many catastrophes all over the world and the murders should shake people up. But they leave everything to chance and exclude me. They say, "Where is the Heavenly Father, if there is one? Will He not stop these people who are destroying the world and the Church?

My beloved ones, you shall trust. When I, the Heavenly Father, will intervene, I alone determine. No one will know the exact time of the procedure. You, My beloved ones are protected. You are under the protection of your dearest Mother of God. She does not leave you alone, although you sometimes think, "Where is heaven, where is the Blessed Mother? Can't you see my suffering? Can't she intervene, she knows me, doesn't she? She is my dearest mother."

My beloved children, the Heavenly Mother is always with you. Otherwise you would have to remain in darkness. It shows you that it goes on. The light is the love of God that surrounds you. You often do not see this love. Everything that happens is determined by heaven. Never does the sky punish.

You should only recognize where the love of God is visible in your life. The Heavenly Father tells us: "My dear child, here Heaven intervened with you, here I protected you and here I was present and I showed you the right way.

Stay calm and calm, then the Holy Spirit will overflow you.

I am also present in abandonment. Sometimes you must experience such depths, My beloved child, to prove to Me that without Me you are powerless. Tell me: "Dear Father, without Your help I am powerless. But with you, the path always goes further, further forward. At your hand I feel safe. Everything else is unimportant to me. The world tells me nothing, but the divine draws me upwards, to You. I believe in You, in the Trinity, and will testify to it, confess it and live it. Sometimes everything will not work out the way I want it to."

But heaven knows exactly what will happen. Believe and trust. Just when you do not recognize anything, heaven will guide and guide you. He never pulls you down, but strengthens you and draws you up, to the light of the Holy Spirit.

And no matter how dark your lives may seem, the light will still shine in your hearts, because My Son Jesus Christ dwells in your hearts. You receive him daily in Holy Communion. You receive the food from heaven. You thereby have the certainty that He dwells in you.

But if you are committed to the world and put the worldly first, you will lose this Divine Power. What happens in the world is often not good for you. It brings you suffering and discord. Surely the divine must take precedence, My beloved father children.

Do you not believe that I, the Heavenly Father, want to be everything for you? Do you not love Me in every moment? - Look at Me, at your dear Heavenly Father, at My tender eyes that look at you in every moment.

In a single moment of your reflection, I will look at you with loving eyes. Believe in me, believe with confidence in what is to come because everything will be good.

A little while longer, then everything will happen that is in my will. Then I will gather those around me who have accompanied me in the hardest time, who were around me and testified to me: "Yes, Father, my suffering is the suffering that You have conceived for me. I will not have to endure more than you allow. Often I do not understand your admission. Then give me the strength to say a free yes to your will. Yes, father, you are the greatest in my life. You are the Triune, the Powerful God, the Omniscient. You know about my need and I may come to you in every situation. You understand me and I believe in your omnipotence."

Love Me and prove to Me that you love the Divine in this most difficult time. Separate yourselves from all worldly things. Believe that this path will continue. Forward goes your way, never backward. Do not look back.

Embrace each other in charity. Be good to each other. By this you prove to me that you are one in me. The more you let love flow into you and practice love of neighbor, which leads up to love of enemies, you prove to me that I am the greatest in your life.

Mourn your troubles and come to Me, I will hear you. I want to know everything from you. I will remove all filth from your hearts. If I am the love in your hearts, then only the good can flow into you. Evil must give way, My beloved ones.

If I, the Heavenly Father, assure you that I look at you in every moment, I am the greatest in your life, to whom you look up, in whom you may have the greatest trust. I take you by the hand and guide you along the path you are to take.

My children, never leave me alone. Love Me in every moment and prove to Me that you have a deep trust in heaven. Everything will be fine. If you trust deeply, everything in your life will change. Nothing will happen that heaven has not foreseen. Believe in it, My beloved father children.

I bless you now in the Trinity, in full strength with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved from eternity. You are My disciples. Follow Me. In every situation I am with you.


