Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 24, 2016

10th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


The Holy Sacrificial Mass was again celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, in all reverence in the house church in Göttingen. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of the Virgin Mary were richly decorated with flowers and candles.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me today.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims from near and far, beloved children of Father and Mary, today, on this tenth Sunday after Pentecost, I want to give you again some instructions for your life, and today humility is in the foreground.

Whoever humbly confesses his sins before me, I forgive him with all my heart.

My beloved sons of priests, I am still waiting for your repentance.

My beloved little flock, My beloved children of Mary and also children of the Father, you repent of your sins with all your heart because you often take the Sacrament of Penance. Thus many streams of grace are set free. I want to let these streams of grace flow into the world. You see to that, My beloved children of Mary. Your dearest mother loves you very much. She surrounds you with her blessing of grace. You draw from your holiness. You are Her beloved ones, My beloved children of Mary, whom you believe and trust, pray and atone for those who are not yet in the Sanctifying Grace. Atonement, My beloved ones, is very important in this day and age. How much do you suffer in Germany from Islamization, which is progressing more and more.

The Triune God and the God of Islam are certainly not to be evaluated equally. No, there is only one God, the Triune God. Everything else is diabolical. You know it, My beloved ones, and you believe in it. You have received the grace of knowledge.

You, My faithful, have been given various gifts of grace. One has the gift of prophecy, another has the gift of science, and yet another has the gift of discernment of spirits and many other gifts of grace.

You are the recipients and you thank Me, the Heavenly Father, by kneeling before Me and asking for those who have not yet found faith, for those who are still struggling with themselves, for those who are still in error and confusion.

Through the spreading of this false prophet, who still today occupies the Supreme Chair of Peter, My beloved ones, how many do not realize today that this one even spreads heresy. That is sacrilege, that is unbelief in the highest degree. The believers are thereby confused. They certainly do not recognize the truth anymore.

What does it mean today to be merciful? Must you show mercy to all sinners who continue to cultivate sin? No, it certainly does not mean this. You must avoid sin and clear up sin in love, if the person is receptive to it.

Because the believers do not recognize the truth, those who want to believe turn to you. They want to trust you and give you faith. You, My beloved ones, radiate something. The love of God emanates from you. In you dwells the Triune God. He is the greatest, the dearest, the most powerful, the omniscient and omnipotent God, before whom every knee should bow. He wants to draw everyone to His loving heart, because He is love in person. You shall live on this love and pass on this love. Love is the greatest thing.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. You shall not neglect yourself either, neither your body nor your soul. Many people today no longer pay attention to their bodies and fall into addictions, the addictions that life offers them. These are the addictions that exist in the world. They are turned towards the world.

But I, the merciful, loving Father, am the one you should look up to. I lead you into the supernatural. It is not the world that is important, and what it offers and says to you. The supernatural, the heavenly is the most important thing. It nourishes your soul. Your soul needs this strengthening to be able to live on. Body and soul should be one. This is what the loving Father in heaven teaches you.

Sometimes it is not easy to decide to recognize the right thing. Then ask for the Holy Spirit of knowledge. He will give you the right thing, or the words that the other person needs at that moment.

Let the others know from you what truth means. There is only one truth, and that truth is God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, three persons in unity. Never can the Muslim faith be the truth.

You, My beloved ones, recognize it. But how many go astray. They do not look at this truth and miss the true path, for they have no one to enlighten them.

The authorities in the Catholic Church today no longer teach the truth. She is in complete chaos. The Catholic Church is destroyed beyond recognition. You cannot believe it, My beloved ones. You who believe suffer from this destroyed church, because you love it.

You know the meaning of one true Holy Mass of Sacrifice that you celebrate daily. Many people do not recognize it until today. In addition, you have the Seven Sacraments and the Ten Commandments, which point the way ahead for you.

The world is in a big mess today. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity suffers unspeakably.

As I have said, beloved believers, you are about to undergo My intervention. I do not like to intervene. It is very difficult for me because even before my intervention I want to save many souls, especially priest souls, from eternal damnation. They must be ready to put their self-will in the last place and make themselves completely available to me and confess the truth. They are to give themselves completely to me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity.

The priest becomes one with My Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. In the holy transformation the great mystery takes place, which no one can grasp. This mystery is the most precious gift of My Son Jesus Christ in your life. You may receive this great God in the food of the soul in your heart. He comes into your open heart, because He likes to come in. He is waiting for the open doors of your hearts. Do not close them, My beloved ones. Open these doors of your heart wide and ask that many more may receive this body of Christ with dignity. At the same time they receive my love, which I would like to let flow in.

There are many testimonies of life today. These people have realized that I am the great Triune God. They publicly confess this truth. They have felt that this love is unique. They confess that they could suddenly let go of everything that seemed so important to them in this world until now. They confess: "For me there is only the true Triune God. Everything else has become unimportant. No one can rob me of this faith, for it flows through me.

You know in this moment This love that flows through me is unique in my life. It is the love I have always been looking for.

Now we have received this treasure in our hearts and we hold on to it. We want to pass on this treasure because this love wants to flow on. Not only for you personally have you received this love, but to pass it on.

Receive love and pass it on, that is your goal, true love, the truth, nothing but the truth. Unfortunately many people today do not recognize this truth and therefore do not experience true love. They confuse it with human love.

I would like to repeat it again, we live in confusion because people today are not enlightened. I have, however, enabled people to pass on the faith, because I have ordained especially the priests, who in an hour of consecration promised me to pass on my love and to announce the truth to men. Why My beloved sons of priests, do you not remember your ordination? That was your greatest gift in your life. Are you not grateful for this? And don't you want to pass on whatever was firmly anchored in your hearts? The faithful are waiting for you. They are waiting for a valid, true holy confession. They are fully laden with sin and want to confess them before My Son Jesus Christ. Some have fallen into great debt and they do not know where to go, as no priest today takes the time to listen to them. They do not know how to continue on their way, they have become entangled in their sins. The priests are to enlighten them. You have been given the gift and this means task. These confessors want to know the truth. True peace is not to be found in the world. Another peace flows into the hearts of people when they expose themselves to Divine Love. It is the peace that the world cannot give. Through the stream of love, people become one with the loving Heavenly Father. Then their lives will look different, brighter and clearer, full of knowledge. Many believers who feel left alone and cannot find anyone to listen to them are waiting for this insight.

My beloved sons of priests, will you not confess this truth which I have taught you today? I have been waiting for this confession from you for a long time, because my love, my beloved sons of priests, is still decisive. Surely you can distinguish divine love from human love.

Live this Divine Love and manifest it, then you will be happy.

Fulfill this task that I have given you for your whole priestly life.

Beloved sons of priests, wake up at last, for it is five minutes to twelve. I love you and My longing for you grows daily. You cannot imagine how great my longing for you is. If you knew that, you would want to turn back immediately. Let this love radiate into your heart and all will be well. Unite yourselves with me, then you will live a happy priestly life, which will look different, as before, exemplary and good, because many people are waiting for you. They look not only at your example, but also at your confession of truth.

I love you all and bless you now in the Trinity with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Spread this love so that it can continue to flow and you can enjoy it.


