Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Feast of Mother Anna.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of the Holy Mother Anna in all reverence. Many believers today have received the special blessing of grace in the Holy Sacrificial Mass of the house church in Göttingen. A current of grace has flowed into their hearts. They were undeserved gifts, which the Heavenly Father has given.

The altar of sacrifice and especially the altar of the Virgin Mary were decorated today with abundant flower and candle decorations.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far and beloved children of Father and Mary, I, the Heavenly Father, would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Mother Anna today for the Fiat she gave Me. She gave birth to My dearest Mother, the Queen of the universe and the Mother of all. She, the mother Anna, conceived them. We have celebrated this festival today in a fitting manner, because we venerate them in a very special way.

She is mainly begged as an intercessor for the families. Beloved families, who often find themselves in trouble, call Mother Anna, for she will certainly listen to you and stand by your side. She is also the mother of the families. She has helped many people in difficult situations through her intercession. Keep calling her, for she will stand by you and help you.

She has many gifts of grace to give away, because as you all know, she gave birth to her daughter Mary, who was to conceive the Son of God. In her purest heart she was conceived and also born. That is why today these special gifts of grace are poured out on all who believe in them. These gifts of grace are a special gift that flows into the world. Call them today, My beloved ones. She will also go with you on this most difficult way of faith. She will help you in many other situations. She wants to accompany you in all your troubles.

From the beginning of her life, Mother Anna received a great power of faith from God. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have chosen them. Thus the mother Anna said her Fiat to her holy daughter Maria.

She is the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Triune God. This holiness cannot be explained and understood, for it is beyond your understanding. It is not through human intervention that this Mother of God was conceived and born. We should believe this and consider and meditate on it in divine terms.

We also call our dearest mother Anna every Tuesday. For this is a special day for them, for this day has been chosen for them all alone. Namely on a Tuesday she entered the kingdom of heaven.

In Silesia, the mother Anna is especially revered. My priest's son also mentioned it today in his sermon, since he was born in Silesia.

She has stood by the believers in many hardships and is therefore venerated by many people today.

Mothers who were previously infertile were heard by her. Also in many other needs she is a great helper. She wants to be very close to you all, because she is a special role model for you.

She was allowed to teach the Holy Mother of Jesus in the faith, because in her a special depth of faith was to be found. The Mother Mary, the Immaculate Conception, was allowed to experience a depth of faith in her mother, Mother Anna.

She also looked at her hands, which never stopped working exemplary. She took care of everyone. That is why we can learn from her. Their hands have always been active, and this is how it should be in today's families. Be there for your family, care for your husbands, care for your children. In today's world, every family is in dire need of it.

As you know, many families break up because they do not stick together in joy and sorrow, and do not take the marriage vows seriously.

How many families live together in wild marriage, without a marriage certificate, which I, as Mother Anna, cannot approve of.

How sad it is for me when couples break up who at first held on tightly together. But in suffering their love for each other has not proved itself. Especially when suffering or illness comes to them, many marriages break up.

Then call me, because I want to be your intercessor.

I, as Heavenly Father, have bestowed special gifts of grace on Mother Anna, which are to be made effective. Today, on this day, I, as Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am waiting for your petition, because on this day you are to worship them in a special way. She had a special love and this love still shines from her eyes when you look at her and trust in her intercession.

Look at her, how she, the dear mother Anna, loved her daughter Maria. Never in her life has this love stopped. She has connected her love with heaven.

So you too, My beloved ones, should not be children of the earth, but children of heaven, looking up to heaven, who take their example from mother Anne. She will take you by the hand because she wants to lead and guide you, guide in faith. She wants to teach you in faith even today.

Faith has been lost in many things today. In many situations faith is put aside. It is simply no longer important. When things get difficult, you want to solve the situation in a humane way. But this is not possible. If you do not connect with heaven, these situations are not mastered in the divine sense. The divine is today excluded, but it always remains decisive. This is what your dearest mother Anna teaches you today.

I would also like to congratulate you, My beloved little one, on the feast of your patron saint, because you also bear the name Anna. She wants to stand by you in your troubles of the world mission. She has never left you alone either. You know that for sure. She loves you and takes you by the hand even today, because you have a difficult task to accomplish, yes, the world task. She will also help you with this. Trust in them and keep going this way. Forward goes this way, for it does not stop. Difficulties are coming to all of you in these end times.

Terrorism is so widespread in the world today that great fears have developed in all people. Unfortunately, today the belief in the supernatural is missing, My beloved ones. I, Mother Anna, would like to bring this faith to you again.

Where is faith still to be found in families today? Where do you still pray in the family today?

In politics, in the church, in the world, nowhere else can man feel safe. Everywhere he goes, the fear of the future seizes him. The loss of faith has grown so enormously. People search for the true meaning of their lives and experience only mistaken faith, because nobody today publicly dares to profess faith. No one pays attention to the divine. Everything can be explained with human discretion. The trust in heaven has been lost.

I, the Heavenly Father, am on the verge of an intervention which will result in a radical change. As I have already said, it is shortly before twelve. Pay attention to my words and do not throw them into the wind, because I am serious about them. Pay attention to my instructions. They are life help for all of you, because I want to stand by you and not leave you alone.

You are all My beloved ones whom I press firmly to My heart. Those who believe today are My beloved ones. I protect them and hold them. Never will I, the Heavenly Father, leave alone someone who gives Me his full trust. You may feel alone, but you are not, because I am with you every day.

You receive Me daily in the sacrament of Holy Communion, the food of heaven. It is often confused with the daily bread, if you eat this bread unworthily at the popular altar. It is a sacrilege and it remains a grave sin for every priest who carries it out and allows it.

You, My beloved ones, receive the body and blood of My Son in the food of the soul. He, My Son Jesus Christ, wants to dwell among you with Godhead and mankind. Receive Him therefore worthily, kneeling and in oral communion. This is the true reverence due to the Son of God. Kneel before this holiness and be aware of what He means to you. You may receive the most holy thing.

I therefore wait for the conversion of my priest sons.

My beloved Mother Anna asks today on My Throne for this conversion of priests and for the reorganization of the True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. My beloved ones, live again the faith, because only there is the full truth, all alone the truth. Nowhere else you can find them.

Love the heavens and be vigilant, for the wicked one walks like a roaring lion. He still wants to devour everything today.

But you, My beloved ones, do not reach out your hand to the evil one, but offer him your forehead. The Holy Archangel Michael will keep all evil away from you. He has again struck his sword in all four directions today, and he will continue to do so.

You are loved by the Triune God with all consistency. You give yourselves totally to Him, as the priest does in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which he celebrates in reverence in the Tridentine Rite. Kneel down and worship Him. My Son, Jesus Christ is waiting for your return love, for your further 'yes, Father'.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I love You, even if I do not understand You, even if I cannot fathom this path that I am to walk. I know you love me and you understand me all alone, because you look into my heart. My heart longs for you, for your love, which is the greatest in my life. This love will never end."

I bless you now with all angels and saints, with your dearest Mother and also with dear Mother Anne, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love Me, for love will never end.


