Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Atonement night in Heroldsbach.

The Rose Queen of Heroldsbach speaks through her willing, obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, on October 12, 2016, we have started today's atonement for the place of grace Heroldsbach. The Mother of God, whom I was allowed to see at the altar of Mary as Queen of Roses, held up her white rosary and was also richly decorated with white and pink roses. She wanted to convey to us that we should pray him daily.

Our Lady will now speak to us: I, your dearest Mother, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only words that come from Me today.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach and beloved believers from near and far. All of you have answered My call today. For this I thank you for taking on the many efforts, because for each one of you it was difficult to manage the long journey and the many efforts that preceded to make the preparations.

My little flock joined the pilgrims of Heroldsbach in the house church in Göttingen in night prayer and atonement. You, My beloved followers, adore My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. You try to overcome fatigue in fervent prayer. You will be rewarded with abundant blessings. A stream of love fills your hearts with bright light.

You have had to cope with a lot in the last time, in this godless time. You are persecuted by many people and even slandered. But you willingly take your cross on your shoulders. You are despised because you believe in the heavenly messages. You pray for your enemies and bless those who hate you.

My beloved Children of Mary, it is certainly not easy to separate you from your family, because you are experiencing the discord. You are not given a loving and uplifting word, on the contrary, you are condemned for still rushing to this place of grace to participate in night worship. But you believe and trust. The dear child Jesus will thank you for it.

My messengers, the seer children of Heroldsbach, have had many apparitions and were even allowed to cradle the child Jesus in their arms. Thousands of believers came at that time to participate in the apparitions.

But unfortunately they have not been listened to by this modernist church. To this day, these seer children are persecuted and slandered. Therefore, My beloved little one, I have chosen you to receive My messages for Heroldsbach. You, too, little one, are despised in this place of grace, because one does not want to admit that you are the prophetess of today and that you are nothing out of yourself, but the grace of God becomes effective in you. One does not believe in My messenger Anne and forbids her by court order to enter this place. That is why you, my beloved little flock, pray in this night of atonement, in your house church.

How many tears have I, as Queen of the Rose of Heroldsbach, already shed. I have even visibly shed them and yet to this day people do not believe in My tears. How many messages have you already received there, My beloved little one? And it is precisely these that have become the target of evil. The evil one attacks you and wants to lead you away from the true path. But you will receive the Divine Strengths and you will continue on your path. One trial after another has imposed heavy fines on you, my beloved little flock. You have taken it upon yourselves out of love for the Heavenly Father. Only love drives you forward. Do not be sad, but give thanks that you have come closer to the Cross of My Son.

Your beloved Heavenly Father will soon have to carry out His intervention, because apostasy is progressing with giant strides. The consequences of the intervention will be cruel for many people, because they will soon realize that they have fallen into delusion.

But I, My beloved children of Mary, have chosen you to carry and transmit My messages to the world, for they are true. That you, My little one, are persecuted and despised is of course from evil. But do not be sad about it, your dearest Jesus knows about everything that moves you. And I, your dearest mother, embrace you so that you bear everything in patience. Continue to be obedient to the Heavenly Father.

Remember, My beloved little flock, you are chosen to pass on My love. I love all who love My Son Jesus Christ, who was crucified for all. That is why He loves all men who willingly accept their cross and bear it with patience and who do not give up. Hopelessness must not seize your hearts. But sometimes you are desperate. Then I, your dearest mother, come and strengthen you with the Holy Spirit whom I send you, for I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit.

Love is the greatest thing you get in your life. I myself teach you true love, love of the Trinity. Has My Son Jesus Christ not given you Divine Power? You walk the hardest way, that is the way of truth, which leads to love. Do not give up and move forward. Be thankful for every new day you experience, because it offers a new chance to bring joy to heaven. Let this joy fill your hearts. Then you feel a special power that drives you again to good deeds.

My beloved followers, tomorrow you will go to the hollow and there you will celebrate a Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to the DVD. This will give you new strength. You will feel it when you start your journey home. You shall savor and feel this divine power. Then the good will remain in you and the bad will have no point of attack. He cannot reach you.

My beloved Muldans, you too, go forward. Accept your cross willingly and gratefully. When you feel this gratitude, I am among you. I thank you for visiting this place of pilgrimage every month and making atonement. You comfort Me, the Queen of Roses. A rich blessing of grace of the most beautiful roses I will pour out on you. Hang in there, my beloved ones.

I bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints, especially with the Holy Archangel St. Michael, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised and blessed be the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, now and forever. Amen.


