Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 16, 2016

22nd Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, on October 16, 2016, we celebrated this day in a festive manner. A dignified Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V preceded the ceremony. The sacrificial altar and also the altar of the Virgin Mary were bathed in glittering golden light. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and grouped themselves around the tabernacle at the sacrificial altar and also around the altar of Mary. The Heavenly Father, the Mother of God and also the Child Jesus blessed us several times during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me. Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, you who believe in My messages and follow them. You, My beloved ones, are interested in receiving these messages because you know that they are true. You know this truth.

I Am the Almighty, the All-Wise and Kind Heavenly Father, who gives these messages, because from all sides you are taught untruth. From the highest chair the lie is presented as truth. The cardinals, archbishops and bishops lie in untruth. They obey this manipulated pope, who was predestined by the freemasons in conclave. The Heavenly Father desires that the Holy Spirit blows again in the Sistine Chapel. Only then a worthy Holy Father is appointed and not elected.

This current pope has made changes that are not in accordance with the Catholic faith. Liberalism is practiced. It found its way into the liturgy of measurement and took on modified forms. The Ten Commandments are disregarded, one rejects them. Sin no longer exists and there is no eternity of hell. The Seven Sacraments, which My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted, have fallen into oblivion, because after all, one lives in the new, modern age and not in the Middle Ages. Those who are divorced and remarried may receive the Holy Body of My Son. Although they continue to cultivate sin, they are admitted to Holy Communion and may also receive the Sacrament of Penance. They do not repent of the grave sin of living with a new partner in conjugal union. The possibility of a Joseph marriage is not shown to them.

It is said that the Holy Sacrificial Feast is not in order. So far, the popular altar and lay communion have not been abolished. The laity are still distributing the Body and Blood of My Son Jesus Christ in a reverential manner that makes Me, the Heavenly Father, shed bitter tears.

The tradition and the reverence are excluded. My words and My many admonitions in the messages do not fit in this time of mercy. With this mercy, this manipulated pope, who still holds the Supreme See in the World Catholic Church today, covers up everything that contains the Catholic faith.

I, the Heavenly Father, had to take the scepter in my hand because this unworthy Pope still holds the office of the Holy See. He is not able to proclaim 'ex cathedra' and cannot pass on the true faith.

My cardinals and bishops are unfortunately silent on this confusion and disbelief. However, they are obliged to present the truth to this pope and false prophet. They have the duty to make him attentive, to proclaim the truth in the world and not this mistaken belief.

Therefore, My beloved ones, I had to take My Son Jesus Christ out of these tabernacles. Unfortunately, many still cling to the fact that in this Church they receive the worthy sacrament of Holy Communion, namely, My Son in the divinity and humanity. This cannot be true, for it is a piece of bread that the faithful receive. My Son Jesus Christ can no longer transform himself in these unworthy hands of the priests who live and spread modernism. Therefore this bread remains bread. The consecration does not take place in their hands, because they are unworthy priests who are led by Freemasonry. These priests still do not recognize the realization of the Holy Sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice they are to give themselves completely to My Son, yes, to become one with Him. This does not happen in these unworthy priests today, for they stand at the popular altar and pay homage to the people.

Therefore I repeat, My beloved believers, stay out of these churches. I Am the loving Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who teaches you in truth and true faith through My messages. I speak through My willing instrument and daughter Anne, who announces My truth to the world. I have humiliated them through many diseases. It is and remains My tool and resists evil. It will shout out my messages into the world because it is driven forward by zeal in faith.

My beloved ones, do not believe in what this channel, which spreads the untruth that My beloved daughter is a sectarian, is spreading, since I have taken My Son Jesus Christ out of the modernist tabernacles. It corresponds to the truth.

When the priests again celebrate a Holy Sacrificial Feast in the ancient rite in a worthy manner, I will be able to transform myself again through My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrificial Feast. That is, My Son unites with the priests in the Holy Sacrificial Feast. They become one with My Son and give themselves completely to Him. In this way they testify that they love Me and want to leave everything worldly out of this love. You can take everything from them, and yet they will not deviate from the truth. When they are expelled from these modernist churches and removed from their ministry by the Holy See, these priests can be sure that I, the Heavenly Father, am guiding them. Then these priests will not succumb to the obedience of their responsible bishops. I desire from you, My beloved believers, that you join in the celebration of a Holy Sacrificial Feast. This Holy Sacrificial Feast can be celebrated in a dignified and valid way according to the DVD created by Me. Do not let yourselves be diverted from this truth. The wicked one is cunning and he will confuse you with all sorts of gloomy thoughts. Often you do not even feel it when you are led to believe the untruth. Sometimes it sounds as if you feel comfortable and relieved. I warn you against the cunning of Satan, because in this time he is exercising his power, since this church is in the most serious confusion.

My daughter Anne is not a false prophetess You can see it in many expressions. She has been atoning for twelve years. She suffers and thanks for this suffering, which she carries for the whole world. I have given her the world mission which I have put on her weak shoulders, and this corresponds to the truth.

Could she still receive and pass on these messages in these twelve years if she were a false prophetess? She is accompanied by My holy priestly son whom I have prepared for many years. He leads her on her difficult path, since she is rejected, persecuted and slandered by all priests and the authorities of today's church. This she endures willingly and in humility. She confirms again and again: "I obey only My dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity and give Him My 'Yes Father' daily, as You will, so I will obey it. I do not obey the Supreme See, this unworthy Pope, but You, My beloved Heavenly Father. I love You, My Heavenly Father, and all that You desire I will fulfill and should it cost my life". So says my beloved daughter Anne.

My beloved believers, often it is not easy for her. She has much to bear and endure in this world mission that I have given her as the only messenger. No one will be able to carry on these messages, since I have appointed this messenger from eternity, although she did not feel it. Now she has been telling me a willing 'yes father' for twelve years.

This truth is in conformity with the Bible and that is why I have placed a spiritual guide at its side. He checks everything before it is put into the world through the Internet.

The priests say that they know the Bible and therefore have no duty to believe in private revelations.

My beloved priest's son, the spiritual director of My beloved daughter, would call her attention if it is not true, because he is a priest and knows the Bible. Unfortunately, today's priests are no longer biblical, because they do not read it and do not even pray the breviary. Besides, they have already taken off their priestly clothes because they are ashamed of me. They don't even know the rosary, as a weapon against the evil one, anymore and unfortunately it is not taught to them in their education. They have not venerated the dearest and purest Blessed Mother for a very long time. You do not consecrate yourself to your Immaculate Heart, nor do you believe in it. She, the purest of the pure, is so disgraced today.

Today one twists the true Catholic faith and connects it with the other religions in the whole world, which is called globalism. The Catholic faith has therefore been lost. One does not find it at all and humanity remains unenlightened. This cannot be true, for there is only one, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and only to this all shall listen.

How many believers leave the church daily because they are looking for the truth and nobody can enlighten these people, because the seminarians are already misinformed and do not learn the truth in the Bible.

That is why your Heavenly Father has given you all these messages so that you may find your way back to faith. If you find faith deep in your hearts, you have the true treasure that no one can rob you of. Do not be influenced by mistaken beliefs.

My beloved believers, I wish that you pray for this Holy Spirit and that you again receive the Seven Sacraments worthily, which you cannot do in this modernist church.

Furthermore, the Holy Sacrament of Penance is left to all priests, because there you repent and confess your sins and I give you the forgiveness of your sins. The reception of a worthy Holy Communion is not possible today in this modernism. A piece of bread remains.

Now, My beloved ones, I have enlightened you in detail about what is happening in the Church today. I, the Heavenly Father, am compelled at this time to let a New Church, the Church of Glory, arise.

My beloved ones who believe and trust, I take on My right side. There nothing will happen to them because they recognize the true faith, which they live and testify to. These are my true followers, who willingly bear their cross, who do not rebel. You are on the right path and will climb the steep Calvary. All others are lost and lie in disbelief. I, the Heavenly Father, also want to bring my strayed priests and believers back on the right path. For this you atone today, my beloved ones from near and far.

I call all priests of modernism to conversion. Prepare for eternity, for the Kingdom of Heaven is there for all of you if you love and worship the true Triune God. I love all who love Me.

In these modernist churches the priests do not worship Me, the Son of God, but they pay homage to the people. Celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast of Tradition, then you will be saved and your hearts will be light and bright. Let this light shine and do not hide it under a bushel. You will become the light of the world for many people who seek the truth. Give them of your graces, which you receive daily in the Holy Sacrificial Feast. I thank you, My beloved ones, for comforting Me in My sacrificial banquet.

My beloved little flock, pray and atone for the many sacrileges committed today. I hope that many priests will soon be willing to repent and return to the Holy Sacrifice. Then there will again be a unity in the Catholic Church, which many long for.

I, your Heavenly Father, who love you immeasurably, now bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I love you unspeakably and will never leave you alone.


